I have a city in another world

Chapter 2570 The monks who defected to Tianxu City

Chapter 2570 The monks who defected to Tianxu City


Tang Zhen felt slightly relieved when he heard the other party's greeting and looked at the other party's appearance.

That's right, it's Amuga, the master cultivator of the Tiangai Territory.

When I was in the Tiangai territory, I met this kid's provocation, and then I followed suit and arrested him as a guide.

I didn't want to hurt him, I just taught him a lesson, and let him go when he was close to the dangerous area.

They belonged to the same war zone, if it wasn't for your life-and-death enemy, no one would have done anything wrong.

As a result, when he came out, Tang Zhen ran into Amuga's grandfather again, and the other party deliberately left an incarnation of consciousness waiting for him.

Although he is a strong man at the level of a god king, the opponent did not make things difficult for Tang Zhen, but only hoped that Tang Zhen could take care of him after meeting Amuga in the competition.

The other party was not a strongman, so Tang Zhen readily agreed. After all, the world is so big that the chances of the two sides meeting are extremely slim.

Who would have thought that not long ago, the two sides actually met in this arena, which was a bit shocking by coincidence.

Tang Zhen even wondered whether this Amuga's grandfather had left some tricks on him, otherwise how could he find him by such a coincidence?

Of course, these thoughts just flashed through his mind, and then they were suppressed by Tang Zhen. In any case, the opponent was also a monk in the fifth war zone, and belonged to his own camp.

What I have to do is to greet him with a smile. After all, besides Amuga, there are a lot of Loucheng monks watching me.

"Amuga, how did you find this place?"

With just the right amount of surprise on Tang Zhen's face, he asked Amuga loudly, and at the same time glanced at the Loucheng monks beside him.

Tang Zhen wants to determine the identities of the Loucheng monks around Amuga, and find out whether they are monks from the same war zone, or have they brought Amuga to this place?
As a result, without waiting for Tang Zhen to ask, Amuga took the initiative to reveal the identity of the monk in Loucheng next to him, so as to dispel Tang Zhen's doubts.

Although this guy is conceited and lacks the composure of a real monk, he is never confused when he really does things.

Amuga knew in his heart that Tianxu City had just gone through a great battle, and the sudden appearance of his group of people would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the residents of Tianxu City.

At this time, it is natural to report your identity to avoid unnecessary suspicion, not to mention that you are defecting to Tianxu City, so you should be more active in what you say.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, the Loucheng monks who are with me are all from the Fifth War Zone. We happened to meet each other on the road, and our identities have been confirmed.

Everyone shared through the map and saw the information you left, so they came here in a hurry.

There are also some monks from other theaters who were ready to cooperate with us, but they did not follow. "

When Amuga was speaking, he winked at Tang Zhen, indicating that he was not cheating.

Tang Zhen secretly smiled in his heart, this Amuga is really interesting, don't you think he is not among the suspects?

Fortunately, Tang Zhen was not so cautious. He knew that monks in other war zones would not dare to impersonate easily. That was not going deep into the enemy's hole at all, but seeking his own death.

Those who dare to come to Tianxu City blatantly must be monks from the Fifth War Zone. Even monks from other war zones who are planning to cooperate with the Fifth War Zone would not dare to show up at this time, lest it cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

With Amuga's introduction, the smile on Tang Zhen's face became more intense, which could be felt from far away.

"I am Tang Zhen from the Fissure Territory in the Fifth War Zone. Welcome to Tianxu City!"

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he raised his fist and punched himself on the chest. This is the greeting etiquette among monks in Loucheng.

Seeing this, the monks on the opposite side saluted Tang Zhen at the same time. The proficiency engraved into the bone marrow showed that they were all well-deserved Loucheng monks.

When acting alone, the monks in Loucheng are like dragons, and they can survive tenaciously no matter what harsh environment they are in.

As for those successive eliminations, they are just indispensable steps, and the competition is just luck.

Being eliminated early does not mean that he is not good enough, but that he is just bad luck.

But in the middle and late stages, the real strength is the competition, and then it will be a big wave to wash the sand and pick out the real strong.

The more powerful the theater and the monks, the more dominant they will be at this time, so the competition in the later period is only for the top [-] theaters to compete.

Low-level battle zones are either eliminated, or vassals follow high-level monsters to compete as mercenaries.

When Loucheng monks gather together, it will become an indestructible fortress Great Wall. The more Loucheng monks gather, the stronger the fortress will become.

This fortress is actually the Loucheng, the cornerstone platform. It is because of their existence that the monks of Loucheng can traverse the world.

"Fifth War Zone, a monk in the Tianmo Territory, met His Excellency Tang Zhen."

"Fifth war zone, monks from Wanku Guyuan, have met His Excellency Tang Zhen!"

"Fifth War Zone, cultivator of the Immortal Flame Territory, met Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

"Fifth War Zone, monks in the Tiangai Territory, met His Excellency Tang Zhen!"

The monks in Loucheng reported their territories one after another, first to clarify their identities, and second, as a return to Tang Zhen.

For the vast majority of monks in Loucheng, this is the first time they have encountered such a competition, and it is the first time they have cooperated with so many monks in the same theater.

There is a little apprehension in my heart, but more anticipation. I hope that I can use this stage to make a name for myself in this competition!
It was for this reason that when Amuga and other monks in Loucheng looked at Tang Zhen, they could not hide their envy.

What Tang Zhen didn't know was that he was "famous" again.

He first shared the map and communicated in this way, so that the monks in Loucheng in the fifth war zone had a communication channel.

It is for this reason that many monks in Loucheng know his name.

The monks in Loucheng who didn't know Tang Zhen secretly kept this name in their hearts, and the monks in Loucheng who knew Tang Zhen couldn't help sighing secretly.

It has been a long time since Tang Zhen set a record and created a fissure territory, and Tang Zhen has not appeared in the rumors for a long time.

There are countless powerful monks in Loucheng. Although Tang Zhen's performance back then was amazing, it could only be regarded as a flash in the pan.

Compared with the past achievements, the lords of the major territories are more concerned about the development of the fissure territory.

If the development is good, then there is the possibility of cooperation, if it is mediocre, there is no need to keep paying attention.

When it comes to territorial development and vital interests, no lord will act rashly.

As a result, not long ago, news suddenly spread in the fifth war zone, saying that a monk had inadvertently entered the divine kingdom of an indigenous god king.

This Loucheng monk is naturally Tang Zhen.

It is rumored that he not only successfully obtained the origin of the gods, but also got out the remains of the god king, and the original kingdom of gods also collapsed.

Some people lamented that Tang Zhen was lucky enough to encounter such a thing, why couldn't he come across such a good thing?

Even if it is a god king who is seriously injured and sleeping, his strength is far inferior to before, but as long as he enters the opponent's kingdom of God, he will let the opponent decide his life and death.

Being able to come out alive and destroy the entire Kingdom of God, no matter what the specific process is, it is definitely a legendary experience!

(End of this chapter)

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