Chapter 2468

Due to the limitation of manufacturing materials and space, Tang Zhen did not make too many bombs. After dozens of loud noises, his ammunition reserves were exhausted.

At this time, the ground had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the monsters were in a mess, achieving the result Tang Zhen wanted.

He just wanted to make the headless army's camp into a mess, and then he could take advantage of the chaos and reduce the difficulty of the operation.

There is also fuel in the rune airship, which can be used to deal with monsters, but this is the raw material for driving the rune airship, and it must not be wasted indiscriminately.

Without the means of ground attack, the value of the rune airship is greatly reduced, and it only has the advantage of high-altitude reconnaissance.

After all, it is just a means of transportation. Although it can provide Tang Zhen with some convenience, it still has many restrictions.

The limited space limits its potential, and it can only be used as transitional equipment. If it really wants to develop in this direction, then this type of rune airship will definitely be eliminated.

Of course, these are not things Tang Zhen has to consider. Right now, he is wearing a special suit, which looks like flesh membranes have grown on his arms and legs.

This suit is more like a wing suit, and there are some runes on the surface, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

From a distance, Tang Zhen looked like a strange bird, preparing for flight.

"My lord, what are you doing here?"

Seeing this scene, Ergou couldn't help being curious, and asked Tang Zhen a question.

"I want to jump down, enter the camp below Duantou Ridge, and hunt those high-level monsters directly.

You stay in the rune airship and wait for my order at any time. If you see red smoke rising, control the rune airship to descend to meet me. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's order, Ergou was taken aback. He subconsciously looked out the window of the airship, and then his body trembled with fright.

"My God, if you jump from such a height, won't you be thrown to death?"

Although he knew that Tang Zhen was not weak, Ergou still had a feeling that he would be killed after jumping from such a height.

He knew that Tang Zhen would definitely not make fun of his own life, which meant that he had the means to solve the problem, perhaps it had something to do with his special costume.

Ergou was curious, so he subconsciously took a few more glances, trying to figure out what was going on.

But at this moment, Tang Zhen jumped onto the fence and slowly opened his arms.

The next moment, Tang Zhen left the rune airship and fell into the sky.

Er Gou was so frightened that he almost yelled, but in the end he held back and didn't dare to make a sound, but his heart was beating wildly.

He didn't even dare to look, for fear that Tang Zhen would be smashed into meatloaf.

In the end, curiosity prevailed, driving Ergou to the window, and cautiously peeked out.

Tang Zhen was seen flying over Duantou Ridge at a high speed like a big bird, and two long "sticks" were added to his hands, and the membranes sewn on them became wings.

He kept circling over Duantou Ridge, his altitude became lower and lower, and it was estimated that he would soon fall into the enemy's camp.

Since the appearance of the rune airship, the monks in Loucheng have been observing the scene in the sky, and they naturally saw Tang Zhen descending from the sky.

"He actually jumped down, doesn't he want to live!"

For the monks of Loucheng, the interior of Duantouling at this time is a forbidden area. Entering before the strength is insufficient, it is no different from courting death.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who dare to enter it single-handedly, they simply don't know how to live or die.

Unless the opponent's strength is amazing, they are not afraid of the threat of those monsters at all, and they can freely enter and exit it, otherwise they are going to die.

"The opponent's strength will definitely not be very strong, otherwise he would not be able to land in this way, but fly directly into the valley!"

When a monk in Loucheng guessed that Tang Zhen was a master, he was immediately refuted by his companions, saying that it was impossible.

If Tang Zhen had the strength of a lord, he would definitely be able to sweep the entire Duantou Ridge instead of launching an attack from the air like just now.

What's more, everyone completed the teleportation at the same time. Although the encounters were different, it was absolutely impossible for the level gap to be so large.

So for Tang Zhen's actions, the monks in Loucheng were very puzzled, wondering what he was going to do?

The wings behind him were retracted, and Tang Zhen landed on the ground, surrounded by headless soldiers.

After discovering Tang Zhen, the monster attacked him without any hesitation.

Tang Zhen hid behind a boulder, avoiding the spear that was stabbing at him, and then raised his arm to aim at the headless soldier in front of him.


There was a muffled sound, and the headless soldier's body was torn apart, and bone fragments flew everywhere.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A series of piercing sounds came, and dozens of sharp arrows shot at Tang Zhen, all from the guards of the camp.

These guards were all archers, and Tang Zhen had already attracted their attention when he fell from the sky.

Although they have no heads, they can use unknown positioning methods to lock the enemy's location.

Although there is no problem with the direction, the accuracy is really not flattering. Out of a large number of arrows shot at Tang Zhen, only three could hit his body.

Swiping the long sword lightly, the arrow shot at him was swept to the ground, and then Tang Zhen rushed into the headless army camp in front of him like a dexterous leopard.

Tang Zhen was very aware of his situation, knowing that if he was single-handed, he would never be an opponent of tens of thousands of headless soldiers.

So he chose another method of combat, that is, the beheading operation, specifically targeting those high-level monsters.

Kill the target in the shortest time, and rely on its own advantages to roam and dodge, while looking for new targets to continue acting.

As long as Tang Zhen is given enough time, he can definitely hunt down more high-level monsters and raise his level again.

After reaching a certain level, he can challenge higher-level monsters, improve his level faster, and then look for more powerful monsters.

Although the plan is very simple, it has to bear huge risks, and it will be damaged here if you are not careful.

There is a saying that wealth and wealth are found in insurance. If Tang Zhen wants to make some achievements, then this risk must be borne.

Tang Zhen rushed into the headless army's camp at an extremely fast speed, but he immediately became the target of public criticism. On the route he was advancing, favorable arrows kept flying down.

Tang Zhen was not afraid, and ran quickly in the headless army's camp, heading straight for a tent in front of him.

When he was in the sky, he kept looking for the location of high-level monsters, and then firmly remembered them in his heart.

At this time, Tang Zhen was in a tight siege. If he couldn't kill the target in time, the situation would become more and more dangerous.

Fortunately, the headless soldiers were unresponsive, otherwise Tang Zhen would not be able to run around in the camp. He was actually taking advantage of the monster's flaws.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen had already rushed in front of a senior officer and launched an attack first.


A shot was fired at the monster, and the long sword in his hand drew an arc, sweeping across the monster's armor.


The monster's armor was scattered on the ground, and the weapon was thrown out while it was still in the air. Tang Zhen made another backhand sword, splitting the officer monster into four sections.

The whole process took less than three seconds, which was shockingly fast.

Stretching out his hand to lightly touch the officer's monster, Tang Zhen shifted his position immediately so as not to be surrounded by the headless soldiers who followed.

(End of this chapter)

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