I have a city in another world

Chapter 2628 Reaching the Top of the List

Chapter 2628 Reaching the Top of the List
The killing continued, the monster camp had the upper hand, and the enemy monks had no chance of turning back.

Tang Zhen watched the battlefield silently, and did not restrict the behavior of the monster army, but let this bloody hunt continue,

The enemy's monks in Loucheng must be cleared, otherwise there will be troubles left behind. It should be known that the ruins at this time are all maintained by Tang Zhen alone, and there must be no changes.

If Tang Zhen is eliminated, the monster army will be in a mess. No matter how many there are, it is impossible to be the opponent of the monk Loucheng.

If the enemy knows this vital point, they will definitely launch an attack at all costs, even if it is self-destruct.

As long as Tang Zhen is killed, the control of the ruins can be regained, and there is no reason for Tiangang Mansion Master and the others not to do so.

As for those native monks, they could only blame their bad luck. Since they chose to join one camp, they had to be prepared to be killed by the other camp.

This is war, always cruel and merciless.

After this bloody battle, the ruins had officially changed hands and fell into Tang Zhen's control.

Tang Zhen couldn't swallow such a big piece of fat by himself, and he also didn't want to swallow it all by himself.

After reaching the king-level cultivation base, it should have reached the upper limit of this competition, and it will become extremely difficult to improve even a little bit.

Tang Zhen just hunted and killed the multi-horned demon king, but the rewards he got were discounted. It is absolutely impossible for him to get so little rewards for hunting a king-level monster.

The only explanation is the restriction of the cornerstone platform, lest some monks surpass the king level and single-handedly crush a war zone.

If this is the case, the competition will change its taste.

Each theater supports a monk with all his strength, allowing him to gain extraordinary combat power, and then kill all the enemy monks.

It's just that that kind of theater ranking doesn't make any sense at all, so it's banned.

Tang Zhen was like this at this time. There were not many rewards for hunting king-level monsters, and there was no prospect of surpassing the king-level monsters. Instead, it would waste a lot of time.

The most appropriate way is to share the benefits of the ruins with others, so that more king-level powerhouses will appear in the fifth theater.

Gathering these elite monks and launching an attack on the fourth war zone will definitely receive better results.

In the matter of distributing benefits, Tang Zhen has the absolute right to speak, so he must take the opportunity to take care of his own people.

Summoning a flying monster with a wave of his hand, Tang Zhen wrote a letter ordering it to be sent to Tianxu City as soon as possible.

Because of the information transmitted by Tang Zhen, the flying monster would not get lost. Also because of Tang Zhen's mental fluctuations, Luo Fei and other monks could tell the origin of the monster at a glance.

Tang Zhen was going to wait for Luo Fei to arrive, and then notify the headquarters of the fifth theater of the news, asking them to send monks to take over the ruins.

During the period when the other party sends people to take over, Luo Fei should be able to reap the benefits with Tang Zhen's help.

Although this move seems a little selfish, the problem is that this competition between theaters is also a competition within the theater.

The better the performance, the more rewards, and who wouldn't want more rewards?
If you are one step ahead and have a higher level, you will have more right to speak, and naturally you will have more opportunities to gain military exploits.

This kind of good opportunity to improve your strength, if you don't let your own people enjoy it first, why should you make it cheaper for others?
After completing this task, Tang Zhen began to patrol the ruins, manipulating the slime monster to pick up the loot by the way.

A pile of valuable treasures in the eyes of mortals was randomly piled up on the side of the road by Tang Zhen, and then he sent a few monsters to guard them.

It's not that Tang Zhen doesn't want loot, but that there are too many of them, and he can't carry them with him because he lacks storage space.

What's more, for Tang Zhen, these trophies are not of much use, and if they are kept and handed over to the theater headquarters, they can be exchanged for a fortune.

Estimating his contribution since participating in the competition, Tang Zhen thinks that he is not too good, but it is enough to crush most of the Loucheng monks.

Even if he withdraws from the competition at this time, it will definitely be regarded as a successful retirement, so that the cornerstone platform will not be able to find any faults.

Before he knew it, Tang Zhen had already patrolled half of the city and cleaned up several sources of danger.

