I have a city in another world

Chapter 2443 There are ghosts in the black shop!

Chapter 2443 There are ghosts in the black shop!

The young man seemed to be very hungry and devoured his meals.

It's a pity that with his naked eyes, he couldn't see what he ate, otherwise he would definitely spit out bile.

Tang Zhen didn't expose it, lest the other party be frightened and delay the matter. Anyway, no one can die, at most, it's just a bad stomach.

It seems to be a good idea to have a full meal before dying.

After eating all the chicken on the plate, the young man poured another cup of rancid water, and poured it down as tea.

Wiping his mouth, the young man showed a satisfied look after drinking and eating, and stretched at the same time.

From the way he looked, he seemed to be going to sleep.

Fortunately, he still remembered the origin of his full meal. He glanced at Tang Zhen who was sitting opposite, and his face was immediately filled with a smile.

"My lord, I know everything you want to know."

Listening to the young man's words, he knows that this guy is very naughty, he knows that there is no free lunch in the world, but he doesn't see rabbits or hawks.

"I want to know where you are from, and the information from the outside.

The more you say the better, if I am satisfied..."

When Tang Zhen was speaking, he stretched out his hand and brushed across the table, only to hear the sound of "pop", and ten golden hexagonal coins were lined up one by one.

"If your news satisfies me, these gold coins will be yours, and I will do what I say!"

When Tang Zhen was speaking, he stared intently at the young man opposite him, and quietly used a hypnotic ability.

Although his cultivation was sealed, this kind of hypnosis method does not require much strength, even ordinary people can master it after training.

The young man swallowed his saliva, looking at those shining gold coins, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

People often say that the right medicine is the right medicine, and Tang Zhen's gold coins have already moved the hearts of young people.

Tang Zhen smiled without saying a word.

He had noticed earlier that other people in the convoy were working, but this young man was doing nothing.

Judging by his attire, he should not be in a caravan group, but a traveler traveling with the caravan.

He didn't have to work, because the caravan was well manned and didn't need the help of travelers.

Young people are penniless and have no money to buy food, so their eyes light up when they see food. Previously, they were actually looking for leftovers.

Tang Zhen invited him to dinner, and then took out gold coins as a temptation. The young man didn't care about other things, and immediately started talking about beans in a bamboo tube.

Tang Zhen listened slowly by the side, memorizing all the key content, and at the same time constantly analyzing it.

According to the youth, the world is boundless, with countless races and countries.

Legends about demons and goblins are widely spread in this world, and at the same time there are monks who are in a high position.

After talking about the rumors about the world, he then talked about himself.

The convoy came from hundreds of miles away, and the young people paid to come here to make a living. The journey was full of wind, food and dew, and the journey was extremely difficult.

Now that they finally arrived at their destination, the travelers who followed the convoy all went to look for relatives and friends in the city. The young man had nowhere to go, so he stayed near the hotel and slept for the night.

Wait until after dawn, then look for a job and find a way to fill your stomach.

After the young man finished speaking, he stared intently at the gold coins on the table, his eyes full of longing.

"These gold coins belong to you. I hope you have a chance to spend them all. I also give you a piece of advice. You'd better keep one eye open when you sleep."

Tang Zhen stood up while speaking, ignored the surprised young man, turned and walked towards the streets of the city.

He had to go to the center of the city, because the situation in this town was very wrong, and there might be higher-level demons manipulating everything.

In normal times, Tang Zhen, whose strength was sealed, would choose to dodge, but in a competitive situation, Tang Zhen had no reason to dodge at all.

Even if he knew it was dangerous, he had to bite the bullet and rush forward, just because he thought he was not weaker than others.


"Is there something wrong with this person?"

Seeing Tang Zhen leave, the young man immediately put away the gold coins while muttering to himself.

He always felt that Tang Zhen's words before he left were trying to curse him in a different way, so he was very upset.

But there is also a possibility, he is reminding himself?
"Guest officer, do you want to stay at the hotel?"

A cold voice suddenly came from the ear, which startled the young man. When he looked up, he found that it was a clerk from the hotel.

