I have a city in another world

Chapter 2412 Privilege Tokens

Chapter 2412 Privilege Tokens
The main race in the Tiangai Territory is very similar to humans in appearance, the difference is that the edges and corners of the face are too prominent.

Especially the cheekbones are particularly prominent, it looks like the cheeks have been pierced by sharp teeth, adding a bit of ferocious feeling.

The world of Loucheng contains thousands of races, and the same is true for the Tiangai Territory, where there are also human races.

Tang Zhen ignored the crowd passing by, but quietly looked at the words on the stone tablet, never missing a single bit.

According to the reminder of the stele, cultivating in the bottomless abyss can indeed improve strength, but it will also encounter danger.

The closer you get to the depths of the bottomless abyss, the more dangerous the environment is. If a monk enters rashly, it is very likely that he will never return.

Therefore, the Tiangai Territory issued a warning to the monks, but anyone who entered the bottomless abyss would not be held responsible regardless of life or death.

The road of cultivation is difficult and tortuous, encountering danger is just commonplace, so there is no need to remind too much.

Doing so in the Tiangai Territory is enough to prove the danger of the bottomless abyss, so it will give a special reminder.

In addition, according to the records of the stele, the bottomless abyss is worthy of its name, and it really is bottomless.

The current deepest exploration record is 1000. If it is converted into kilometers, it is absolutely astronomical.

The moment mentioned in the stele is the maximum distance that the Creator powerhouse can teleport once, and it is already close to the speed of light or sub-light speed.

But even so, he still hasn't reached the end of the bottomless abyss. He wants to continue exploring, but he can't go any further.

The person who created the record at the beginning was the lord of the Tiangai territory, and his cultivation level was already close to that of a high-level god.

This outstanding achievement was engraved on the giant steles at the entrances of the bottomless abyss, and there were nine hundred and ninety-nine people after that, all of which were records left by other monks after their exploration.

The records of the stele can be changed, but only those who have surpassed the top [-] are eligible to be on the list.

Those who leave their name will not only be rewarded, but also famous all over the world, which also makes many Loucheng monks come to try to prove themselves.

The problem is that it is not an easy task to leave a name on the stele. Only the truly strong can stay for a period of time after the hundred.

As for the ranking of the top [-], it has not changed for many years. Many monks vowed to be among them, but they all failed in the end.

Therefore, there is a saying circulating in the Tiangai Territory that if you want to determine whether a monk in Loucheng is really powerful, you only need to see if he is among the top [-] stone monuments.

Without a top [-] ranking, or a top [-] ranking, no one would recognize his strength.

Of course, this is just a custom in the Tiangai territory. In fact, the world of Loucheng is so huge, and there are countless strong people in the fifth war zone. Many monks do not have the ranking on the stone tablet, but their own strength may not be worse than those on the list.

However, there is a way to do as the Romans do. If a monk really wants to develop in the Tiangai territory, it is really necessary to have a stone tablet ranking.

After Tang Zhen read the inscription, he walked along the spacious street towards the entrance of the bottomless abyss like a mountain.

On the circular slope of the bottomless abyss, there are streets with the same distance. The width of the streets is 50 meters, and the roadsides are all two-story buildings.

Standing in the middle of the street, you can see that the street stretches forward continuously, and then becomes steep as if erected.

The same is true for the big trees and buildings on the side of the road, which seem to stick to the ground obliquely, giving people a very weird visual impact.

When Tang Zhen came here, he had heard from the guides that there were thousands of roads in the area at the foot of the bottomless abyss alone, and millions of monks lived here.

In addition to the residence of monks, there are also shops on both sides of the road that sell various items.

Although the cornerstone platform sells a wide range of products, the prices are not cheap, and there is no possibility of bargaining.

Moreover, to trade on the Cornerstone platform, one must have enough military merit points. Many monks will not easily waste military merit points because they are not easy to come by.

The saved battle points can be exchanged for the most urgently needed items when needed.

In addition, there are some things that belong to rare items from other planes, which are collected by the monks of Loucheng, and are ready to be exchanged for greater benefits, or things they want.

The bottomless abyss is where monks gather, and it is obviously the most suitable place for selling and trading, so in this place, you can see many strange items.

In addition, there are wine shops, hotels, and weapons shops, which look like mortal bazaars.

Tang Zhen walked slowly along the street, but the speed was not slow. It didn't take long for him to reach the edge of the bottomless abyss.

Just as he approached the edge of the abyss, Tang Zhen felt a force of repulsion, as if he wanted to push away all those who approached.

Above the abyss, there is a circle of huge runes floating in the air, neatly forming a halo, blocking all the violent leakage of energy.

At the end of each road, there is a building similar to a bronze gate, about ten meters high, and the whole body is full of ferocious beasts.

There is a passage in the middle of the gate, which looks like a sparkling water surface. The monks pass through this gate when they enter and exit the bottomless abyss.

At this time, in front of the gate, there was a group of monks waiting in line, the number was four to five hundred.

They didn't enter it, but waited aside, because monks were coming out of the bottomless abyss.

Tang Zhen heard the conversations of other monks, and only then did he realize that every half an hour, the bronze gate would switch to the mode of entering and exiting.

At this time, it just switched to the leaving mode, and the monks who had been waiting inside for a long time came out of the gate one after another.

Every monk who came out showed a relaxed expression of relief, as if a mountain had been unloaded.

Although Tang Zhen has never entered the bottomless abyss, he has heard of the situation inside, and there is an indescribable terrifying pressure.

While gaining benefits, they are also suffering all the time, which is absolutely unbearable for most people.

After all the Loucheng monks leave, the bronze gate will not switch modes immediately, but will wait for the specified time to switch uniformly.

The entrances and exits of the entire bottomless abyss are all controlled by the rune circle, and it is absolutely not possible to enter whenever you want.

Seeing this, the monks waiting to enter could only wait patiently. After all, the rules were there, and it was definitely not the guards deliberately making things difficult.

As a result, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him, and then a large group of monks from Loucheng came over.

Wearing uniform armor, they walked straight to the front of the entrance without looking sideways.

"Do you understand the rules? Why don't you wait in line?"

After seeing what this group of monks did, immediately there were Loucheng monks queuing up to express their dissatisfaction. They didn't miss this little time, but they couldn't bear to see someone not abiding by the rules.

The same is true for the other monks, all of them showed dissatisfaction, and their eyes were also very unfriendly when they saw the group of monks.

"What do you know? They are all elites in the Tiangai Territory, and they have high-level tokens to enter the bottomless abyss.

If you also have it, then you can enter first, and no one will say that you are playing with privileges! "

The monk guarding the bronze gate snorted coldly and said in a dissatisfied tone. Obviously, he had seen such things before, so he explained it immediately.

"What privilege token, why haven't I heard of it?"

A Loucheng monk asked, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Tokens of different levels have different permissions, and also determine the depth of entering the bottomless abyss."

The guard of the bronze gate said this, raised his finger to the monks in line, and said in a faint voice: "The badges on your waists are the lowest-level ones, and the purple-gold tokens on their waists are the highest-grade ones." one type."

The monks heard the words and looked, and found that there was indeed a purple plaque hanging on the waists of those elite monks, with a golden pattern on it.

The difference between the two is indeed obvious.

Tang Zhen followed the sound and frowned slightly when he saw the appearance of those badges.

Although his token is also purple-gold, its lines are more complicated and dense, and its size is also larger.

Obviously, the token that the cornerstone platform gave him is definitely not an ordinary thing, and it probably has a higher level and authority.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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