I have a city in another world

Chapter 2630 Desperate Aboriginal Monk

Chapter 2630 Desperate Aboriginal Monk

The Loucheng monks used their hands and feet to turn the nine passages leading to the outside world from the ruins into roads of death.

Unless they can fly, none of the native monks in the ruins can leave.

The person who issued the order may be the master of Tiangang Palace, or it may be the private behavior of monk Loucheng, but these are no longer important.

The dead are not qualified to judge, and the monks in Loucheng will also favor their own people, thinking that these indigenous monks really deserve to die.

As for the monks of Loucheng, with the help of the flying palace master to hang the rope, they can easily climb over the wall.

And the monks in Loucheng took advantage of the height of the wall to attack the trailing monsters and cover their comrades to evacuate quickly.

In just a short time, all the surviving Loucheng monks had been evacuated, leaving the native monks struggling in the cage-like ruins.

All the indigenous monks who walked the waterway died, and a large group of monks returned to the ruins, looking for a way to escape.

The Bearded family was among them. They escaped the monster's pursuit by luck and rushed to the wharf of the ruins.

Because of the lack of water, they returned to the ruins, but accidentally took their lives.

The blacksmith's luck was not very good. He was ambushed by a monster while escaping, and a hole was pierced in his stomach.

The injury was fatal enough, but fortunately the bearded man picked up two blood essences and managed to hang himself after swallowing them.

The blood essence, which has miraculous healing effects, is only aimed at monks in Loucheng, and the effect of using it by indigenous monks will be greatly reduced.

Although it can't cure the disease, it can prevent the injury from getting worse, and then heal slowly.

The blacksmith thought that he would die for sure, but he didn't want the bearded man to carry him behind his back without saying a word, and refused to abandon him no matter what.

The so-called adversity sees the truth, the blacksmith is very grateful, but he is very aware of his injuries, if he does not get medical treatment, he will undoubtedly die.

So he persuaded the bearded man to let go of himself, so as not to harm the bearded man's family because of his drag.

The bearded man didn't speak, but just hurried on his way with the blacksmith behind his back, as if he didn't hear it.

Seeing this, the blacksmith secretly sighed, knowing that Big Beard was fulfilling his promise and repaying himself for helping his child.

It's a pity that he didn't help from the beginning to the end. Tang Zhen, who really helped, seemed extremely mysterious.

Perhaps it was the ultimate happiness or not, everyone finally hid in a basement, and hid in without hesitation.

This basement has been searched, and several evil god believers have been hidden, so the location can be said to be quite hidden.

It's just used to avoid monsters, I don't know if it's suitable?
After entering the secret room, there was a deadly silence. No one knew whether they would survive in the end, so they could only wait slowly in the silence.

The bearded daughter bowed her head, exhausted, she just wanted to sleep.

But in her mind, she kept thinking about the scene she saw in the square earlier, and the shock and horror that could not be concealed appeared on her pretty face stained with blood.

She confirmed that she was not mistaken, the village boy who was pulled by her father to help and promised to marry her to him, unexpectedly appeared before her eyes again.

This time he was the enemy, but he came majestically and defeated the mighty Loucheng monks.

Those ferocious and terrifying monsters were obviously under his command to slaughter all living beings crazily.

Who is he, and why was he first wanted by the monks of Loucheng, and then he led the monsters to kill the ruins until blood flowed into rivers?
Walking out of the passage connecting the devil world, he can command those terrible monsters. Could it be that he is the legendary devil king?
Since he is a devil, why pretend to be an ignorant villager? Isn't it interesting to deceive people?
Thinking of this, the bearded daughter couldn't help laughing at herself.

Previously, she regarded Tang Zhen as a farmer and thought she was not good enough for her, so she said a lot of self-righteous things.

But now that I think about it, I'm so ridiculous, I've thrown myself to the extreme.

Tang Zhen didn't pay attention to those lofty Loucheng monks. I'm afraid he can't even compare to ants?

Thinking that it was because of Tang Zhen's help that she was lucky enough to become a monk, the bearded daughter felt at a loss for a while.

Because of Tang Zhen's favor, he became a monk, and was chased and killed by the monsters commanded by Tang Zhen in turn. Is this to take back everything that was given to him?
"What am I, how is this possible?"

She couldn't help muttering, the bearded daughter knew very well that she started to think wildly again and committed a self-righteous problem.

"Damn it, don't talk!"

An indigenous monk turned his head and growled in a vicious tone, his expression convulsed and distorted due to fright and anger.

"Are you crazy, it will kill everyone!"

Another native monk said that his eyes were as red as blood, flickering with crazy brilliance, and he was on the verge of collapse at any time.

"Shut up all of them, and listen to yourself, which one's voice is no louder than hers.

