I have a city in another world

Chapter 2409 Sky Cover Territory

Chapter 2409 Sky Cover Territory
For the next time, Tang Zhen was on his way.

Although the Creator cultivator has his own way of traveling, which can reach thousands of miles in an instant, he still has to abide by the local rules when entering other territories.

Among them is a general rule, that is, it is not allowed to use the ability of the creator, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation.

Not only the creator monks, but also the monks of the emperor level are also within the restricted range.

The cornerstone platform also has similar regulations. After the monks of Loucheng have reached a certain level, they must seal their strength before they can act.

It is not surprising to make such a regulation. It should be known that the destructive power of the Creator powerhouse is extremely terrifying, comparable to mobile natural disasters, and a little carelessness will cause disasters.

Although the world of Loucheng is strong, it cannot withstand the continuous destruction. It is necessary to restrict the monks of Loucheng.

Otherwise, these guys who are extremely powerful and will destroy the world at every turn may not want to directly tear down the Loucheng World.

Under such circumstances, Tang Zhen could only travel in the allowed way, and it was not slow to cross the mountains and seas all the way.

On the way, he passed many places with excellent scenery, even in the world of Loucheng, which are very rare. Even though Tang Zhen is well-informed, he was still shocked by these scenic spots.

If he is in his spare time, he will definitely have some fun, and even live in a hut for a while.

But now that time is running out, he just glanced at it hastily, and then continued on his journey.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

Tang Zhen finally arrived at his destination. In the center of this territory called Tiangai Territory, there is a bottomless abyss.

When he arrived at the Tiangai territory, Tang Zhen discovered the wonder here, which was far more exciting than the rumors.

The name of the Tiangai Territory comes from the fact that there is a huge colorful roof on top of this territory.

The area of ​​the cover is huge, about a kilometer above the ground, completely covering the entire sky cover territory.

Under normal circumstances, the sky covered territory covered by the sky should be completely black.

But only those who have been to the Tiangai territory know that this is definitely a misunderstanding, because the big lid above the head is always projecting colorful brilliance.

Because of this, the Tiangai Territory was named the Land of Nevernight. Even in the middle of the night, the entire territory was still bathed in colorful light.

If the residents of the territory want to enjoy the night, they only need to get out of the hole in the cover and reach the top of the cover.

But even so, what can be enjoyed is not pure night, because the sky cover under the feet is like land, shining with colorful fluorescent lights.

With some exotic phytoplankton and plants, it is also extremely beautiful, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

This special situation will appear in the Tiangai Territory. It is precisely because of the existence of the bottomless abyss that this has caused such a huge change in the territory.

It turned out that inadvertently, the Fifth War Zone discovered a dead universe, and then began a large-scale search and investigation.

At that time, the Tiangai territory was not called this name, but because of the arrangement of the cornerstone platform, it participated in this mission.

Although it is a dead universe, the origin of the world still remains on some planets, and monks in Loucheng can easily collect it.

Compared with plane invasion, although this search method is boring, it is more rewarding.

If one is lucky enough to come across that kind of giant planet and successfully harvest the origin of the world, then even if Loucheng does not accept the mission for hundreds of years, he will definitely not worry about sitting on the mountain and eating nothing.

During this exploration, the monks of Loucheng accidentally discovered a strange area, which erupted with terrifying energy of heaven and earth non-stop.

Because the erupted energy of heaven and earth was too much, an energy galaxy was formed in the vast universe, spreading continuously toward the depths of the universe.

After the investigation, the monks of Loucheng found that this place is not easy, but they are limited in strength and cannot continue to investigate at all.

Passing the news back to the fifth war zone, soon a powerful Creator came and started further exploration.

The results of the exploration have not been announced, and it is not known what benefits have been obtained, but then the entire territory's elites came out and began to arrange rune circles in this area.

It took a lot of effort to cut off this area abruptly, and then applied for the cornerstone platform to build a transmission channel to pull it into the world of Loucheng.

After getting the building world, this thing was placed in the territory, the purpose is to use its continuous eruption of heaven and earth energy to increase the concentration of heaven and earth energy in the territory.

This is the bottomless abyss. It is said that it looks like a funnel and is buried in the ground abruptly.

However, the part exposed to the ground still covers an area of ​​tens of square kilometers and looks like a huge crater.

After this tossing, the energy concentration of the heaven and earth increased rapidly, and the monks in the territory benefited a lot from it, but the side effects also appeared.

When the bottomless abyss erupts the energy of the heavens and the earth, it also erupts other substances, which are not harmful to the monks, but just float in the sky.

Over time, this substance will condense into something like colorful glass, floating around in the sky.

Since it will not cause harm, no one cares about these things, but it feels very beautiful.

Until one day, when the monks in Loucheng were exploring the bottomless abyss, they didn't know what they did, which led to an unprecedented energy eruption.

Countless energy crystals fell from the sky and hit the ground like hailstones, creating an incomparably spectacular scene.

The plants near the bottomless abyss were affected and turned into transparent crystals, as if carved from energy crystals.

At a height of about a thousand meters in the sky, there is a colorful gas erupting from the bottomless abyss, spreading in all directions.

Soon some monks discovered that this colorful gas spread extremely fast and gradually transformed into a solid state.

Almost overnight, the entire territory was covered by colorful gas. If it weren't for the invisible barrier between the territories, it might spread to other territories.

The sky above their heads made the monks in Loucheng a little flustered. They were used to the bright vision, but they were really not used to this gloomy and depressing environment.

Even though the scenery in the sky looks very beautiful, it still gives people a very uncomfortable feeling, as if the thick colorful clouds will fall at any time.

Some people tried to collect and drive away the sky above their heads to restore it to its original shape, but found that they couldn't do it at all.

As long as those colorful gases leave the sky, they will instantly turn into stone-like things, and their weight and hardness are quite amazing.

They seem to have magnetism, as long as they lose their restraint, they will immediately float into the sky, always maintaining a height of a thousand meters.

The most troublesome thing is that this kind of gas can't be cleaned at all. No matter how much is removed, more gas will be added.

The monks in Loucheng tried to find no results, and finally gave up the plan to clean up the gas, presumably because they didn't see its existence.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that if this gas is really dangerous, the cornerstone platform has already warned, and there is no way that it has not responded until now.

After only three days, the gas in the sky began to condense, turning into a colorful translucent state, completely covering the entire territory like a jade cover.

After the colorful cover appeared, it never disappeared, and the residents of the territory gradually got used to the cover on top of their heads.

In the end, the territory simply changed its name to Tiangai Territory, and it has been used to this day.

As for the bottomless abyss, it has also become a holy place for cultivation, attracting countless monks from Loucheng to try to reach a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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