Tang Zhen, who was followed by the slime monster, was like a lion patrolling his own territory, unimpeded wherever he went.

The corpses of monsters are everywhere on the roadside, and there are also the remains of indigenous monks, lying in disorder among the roads and ruins, looking very tragic
There are no remains of the monks in Loucheng, because after they are eliminated, there will be no corpses, but a pile of personal belongings will explode.

Tang Zhen made a rough count, and the number of Loucheng monks who were eliminated was at least [-]. For the fourth theater, this was undoubtedly a heavy blow.

The strategic location was lost, more than a dozen palace masters were lost, and thousands of Loucheng monks were eliminated.

Even if the fourth war zone has a rich family, it can't bear such a serious injury at all. After getting the news, it is estimated that Tang Zhen will hate Tang Zhen, a saboteur.

It is not yet known whether someone will be sent to take revenge on Tang Zhen, but under normal circumstances, such a thing should not happen.

Even if someone retaliates, it should be a monk in Loucheng who has suffered at the hands of Tang Zhen like the master of Tiangang Palace.

Even if someone retaliates against him, Tang Zhen is not afraid, and even wished that the other party would have more assassins.

Those who dared to assassinate themselves must be elite monks, and Tang Zhen just avoided the trouble of searching.

Killing the assassin is also a serious injury to the opponent, why not do it?
Just looking at the leaderboard again, Tang Zhen felt another headache.

It turned out that before he knew it, he had returned to the top of the leaderboard, and the point rewards for hunting the Polygonal Demon King were distributed without any discount.

Looking at the gap between myself and No.2, there is obviously a big distance, and the other party is probably also confused, not understanding what happened.

The two rankings at the top of the list were not out of Tang Zhen's original intention. He originally wanted to keep a low profile, but he didn't want to make it so public.

Tang Zhen had no choice but to secretly raise his vigilance in his heart. Maybe from now on, there would be assassins coming because of the points.

Walking all the way from the square to the edge of the city, and near the entrance of the ruins, Tang Zhen found that the Bone Demon General was leading his troops to guard the place, ensuring that no one would pass through.

Compared with other monster lords, the bone demon will obviously have higher military talents. This kind of monster lord who can be alone is even more precious than the devil king.

After seeing Tang Zhen approaching, the Bone Demon immediately stepped forward to salute, not caring about Tang Zhen's status as a monk.

Tang Zhen is his leader, and the other monks are the prey, and the Bone Demon will make a clear distinction.

If you want to live a good life, you must learn to be smart, otherwise you will end up with nothing left, just like the horned devil king.

After seeing the performance of the Bone Demon General, Tang Zhen nodded in satisfaction, took out the crystal of the Polygonal Demon King's godhead, and threw it into the opponent's hand.

After seeing the items in his hand, the bone demon general's eye sockets danced with fire, which was in a state of extreme shock.

Its body trembled slightly, and it opened its mouth to look at Tang Zhen, but in the end it still didn't make a sound.

"Take it, this is your reward."

Tang Zhen didn't talk too much nonsense. With the wisdom of the Bone Demon General, there was no need to waste words.

Bone Demon General hesitated for a moment, then knelt down on one knee, expressing that he would swear allegiance to Tang Zhen to the death.

Tang Zhen nodded and chuckled. The Bone Demon General's performance was as expected, and it was only intentional to hand over the crystal of the godhead to the other party.

At this time, the ruins need to be guarded by someone, and the Bone Demon General is the best candidate, and it is only natural to enhance its strength.

After instructing the Bone Demon General to guard the gate, Tang Zhen continued to patrol the ruins, and monsters dodged wherever he passed.

At this time, the war in the ruins has subsided, and it is basically controlled by monsters. Traces of monsters can be seen everywhere, and the monks in Loucheng have long since disappeared without a trace.

There may be survivors, but they are all hiding in the corner at the moment.Never dare to show up easily.

When passing by a building ruin, Tang Zhen suddenly felt a mental wave, which gave him a familiar feeling.

Tang Zhen soon smiled. He didn't expect to see those "acquaintances" who had been together for a short time after a big battle.

(End of this chapter)

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