I have a city in another world

Chapter 2413 Provocation

Chapter 2413 Provocation
"We have high-level tokens because we have the corresponding strength. If you are not convinced, you can compete on the spot!"

After hearing the questions from the monks who lined up, a slightly arrogant voice came out from the group of monks from the Tiangai territory.

In the arrogant tone, there is also a strong sense of self-confidence, giving people a feeling of superiority.

Immediately afterwards, a tall young man slowly walked out of the crowd. He was wearing a set of golden animal pattern battle armor, and he could tell at a glance that he was not ordinary.

The weapons he used were two giant axes shaped like wings, hanging behind his back like a shield.

Although his aura was vague, making it impossible for people to judge his true strength, as an elite monk in the Tiangai Territory, he would certainly not be far behind.

After he walked out of the crowd, he looked around with cold eyes, without any emotion in his eyes, but the arrogance could not be concealed.

"I know you are not convinced, so I can give you a chance to prove yourself, and at the same time see if we deserve the privilege token!"

When the young man in golden armor said this, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and said to a monk in a cold voice: "You were the first to speak just now, if you have the courage, you can compete with me, or go to the bottomless abyss Let's go!"

The monk who was named turned pale. Although he was dissatisfied with the other party's jumping in line, he didn't dare to continue to challenge him.

If after entering the abyss, the golden-armored monk made a move to harm someone, he would definitely die then.

Seeing the cowering look of the person named, the golden-armored monk smiled coldly, and the contempt in his eyes became stronger.

"This token seems to represent a privilege, but in fact it means greater danger, because the area it allows to enter is almost deadly at every step.

If you ask me, this is actually an affirmation of strength. If you don't have the corresponding strength, you don't deserve to own this item at all!

I can put my words here, one of you counts as one, if anyone can beat me, then I will take the initiative to hand over the token to him!
If not, then obediently wait behind, because the weak have no right to talk to me! "

When the young man in golden armor said this, he looked around coldly, as if he was looking for a real strong man.

But in a blink of an eye, disappointment appeared in his eyes, as if none of the monks present could satisfy him.

Seeing this, the monks who lined up all showed annoyed and angry expressions, feeling that they had been humiliated.

It is a fact that the skills are not as good as others, but the attitude of this young man in golden armor really makes people feel angry, he is clearly humiliating everyone on purpose.

Tang Zhen, who was at the end of the line, smiled softly. The gaze of the young man in golden armor passed over him just now, but he didn't stop at all, which is enough to show that the other party's eyesight is not good.

He didn't even notice the majestic and powerful Creator, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was blind.

The problem is that although the attitude of the golden-armored monk is arrogant, he has not acted too much, and this incident itself was provoked by the monks queuing up.

Looking at the appearance of the young man in golden armor, it seems that this is not the first time he has encountered such doubts, so he said such words in order to humiliate and teach the doubters.

However, if there is a monk whose head gets hot and dares to follow the golden-armored monk into the bottomless abyss, it is estimated that there will be no return in all likelihood.

The reason is that the strength of the golden-armored monks far surpasses the ordinary monks who are queuing up.

They have to go deeper into the bottomless abyss in order to obtain effective cultivation gains, but for low-level monks, those places are absolutely forbidden for life.

I'm afraid he died on the way before reaching the destination.

The monks present all understood this truth, so even though the words of the golden-armored monk were thorny, they still pretended not to hear them.

Although a monk must be brave and fearless, it does not mean that he must act recklessly. If he knows it is a fire pit but jumps into it, that is not brave but stupid.

"Hey, waste is waste, they are all courageous guys.

In fact, in my opinion, you guys are practicing again, but you are not qualified to obtain such tokens at all. "

The golden-armored monk said coldly, this time he slapped his face unabashedly, with an aggressive look.

After hearing these words, those grumpy monks couldn't hold back and exploded like a powder keg.

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Damn it, even if it's an elite monk in the Tiangai Territory, I just refuse to accept it!"

"Hey, I don't believe it anymore, how strong are these so-called elites?"

Without the last words of the golden-armored monk, this little conflict would be nothing at all. Some friction between monks is simply normal.

But the golden-armored monk obviously didn't think so, so he repeatedly provoked, with the purpose of arousing everyone's anger.

Seeing the angry faces of a group of monks, the companion of the young man in golden armor frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Some people even sneered and squinted at the excited monks, seeming to agree with what the golden armored monk said.

The Loucheng cultivator who guarded the bronze gate showed a look of annoyance, as if he regretted what he had done just now.

If he hadn't explained the difference between different tokens to everyone just now in order to show the superiority of the locals, it seems that the matter would not have developed to this extent.

But after thinking about it, just looking at the aggressive look of the golden-armored monk, he knew that even if he didn't explain the difference, the other party would still deliberately make trouble.

Looking at a group of angry monks, the young man in golden armor had a smug smile on his face, but the sarcasm in his eyes only increased.

At this time, Tang Zhen, who was standing at the back of the team, looked at the scene with no expression on his face. It was originally just a small dispute, and it was nothing at all.

But the behavior of the golden armored monk was a bit excessive, especially his last sentence, which clearly brought Tang Zhen in.

Tang Zhen has always acted in a low-key manner, rarely provoking others, but if others dare to provoke him, he will never let it go.

"Okay, the conversion time has come, please get ready to enter."

The guardian of the bronze gate suddenly said to everyone, with a hint of relief in his tone.

He was afraid that the dispute would continue, and the two sides started to fight directly. If it was pursued afterwards, he would be equally to blame.

"Everyone, please be prepared. According to the rules, you have the right to enter first."

The watchman said to the golden armored monk and others, and also told the angry lineup that he was following the rules.

"Oh, what a disappointment. I met a group of cowards without courage."

Hearing this, the golden-armored monk shook his head regretfully, and said in a loud voice on purpose.

At this moment, he was still deliberately provoking, trying to arouse the anger of the queued monks.

Regardless of his strength or experience, he far surpassed these monks who lined up, and it turned out that he was reluctant because of trivial matters, which was a bit too much.

"Okay, the door is open, everyone, please come in!"

Seeing this, the keeper of the bronze gate reminded loudly again.

Those companions of the golden-armored monk walked towards the bronze gate one after another, ready to step into it.

The golden-armored monk sneered, and just as he turned to leave, he heard a voice behind him.

"Wait a minute, don't you want to have a competition, how about I enter with you?"

After hearing these words, both the golden-armored monk and the monks waiting in line were all taken aback for a moment.

The golden-armored monk made a provocation before, but no one dared to stand up. Obviously, everyone knew the consequences of being brave.

As a result, just when everyone was holding back their anger and preparing to calm down, someone suddenly took the initiative to fight, how could they not be surprised.

The golden-armored monk narrowed his eyes slightly, saw Tang Zhen walking out of the crowd, and gave a "hehe" smile.

"Spineless, but stupid, since you want to court death, then I will naturally fulfill you.

Now you can follow me to enter first, and all fees are exempted, don't you feel very happy! "

(End of this chapter)

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