I have a city in another world

Chapter 2571 Another wave of enemies

Chapter 2571 Another wave of enemies

An indigenous kingdom of God is not worth making a fuss about. How many times has the Loucheng World been destroyed?
The most important point is that as the news of the destruction of the Kingdom of God leaked, news about the super plane soon spread.

After hearing this news, even the masters of the god king level were moved, because for the monks of Loucheng, the super plane has a very special meaning.

From low-energy planes to high-energy planes, the higher the level, the rarer the planes are. Take high-energy planes as an example, sometimes not one will appear for hundreds of years.

As for the super plane, it is a jewel among the sand grains of the Ganges River. Don't look for it deliberately, because it is impossible to gain anything.

It can be said that every time a super plane appears, it is an extremely accidental coincidence. Looking at the entire Loucheng world, the number of times it appears is also very few.

Every time a super plane appears, a group of god kings will be born in the Loucheng world, and there is a very close relationship between the two.

As for why this happened, and what is hidden in the super plane, those who know it will never talk nonsense.

There may be some taboos in this, which can cause adverse effects on oneself, otherwise, why should a strong man at the level of a god king be so secretive?
However, in some special channels, there are still some information about the super plane, but most of them are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

It is said that everything on the super plane has animism, even a weed has unpredictable power.

He also said that the super plane is full of traps and opportunities. It looks like a small area, but in fact it is thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

It is rumored that a monk brought out a box in the super plane, which contains all kinds of mountains and rivers, constantly interpreting the changes of the vicissitudes of life.

Bind items with ropes and put them in, and then take them out after a while, but it has already experienced thousands of years of wind and frost.

Obviously this is a secret treasure of time, if it is used properly, it will definitely bring unexpected benefits.

There are also many treasures of heaven and earth, which can be seen everywhere in the super plane. It seems that an inconspicuous fruit may be the most precious treasure for people to reach the sky in one step.

For Loucheng cultivators at the level of the Nine-Star God General, the super plane is related to their promotion, but they often wait for many years, but they still can't get the relevant news.

Now that news about the super plane suddenly came out, these monks were extremely excited, including You Jiu.

It's just that You Jiu got limited information, only knew that the super plane appeared, but didn't know that it had something to do with Tang Zhen.

Otherwise, with his personality, he might have grabbed Tang Zhen long ago and asked for news about the super plane.

It should be noted that Tang Zhen, as the main participant in the incident, must know some secret information, and even hold important clues about the super plane.

Tang Zhen, who held a heavy treasure in his hand, naturally attracted the attention of many interested people. Amuga's grandfather waited for him specially, which probably had something to do with it.

Regardless of whether Tang Zhen knew it or not, at least make a good relationship first, and maybe it will be used at any time.


With the confirmation of the identity between the two parties, the original tense atmosphere dissipated, and the artillerymen who had previously targeted the lakeside couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that these Loucheng monks were enemies, and they would be forced to fire their cannons, and then accidentally injure Tang Zhen and others.

After this period of contact, the residents of Tianxu City have regarded Tang Zhen as the backbone, and have maintained it everywhere.

The next thing to do is to study how to enter Tianxu City.

The distance of the broken bridge is too wide, even the monks of Loucheng cannot cross it. If they choose to wade through the water, they will be attacked by the plants in the lake.

Perhaps because of devouring too much flesh and blood, the plants in the lake have mutated and become more ferocious and greedy.

The smooth tentacles that were originally hidden under the water have now turned purple and are covered with sharp barbs.

They have changed from passively waiting for the prey to come to the door, to actively attacking. Once someone or an animal passes by the lake, these tentacles will be ejected from the water, engulfing the prey and dragging it to the bottom of the lake.

The barbs can secrete highly poisonous, once the prey is trapped, it will quickly inject the toxin into the prey's body.

Even a monster with a strong body can't last more than ten seconds, and then it will lose control of the body until it completely loses all consciousness.

It is indeed amazing to complete the evolution in such a short period of time, but these plants themselves come from the Creation Ball, so it is normal to be able to evolve quickly.

Moreover, this kind of evolution is an uncontrollable state, and it will change according to changes in the outside world. Even Tang Zhen can't be sure what it will eventually become.

In fact, no matter how far the plants have evolved, Tang Zhen has no intention of intervening. As long as he can help himself, he would like these plants to become stronger.

Amuga and others have extraordinary eyesight, and they discovered the danger in the lake as soon as they came, so they stay wisely by the lake and will never easily get into danger.

Since Tang Zhen is the landlord, let him handle this matter, and just obey the arrangement.

In the following time, the rune airship started to transport the monks in Loucheng back to Tianxu City.

At the same time, a rune airship was sent to take people to contact those monks in Loucheng who were trying to follow the fifth theater, and bring them back to Tianxu City to settle down and rest.

Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. You don't have to rush to hunt monsters, as long as you wait in Tianxu City, monsters will come to your door automatically.

If you still focus on yourself and ignore the improvement of your overall strength, you will face the end of being eliminated in a short time.

What Tang Zhen didn't expect was that the rune airship that picked him up came back and brought bad news.

A monster army with a number of at least [-] is slowly approaching Tianxu City, and it will arrive in a short time.

Different from those rogue-like monsters before, this monster army has an extremely neat lineup, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a well-trained regular army.

Even if he was infected by the magic energy and turned into a ferocious monster, he still maintained his military appearance and discipline.

It is worth noting that there are many huge monsters in the monster army, which are specially responsible for opening the way in the forest.

They are ten meters tall, like moving hills, and their thick scales are almost immune to any attack.

Where these monsters passed, the dense forest was razed to the ground, and they came straight to Tianxu City.

Although Tianxu City is heavily defended, it seems a little powerless when facing such a huge monster. Even Tianxu Lake may not be able to stop it.

Ordinary demonized soldiers also became more ferocious due to the erosion of demonic energy. Muscle scales and armor grew together, and ordinary bows and arrows could not penetrate them at all.

Not only were the soldiers affected by the magic energy, but even the weapons carried by the legion had undergone unimaginable changes.

Bed crossbows, siege vehicles, and equipment such as trebuchets all seem to have life, and they look extremely hideous.

Take the bed crossbow as an example, it looks like a skinned head of a giant beast, with sharp fangs growing in its mouth.

When launching an attack, the sharp teeth stained with highly toxic mucus continuously spewed out, like a machine gun, with a range of a thousand meters.

After spitting out a mouth full of teeth, this weird bed crossbow needs to be fed. After eating and drinking enough, new teeth will grow rapidly.

It is conceivable that when this kind of bed crossbow attacks Tianxu City, it must be a rather terrifying scene.

The residents of Tianxu City who originally occupied the advantage of the terrain will be in a very dangerous situation. Once they are hit by the poisonous fangs, they will die in all likelihood.

(End of this chapter)

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