Chapter 2408
How big is the area of ​​the fifth war zone? So far, there is no accurate answer, and even the cornerstone platform has not been deliberately counted.

Because the world of Loucheng is different from other planes, it is changing every moment, no matter the area or terrain.

As long as there is need, no matter the war zone lord or the cornerstone platform, they can expand their land infinitely.

What was a tiny place yesterday may have stretched thousands of miles in just one night.

Under such special circumstances, it is obviously a boring and meaningless thing to calculate the specific area of ​​the entire theater.

If people knew about it, they might be ridiculed, because it was a waste of time.

The Loucheng monks in the major territories are not very interested in the outside world, even in their own territories.

Their real battlefields are the major planes that exist in the vast void, and that is where they need to pay attention.

Some Loucheng monks have never been to other territories throughout their lives, and they are not even familiar with their own home.

In the entire Fifth War Zone, the same is true among the major territories, and there are not many exchanges and competitions with each other.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the major territories will fight, and it will be almost like the end of the world.

Although there is not much communication between the major territories, it does not affect the development of the fifth theater at all. At the same time, the major territories are also secretly competing to obtain a higher ranking in the theater.

Among all the territories, the Fissure Territory is considered to be the last one, and it cannot be compared with other territories in every aspect.

Fortunately, there are not many people who look down on the Rift Territory. After all, everyone knows very well that the Rift Territory has been established for a short time, not because of its own strength.

Tang Zhen, the lord of the Fissure Territory, is still the master of a war zone. Even if he ranks at the same bottom, it is still a legitimate war zone.

Compared with it, the major territories are only one level behind, not to mention that if a careful analysis is made, the potential of the fissure territory is even greater.

Perhaps after thousands of years, the Fissure Territory will catch up and become famous in the entire Fifth War Zone.


After receiving the Zijin Token presented by the Cornerstone Platform, Tang Zhen didn't waste any time, and went directly to other areas through the transfer card.

The area of ​​the fifth war zone is too large, and there are natural isolation zones between the territories. If you want to go to a distant place, you basically have to use a teleportation array.

The teleportation formations in the fifth war zone are criss-crossed, and almost every building city has a teleportation square, which is convenient for the monks in Loucheng to travel to and from various places.

The charging standard of the teleportation array is different. The cost within the territory is not much, but if it is transmitted across the territory, it will cost a lot of money.

If the purpose of going is far away and needs to cross multiple territories, then the transmission fee alone is a huge expenditure.

The same is true for the monks.

However, in the fifth war zone, most of them are teleportation arrays within the war zone, and cross-battle teleportation arrays like the Rift Territory are relatively rare special cases.

It must be approved by all the cornerstone platforms of the two theaters before it can be built, and the cost is far higher than that of ordinary teleportation arrays, so it is not easy to build.

Because of Tang Zhen's special status, he was qualified to build, which benefited the Holy Dragon War Zone a lot.

This time, Tang Zhen was going on a long trip.

The Fissure Territory belongs to the fringe area of ​​the fifth theater, and the location of the bottomless abyss is located in the center of the fifth theater.

The distance between the two is so far that it cannot be measured at all. Even if you take the teleportation array, it still takes a long time.

Going around all the way, it is almost the same as ordinary people rushing on the road.

After leaving the fissure territory, Tang Zhen appeared in the nearby territory, which is a large teleportation square.

Although the square is not small, there are only teleportation arrays connecting the fissure territory. If you want to go to other territories, you have to go to other teleportation squares.

Tang Zhen didn't waste any time. After inquiring about the route with the roadside vendors, he prepared to go straight to his destination.

Seeing this, the young monk pointing the way immediately recommended Tang Zhen to use a magic tool for finding the way. Just input his destination, and this magic tool can lead the way ahead.

When Tang Zhen saw the young cultivator handing things to him, he didn't refuse, and just handed over the money and bought them.

When I took it into my hands and looked at it, I couldn't help but laugh or cry. It turned out that this thing was produced in the Crack Territory.

With the closer relationship between the Fissure Territory and the Holy Dragon War Zone, many items originally produced in the Holy Dragon War Zone now appear in the Rift Territory.

Merchants from the holy dragon war zone even came to the fissure territory and spent huge sums of money to open factories to manufacture various items for sale.

Compared with the Shenglong theater, the market of the fifth theater is broader and huge. If it can be promoted, the profits it can reap are unimaginable.

Because of the proper management, in a short period of time, the products of Shenglong Theater have opened up the market in the fissure territory.

However, the merchants in the Holy Dragon War Zone have a big goal, and they are not satisfied with it, but further develop the market.

These places adjacent to the Fissure Territory have naturally become the first targets for merchants to develop, and more and more commodities are pouring into them.

This move is actually a bit risky, because the monks of Loucheng invaded the world and saw all kinds of things, all of which have very broad horizons.

These strange commodities may not be able to enter their eyes, and they may lose all their money.

The problem is that the production and creativity of Loucheng World are very poor, and the living environment in many extremely wealthy war zones is terrible.

The monks in Loucheng don't care about these, and they never deliberately create items that can provide convenience and enjoyment, so even if they guard the gold and silver mountains, their life is extremely monotonous.

These commodities from the Holy Dragon War Zone have brought a very convenient feeling to the monks in Loucheng, whether it is daily general merchandise or combat auxiliary equipment, this is true for every commodity.

After the monks in Loucheng got used to these items, they actually developed a slight sense of dependence. I don't know when they started to visit shopping malls and supermarkets in their spare time.

The young monk in front of him was not as powerful as the lord, but he had a shrewd look on his face. He looked like a good seed for a business operator.

He guarded near the teleportation square, and sold to the teleporter small magic tools for guiding the way, plus messy commodities, so as to earn money for his own cultivation.

Smiling at the young monk, Tang Zhen activated the wayfinding device, and quickly left behind.

Looking at Tang Zhen's leaving back, the young man always felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

Weighing the energy coin in his hand, the young man knew that it was the special currency of the Rift Territory, but it could also be circulated and used here.

The monks in Loucheng don't care who issued the coin, they only care about its weight and value, even if it is an energy block cut out by themselves with a knife, it can still be used as currency circulation.

But when his eyes fell on Money's portrait, the young monk's body trembled slightly, and he immediately understood why he felt familiar.

Because the head portrait on this coin is generally the same as that of the previous customer, or it is obviously a person.

"Tang Zhen..."

Although the young man is not the decoration of the fissure territory, he still has deep respect and longing for a legendary figure like Tang Zhen in his heart.

Now that I have the opportunity to see each other in person and have a brief conversation with him, it is an exciting thing no matter how you think about it.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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