I have a city in another world

Chapter 2467 Take advantage!

Chapter 2467 Take advantage!

The scene of Duantouling completely appeared in front of Tang Zhen's eyes at this moment, almost without any omission.

It can be seen that in the valley filled with gray mist, countless headless soldiers wandered in it, completely occupying the open space inside the Duantou Ridge.

They are not loose and disorderly, but like a real marching formation, guarding their respective positions.

Although the body is killed in battle, the soul of the army is immortal!
Such monsters are extremely difficult to deal with, because they have the instinct of life, and also have the attribute of immortality that is not afraid of pain.

Advance and retreat as a whole, order and prohibit.

When fighting on the battlefield, they are the nightmare of all enemies, that kind of indomitable and terrifying charge is enough to destroy the defense lines of all enemies.

In addition to being brave and fierce, the headless soldiers who belong to the spirit body also possess some strange innate abilities.

Because they carry strong negative energy, they are between virtual and real, and can enter different dimensions at certain times, and then suddenly appear beside the enemy.

Many merchants who were killed in Duantou Ridge just happened to encounter headless soldiers who suddenly appeared, and were directly dealt with by these monsters.

As for the reason for beheading the heads, one reason is that the number of heads on the battlefield is used to evaluate military exploits, so headless soldiers will habitually behead their heads to repay their merits.

As for the second reason, their heads were missing, and now they always want to make up their bodies, so they put the severed heads on themselves.

So it wasn't that the headless soldiers took the initiative to attack and look for prey, but that the victims were really unlucky, otherwise the road of Duantou Ridge would be abolished, and it would be impossible for most business travelers to pass safely.

Let's talk about these headless soldiers again. Compared with the defenders of the ghost city, their overall strength is better.

There is never a shortage of strong men in the army, and the same is true for the Headless Legion, and there are only a lot more.

From Tang Zhen's perspective, it can be easily seen that some officers in heavy armor appeared in the barracks, guarding different areas.

In addition to being bigger and better equipped, these officers have several heads on their shoulders, but none of them belong to them.

After looking at the situation in the valley, Tang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that he would come here in a hurry, but in the end he would only make a wasteful trip.

However, judging from the current situation, although monks from Loucheng have arrived, they are only active on the periphery.

In addition, this situation also shows that the level of this group of monks in Loucheng is not high, otherwise they would not be dragged to the outside.

Glancing at the Loucheng monks who had gathered in a team outside and were slowly entering Duantouling, Tang Zhen turned to look at Ergou, who was in charge of manipulating the rune airship.

"Begin to slow down at a distance of 5000 meters ahead, and at the same time drive the suspension circle to the second gear, waiting for new orders at any time."

"Yes, my lord!"

Ergou immediately responded when he heard the words, and at the same time, according to Tang Zhen's request, he pulled the control lever on the console.

The rune airship like a strange bird made the sound of gears, and several dim rune circles were activated, and the speed of travel became slower and slower.

The moment it arrived at the Headless Legion camp, the speed of the rune airship dropped to the slowest, suspended in the air like a strange bird.

"Look, what the hell is that?"

When the rune airship stopped in mid-air, the monks of Loucheng on the ground naturally discovered this abnormal scene, and their hearts suddenly became very vigilant.

They are well aware of the importance of controlling the air, and it would be a disaster if the rune airship in the sky belonged to the enemy.

At this time, their strength is low, and they can't fly into the sky at all, otherwise they would have sent people up to investigate.

If possible, he would naturally seize the rune airship and use it as his own weapon.

But now it seems that this is obviously a dream.

Just when the monks in Loucheng were secretly worried, they saw the rune airship in the sky drop black spots and fall towards the valley.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the monks in Loucheng had extremely ugly expressions, and they even guessed what would happen next.

This guy who controls the rune airship and doesn't know his origin is obviously trying to fight with them.

Of course, they are robbing them based on their strength, because the target of the attack is the inside of the valley, a restricted area that they have not touched so far.

It's shameless to say that it's robbing monsters. After all, Duantouling is a land of no man, and everyone is robbing it based on their ability.

Some Loucheng monks regretted secretly, why didn't they think of such a method, otherwise they would be the ones who are in the limelight at this moment.

In the valley, the battle has officially begun!
The process of the black spots falling seemed to be slow and fast, and in the blink of an eye, there was a violent explosion on the ground.

The sound of explosions became one piece, and at the same time as the headless monster was blown up and shredded, flames shot up into the sky from the valley.

Seeing this scene, the monks in Loucheng gritted their teeth angrily, because in this way, they might not even be able to snatch a monster.

What's more terrible is that as the mountain fire ignites, they will also be implicated. If they don't dodge in time, they may be completely roasted by the raging flames.

In fact, a monk in Loucheng once planned to set fire to the mountain, but after research, he finally gave up on this plan.

Once the mountain is set on fire, it can only ignite the trees in the outer area of ​​Duantou Ridge, and it will not spread to the interior of Duantou Ridge at all.

Because there are very few trees inside the Duantou Ridge, most of the area is bare and weird rocks, and there is no burning material at all.

The surrounding area of ​​the Headless Legion's camp is even more clean, the purpose is to prevent the enemy from using fire attacks.

But at this moment, some people of unknown origin used the means they gave up to directly attack the headless army's camp.

The monks in Loucheng could only guard the periphery of Duantou Ridge, listening to the violent explosion, watching the flames soaring into the sky, and watching others harvest monsters.

"Damn it, this must have been done by the monks in Loucheng, and definitely not by the means of the native monks."

From the rune airship, Brother Loucheng saw too many familiar things, and now he can be [-]% sure that the owner of the rune airship is Brother Loucheng.

It's a pity that they can't fly, and they don't have weapons for air attack in their hands, otherwise they have to see who the other party is?

Just as a group of Loucheng monks were envious, Tang Zhen had already adjusted his angle and launched a new round of attacks on the ground.

When he was building the rune airship in the small mountain village, he was thinking about what kind of weapon to match, and the first thing he considered was naturally the bomb.

This type of weapon is easy to operate and extremely destructive, especially when attacking from a high position, the killing effect is particularly good.

But a problem arose, that is, the load capacity of the rune airship is limited. If normal methods are used to make bombs, it is estimated that the rune airship cannot hold two bombs at all.

After careful research, Tang Zhen finally created a miniature rune bomb, relying on the catalysis of the rune circle, which can produce quite terrifying lethality.

Fortunately, in this competition, only the strength of monk Loucheng was limited, but the memory of the past was not sealed.

Otherwise, Tang Zhen would not be able to make a rune airship, nor would he be able to make a rune bomb. He could only reach Duantou Ridge after a long journey like other monks in Loucheng.
With the sound of violent explosions, the bodies of headless soldiers were violently torn apart, and traces of energy floated to the sky and poured into Tang Zhen's body.

It's not too far away from the next upgrade!

(End of this chapter)

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