He stared straight at the young man, the dim light shone on his face, his face was pale and scary.

"What are you doing, you're sick!"

The young man cursed, and after hiding the gold coins, he turned around and left.

But when he turned around, he still reached out and grabbed a few rotten meatloaf and stuffed them into his arms.

Anyway, Tang Zhen has already paid, so it can't be wasted, and it can save a meal by taking it with you.

Looking at the young man who left, the man just smiled, but his expression was a bit ferocious.

After leaving the inn, the young man walked slowly along the street, planning to find another inn to rest.

He didn't stay at the original hotel because there were so many people there, maybe someone saw the scene just now, and then robbed him of his gold coins.

So I would rather toss around for a while, and I have to leave, and then find a comfortable place, take a shower and sleep well.

At this time, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. There are white paper lanterns hanging on both sides of the road, accompanied by the cold wind blowing from time to time, giving people a creepy feeling.

The young man shrank his neck, feeling a little hairy in his heart, always feeling that there seemed to be many eyes watching him in the darkness.

"This place seems to be a bit evil!"

Perhaps because of being too nervous, the young man suddenly felt a severe stomachache, as if the river was overwhelmed.


The young man was sweating from the pain, and when he saw a half-closed wooden door in the roadside vegetable garden, he pushed it open and rushed in.

Randomly looking for a corner, the young man squatted down, followed by a foul smell wafting away.

"Damn, is it because you haven't eaten meat for too long that you have a bad stomach?"

The young man muttered to himself, thinking that his intestines were too slippery to hold oil and water, but he didn't know that what he was eating was not normal food at all.

While thinking wildly in his mind, he saw a wooden shed at the edge of the vegetable garden, and the lamp was on right now.

A few bare-chested men wearing leather skirts were surrounding the wooden table, chopping something with their knives.

There is also a cauldron next to it. The flames are rising under the stove, and the cauldron is dancing with heat.

The young man stretched his neck and smelled it, and it turned out to be the smell of boiled meat.

"Fragrant, hehe, it's really fragrant!"

At this moment, the young man could already see that he was in the vegetable garden in the backyard of the hotel just now, and those big men should be the guys of the hotel.

They should be cooking, and the food is good, cooking a big pot of fat meat!
The young man regretted that he shouldn't have left too early, otherwise he might have a bowl of broth.

I was annoyed in my heart, but I saw those men put the things on the case into baskets, and carried them together into the darkness.

"The opportunity is here!"

The young man's heart skipped a beat, he grabbed a handful of dirt and wiped his butt, pulled up his trousers and ran to the wooden shed.

After looking at things and listening for a while, after confirming that no one was coming, the young man immediately went to the cauldron and scooped it down with a big spoon.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his hand sink, and then saw a round thing protruding from the soup pot.

When he saw the contents of the pot, the young man was so frightened that he almost cried out.

He never dreamed that what was boiled in the pot was not livestock meat at all, but a fresh human head!

Perhaps it was because those men had just added water to the pot before they left, the face of this head was vaguely discernible, and it was clearly a member of the caravan.

"This is a black shop, they eat people!"

While this thought flashed through the young man's mind, for some reason he thought of Tang Zhen and what he said before he left.

"Maybe he knew it was a black shop, so that person reminded himself before he left?"

As soon as this idea came to the young man's mind, he felt a gust of evil wind blowing from behind, heading straight to the back of his head.

Subconsciously lowered his head to dodge, and then heard a crisp sound of "clang", and the oil tank on the stove was directly smashed.

Grease spilled down the stove, and burned immediately after contacting the flames, and at the same time wrapped up the enemies who attacked the young man.

The young man who had survived the catastrophe turned his head, and saw a butcher with a broken gut and half of his head missing, holding a butcher knife and looking at him.

He was holding a person in his hand. Judging by his clothes, he was obviously also a member of the caravan.

The young man couldn't have imagined at this moment that the meat chopping scene he saw earlier was clearly the evil ghost butchers dismembering the corpse.

"Help, there is a ghost in the hotel!"

The youth didn't know where the power came from, he jumped up from the ground, and while shouting at the top of his voice, he ran desperately towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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