I have a city in another world

Chapter 2629 There is no way to escape!

Chapter 2629 There is no way to escape!
Among the dilapidated buildings, the corpses of several monsters fell on the ground, covered with traces of sword chopping.

The reason for the death of several monsters was that they were led into traps and killed by taking advantage of the terrain.

Not far from the corpse, there is a secret room, which has been specially cleaned for traces left behind.

In the dry and dark basement, a group of figures huddled up, desperately trying to hold back the fear in their hearts not to make a sound.

Monsters are rampant in the outside world. If someone finds this hiding place, the monks hiding here will undoubtedly die.

Recalling the previous battle in the square, the native monks trembled. It was a nightmare scene.

The bearded son and daughter's face was covered with blood, and there was still panic and uneasiness. The blacksmith fell to the side, and now his life and death are unknown.

Beard and Hula's lovers sat aside, with worried faces on their faces, not knowing what to do.

The other native monks were trembling. At this moment, their minds were still replaying the scene of the previous fight.

Countless monsters swarmed in, and the figures were torn apart and devoured, like weeds swept by the torrent, extremely fragile.

The native monks who had never experienced this kind of battle instantly fell into a state of collapse and began to flee the battlefield desperately.

Glory and faith, as well as the threat of Loucheng monks, were all left behind by the native monks.

They just want to live.

Because of the involvement of the monks in Loucheng, the aboriginal monks had enough time to escape and swarmed straight to the exit of the ruins.

The panicked native monks forgot one important thing. If they want to leave the ruins, they must go through the correct passage.

Running to the wharf of the ruins with all their strength, more than 2000 indigenous monks began to scramble for the wooden raft, and some fighting and scrambling was inevitable during the period.

Unexpectedly, after losing the control of the monks in Loucheng, the water monsters in Lamu Pai did not stop commanding at all. On the contrary, because of the fighting of the indigenous monks, they were aroused to be wild again.

Soon there were screams from the drowning man's mouth, and those huge water monsters swimming in the water began to devour the drowning man frantically.

In the turbulent river, the huge water monsters are the well-deserved kings. Once they are targeted by them, the chance of escape is very small.

The native monk who was attacked by the water monster fled to the shore while yelling, and fought back against the water monster.

The native monks didn't waste time and chose to advance along the river bank. They just wanted to escape from the ruins as soon as possible to avoid being chased by the monster army.

Another group of monks jumped onto the wooden raft, broke through the block of the water monster, and went straight to the exit ahead.

Unexpectedly, there was no one at the entrance of the passage, and the monk Loucheng who was in charge of directing the entrance and exit of the passage had long since disappeared.

Facing the nine identical passages, the aboriginal monks had a terrible headache, and they didn't know which passage to take was the safest one.

Seeing that the water monster was getting closer and closer to the raft, the native monk driving the raft gritted his teeth and rushed straight to the central passage.

The native monks on the raft were ready to jump into the water and escape if danger occurred.

The wooden raft that rushed into the passage did not encounter any abnormalities, which made the native monk secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the walk, the sound of the machine running came, and rows of disc-shaped reamers rose from the passage, twisting the moving wooden raft into pieces.

The native monks on the wooden raft were directly smashed into pieces, and the shrill screams echoed in the passage, and hundreds of lives were swallowed up in an instant.

Such a bloody and terrifying scene shocked and angered the native monks on the shore.And I was glad in my heart that I didn't take a wooden raft.

The problem is that if you want to escape from the ruins, the passage is the only way, otherwise you can only find a way to climb the tens of meters high wall.

The water monster was obviously aware of the danger, so when it swam near the passage, it stopped moving forward, but kept wandering near the passage.

Listening to the roar of monsters getting closer and closer in the ruins, the native monks knew in their hearts that they had no time to hesitate.

"What should I do? Come up with a solution!"

An indigenous monk roared loudly, facing the crisis of life and death, he had fallen into a state of collapse.

"What else can I do, either swim and rush out of the passage, or die or live at the mercy of fate.

Either turn around and go back to the ruins, looking for a place to hide, maybe you can save a life. "

A native monk also shouted loudly that in this critical moment, he was still able to make analysis and judgment soberly.

Thousands of monks couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts as they looked at the rushing river and the monsters cruising in the water.

They are afraid that after entering the passage, they will be crushed into meat paste by the terrible mechanism, and there is no possibility of surviving like that.

Although the probability of death has reached [-]%, there is still a [-]% chance of survival, and this risk must be taken.

"The monster is coming!"

No one knew who yelled, causing panic again. When the native monks turned their heads to look, they found that the monster had really rushed to the pier.

"Don't hesitate any longer, everyone act now, if you are going to leave the passage, remember not to choose the same passage.

Among the nine passages, there is always a way out, and it depends on whose luck is better! "

The native monks who were hesitant before jumped into the water one after another, just because the monster had rushed up.

After a large group of monks fell into the water, they immediately attracted the attention of the water monster and swam towards the position of the native monks.

"Swim quickly, swim quickly, or everyone will die here!"

The native monks who fell into the water had tried their best at this moment, and they were bitten by the water monster in the water, so there was basically no possibility of them surviving.

Fortunately, after becoming a monk, both speed and physical strength are far beyond ordinary people. When swimming desperately in the river, the speed is comparable to running on land.

But the speed of the water monster was faster, but in the blink of an eye, a native monk screamed and was dragged into the bottom of the water by the water monster.

Waves of turbid waves rolled over, and the scarlet blood was mixed in, which even dyed the river red.

The native monks who were targeted by the water monster naturally would not accept their fate obediently, and swung their swords desperately to chop around.

The native monks who were not targeted by the monster kept looking for a passage they thought was safe, but without any reminder, they really didn't know which one they could pass safely.

Deliberately want others to find the way, but everyone is not a fool, they are all watching each other's actions.

In front of the eight passages, figures were swimming in the water, so as not to be rushed into the passages. .

It's just that the turbulent river, the water monsters swimming around, and the monsters getting closer and closer made the situation worse.

Finally, a native monk couldn't bear the pressure, gritted his teeth and rushed into a passage. Under the expectant eyes of other native monks, he suddenly sank to the bottom of the water.

Before he fell into the water, his expression was terrified, and his desperate eyes said it all.

The other party's sacrifice was not worthless, at least it ruled out a dangerous passage, making the escape chance of the native monks even greater.

Driven by the river water and driven by the water monster, the indigenous monks finally entered the selected passage, clenching their teeth and swimming desperately.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, tragedy happened suddenly.

The native monks in all the passages screamed in unison, and the sound of mechanisms running could be heard in every passage.

The indigenous monks who entered the passage were sucked into the bottom of the water one after another. The originally turbulent river was stained red with blood, and the broken corpses slowly floated along the river.

The indigenous monks who have not yet died, their faces are full of despair and bewilderment. They don't understand why there is no way out of the nine passages?

On a platform above the passage, a Loucheng cultivator suddenly appeared, looking at the nine blood-red torrents with cold eyes.

"Abandoning comrades-in-arms on the battlefield is a heinous crime that will never be eligible for forgiveness.

Don't think that no one will punish you, I will sentence my comrades in arms now, and all traitors will be sentenced to death!
The safe passage has been closed by me, and the nine passages are all dead ends. You traitors count as one, and no one can leave here alive! "

(End of this chapter)

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