She just didn't mean it, but you did it on purpose, will you die if you say a word?

Who do you think you are, this is my daughter, where is it your turn to scold me! "

Seeing his daughter being reprimanded, the bearded man immediately spoke and stood in front of her.

Although he lowered his voice, his expression was full of unspeakable anger, obviously he didn't want his daughter to suffer any harm.

"You still dare to talk, and you are still talking about this damn bitch, you should all go to hell!"

Hearing this, the blood-red native monk immediately jumped up, took out a dagger and stabbed the bearded man.

Judging by his actions, he didn't hold back his hands at all, clearly intending to kill him with a big beard.

"You idiot, even if you become a monk, you are still a rookie in front of Lao Tzu!"

The bearded man snorted coldly, and took a step back in a calm manner, avoiding the opponent's fatal attack.

Before the opponent became a monk, he was just an ordinary person, and it was impossible for him to be a bearded opponent who was skilled in martial arts.

After dodging the attack, the ax in the bearded man's hand lightly tapped and landed on the wrist of the native monk.

There was only the sound of cracking bones, and the bearded native monk screamed, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

He hugged his broken wrist, stared at his beard with blood red eyes, and shouted in a crazy tone: "Kill him, and those two bitches, and that blacksmith who doesn't want to die.

They must be killed, otherwise we will all be killed by them, I am the best example, it will be your turn soon! "

He yelled crazily, constantly encouraging other native monks, with an evil light shining in his eyes.

"shut up!"

With a low growl, a big knife swept over, chopping the collapsed native monk to the ground.

Without even looking at the twitching native monk on the ground, the sneak attacker swung his knife again and went straight to chop at the bearded daughter.

"Go to hell bitch!"

As a result, as soon as he took a step, the fellow monk who was attacked rushed up, bent down and stabbed the dagger into the heart of the attacker.

"Go to hell, idiot!"

The sneak attacker who was stabbed in the vitals stared, the big knife in his hand fell to the ground, and then collapsed limply on the ground.


"Damn, what are you doing?"

"Crazy, you are all crazy!"

"Hahaha, die, let's all die together!"

It seemed that the aboriginal monks, who had been tense all the time, were stimulated by the smell of blood, and broke down completely at this moment.

The native monks were full of thoughts of destruction. Since they couldn't survive, they would just smash the jars and smash them.

They swung their swords and stared around with wide eyes, imagining the scene of cutting everyone down in their minds.

A burst of morbid laughter came from their mouths, and their hideous and distorted expressions looked like evil spirits.

"Something is wrong!"

The bearded man was the most sober one. Looking at the out-of-control native monks, he immediately noticed that the atmosphere was abnormal.

Everyone hides here carefully, just to be able to avoid monsters and try to escape from death.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone's desire to survive is extremely strong, so how could they suddenly become so crazy?

If monsters are attracted, they will surely die. How can everyone not know this truth?

It is precisely because of this thought that the bearded man feels something is wrong, which is obviously not something a group of survivors can do.

"What is the reason that caused everyone to become like this?"

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the bearded man's body trembled, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

He saw a distorted figure standing on the edge of the secret room, looking at the native monk with a strange smile.

The bearded man was sure that there was absolutely no such person in the team, and the other party's attire made him immediately think of a cultivator.

"There are monsters here!"

The bearded man roared, trying to remind the other native monks that they might have been controlled.

As a result, after his voice roared out, the surroundings suddenly fell silent, and the crazy native monk slowly turned his head while looking at him with strange eyes.

"Damn, what an idiot I am!"

The bearded man smiled bitterly, and retreated to the side of his son and daughter, Hula's lover and blacksmith were also beside him.

For some unknown reason, none of them were affected by the monster. Facing a large group of native monks with strange expressions, they couldn't help shivering.

The native monks raised their weapons and surrounded the bearded man and the others with expressions on their faces as if they wanted to eat people.

The bearded man felt certain that he would die, so he turned his head to look at his son and daughter, and gave him a gentle hug.

"Don't be afraid, I will be with you, even in death!"

After saying this, the bearded man turned his head and clenched the battle ax in his hand.

He will try his best to protect his children, even if he really dies, he will die first.

The bearded son and daughter stood in the back, also clenching their teeth, raising their weapons with trembling arms.

They are ready to end their lives by dying on the battlefield.

The native monks gathered around, their sabers raised, and the battle was about to start.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a burst of crisp applause came, and the entrance of the ruins was opened by an invisible force.

A tall figure stood at the entrance, with a familiar smile on his mouth, quietly looking at the bearded family.

 Thanks to: "Book Friends 161230210706931", "157747860" and "Xiaomi Chong" for their rewards, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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