I have a city in another world

Chapter 2444 regret entering

Chapter 2444 regret entering
The young man was so frightened that he knew he had run into a ghost.

In the past, he often heard the legends of ghosts and fox spirits, and he relished them every time, but he didn't expect that it would be so scary when he actually encountered them.

The young man's only thought now is to escape from this place as soon as possible, and it is best to find a place where there are many people to hide.

There are so many people, so even ghosts are taboo, that's what the old people say.

With this in mind, the young man rushed out of the vegetable garden and ran straight to the front door of the hotel.

For young people, although there are ghosts in the vegetable garden in the backyard of the hotel, the front should be safe.

Hundreds of people gathered together, and the yang energy was like the scorching sun, so what ghosts would dare to provoke them?
As a result, as soon as he rushed to the street, he felt that something was wrong.

The road seems to have become much more dilapidated. Although the black lights can't see clearly, you can still feel a dilapidated and decayed atmosphere.

The original lights of the shops I passed by had disappeared, and now the doors were broken and scattered, and the inside of the room was pitch black.

Although he was confused, the young man didn't care too much, and ran towards the hotel in a hurry.

Seeing a figure flickering at the door, the young man immediately called for help, saying that he was being hunted down by evil spirits.

But after shouting, the young man immediately realized something was wrong.

I saw that the bustling hotel entrance had also become deserted at the moment, with white paper lanterns hanging under the eaves, emitting a palpitating cold light.

Those team guys are now lying on the table in a mess, or directly lying on the ground on their backs, as if they have fallen asleep.

No matter how much the young man yelled, there was no response, not even a move.

On the tables in the center of the hotel entrance, fresh human heads were placed one after another, and headless corpses were scattered around, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Looking at the side of the table and inside the shop, there were stiff figures standing one after another. When the young man cried out for help, Qi Qi turned his head around.

On those cold and blue cheeks, there was a stiff and sinister smile, and Qi Qi looked at the stunned youth.

"Ah, ah...!"

Seeing this terrifying scene, the young man was so frightened that he almost collapsed. He let out a terrified roar, turned his head and ran towards the city.

I really never dreamed that not only the butcher in the vegetable garden was an evil spirit, but even these guys in the hotel were the same.

Looking at the heads on the table, one could tell that the guys in the motorcade had probably encountered an accident.

Although the youth and the team members walked together all the way, they didn't have much contact with each other, so even though they saw these hundreds of people suffer misfortune, they didn't have any special feelings in their hearts.

What worried him was that since the hotel was full of evil spirits, what would happen to other places?

Those shops with broken doors and windows, and the houses were pitch black, did something happen to them?
When I was thinking wildly in my mind, I saw a fork in the street ahead, making the young man not know where to go.

On the left-hand side of the street, coffins of miscellaneous wood were piled up here and there, and there was an indescribable stench.

On the street near the coffin, there are constantly ghostly lights dancing, and the eerie scene is extremely eerie.

On the street on the right, the woman's laughter could be faintly heard. Although it sounded very happy, it made the young man tremble.

In such a strange environment, there are women who laugh so happily, you don't need to guess to know that there is something wrong.

At this moment, he had only two ways left to go, either turn back or continue forward.

He didn't dare to turn back after beating the young man to death, because on the street where he came, more and more strange figures appeared on the street and slowly rushed towards his position.

Only by continuing to move forward can it be possible to find a glimmer of life.

But in a blink of an eye, the young man had already made up his mind, then bit the bullet and ran forward like a fly.

Maybe it's because of his life, it's a blessing among misfortunes that the young man was not intercepted and killed by the ghost during his escape.

It's just that the shock along the way made the young man almost collapse.

It wasn't until this moment that he discovered that not only the hotel had become a ghost nest, but the whole town had completely turned into a ghost town.

All the residents in the city should have turned into evil spirits. They transformed into human forms, entrapping the lives of outsiders.

In addition, he also found that the closer to the center of the city, the stronger the heart-pounding depression.

The young man couldn't help worrying, after entering the city, would he be able to escape alive?
The periphery is so dangerous, presumably in the central area of ​​the city, it should be even more dangerous and terrifying.

It's a pity that he has no choice, even if he knows the danger in the city, he can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

I don't know how long the black light ran, the young man was out of breath, and he didn't know where he lost a shoe.

The young man didn't have time to look for it, and he didn't dare to stay. It seemed that vicious eyes were staring at him from all directions.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the young man couldn't run any longer, and the sound of panting was like a broken bellows.

Although he couldn't run anymore, he didn't stay in the middle of the street, but climbed to the top of the roadside houses along a broken fence.

For the young man, only hiding in such a place can give him enough sense of security.

Before climbing to the roof, the young man heard a loud noise, and the City Lord's Mansion not far from him suddenly burst into flames.

The flame burned extremely fiercely, dazzling like the sun, and the fire light illuminated the surrounding scenery.

In the surrounding streets, there are countless figures, rushing forward like moths to a flame.

The young man stared wide-eyed, and found that these figures were actually corpses, and their dead appearances were all kinds of strange.

Although the young man didn't have much knowledge, he also saw that these were all unlucky ghosts who died suddenly, and countless people had their heads and hands severed.

There are also some things that are neither human nor ghost, they have a huge size, and they are mixed in the crowds of corpses and keep roaring.

"Damn, what the hell is going on, what happened?"

Seeing such a terrible scene, the young man trembled with fright, regretting entering this man-eating town in the first place.

It would be extremely difficult to escape now.

Just when the young man was worried about his own fate, he suddenly heard a conversation, obviously not from those monsters.

Although the young man could not understand the content of the conversation, he was still refreshed and felt that he was no longer alone.

Or it can be said that it is a kind of dark heart. Seeing others have bad luck with me makes me feel much more comfortable.

Of course, if possible, it is best to help yourself, or everyone cooperates to escape from this man-eating ghost town.

Just when the young man was about to observe again, he saw corpse monsters rushing from the street below, completely blocking his escape route.

There were also zombies who found him, roared and rushed over, trying to climb up to the roof.

The young man got up immediately in fright, and he moved forward along the roof wall, preparing to climb to the tallest building in the city lord's mansion.

In the process of advancing, he saw a familiar figure standing on the roof of a building.

It was Tang Zhen who had inquired about the news at the hotel and gave him gold coins.

Seeing this, the young man was overjoyed. Meeting an acquaintance in this situation made him feel that the chance of escaping was greater.

"Your Mightiness……"

The young man opened his mouth to ask for help, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw a dozen men and women in different costumes suddenly appearing on the roof not far away, looking coldly at Tang Zhen opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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