I have a city in another world

Chapter 3072 The battle of breaking the seal!

Chapter 3072 The battle of breaking the seal!

The sky collapsed and opened a passage, but in an instant, Tang Zhen left this special world.

When the escape was completed, the vehicle he was riding kept rolling and seemed to be completely out of control.

Although the posture is unsightly, but at this critical moment, there is no way to take these things into consideration.

The most important thing is to completely get rid of the shackles and turn over like a trapped dragon entering the sea.

The function of the superstructure is to gather the energy of the heavens and the earth, and then break through the seal of this world in an instant.

At the moment of the breakthrough, a special teleportation array was activated to send Tang Zhen out of this world.

Like a cannon fired, it formed an extremely high speed and sent Tang Zhen to the gap.

It sounds simple, but it is very difficult to operate.

It took ten years for Tang Zhen to complete all the deployments, and no errors were allowed during this period.

Things that could have been easily done have become extremely difficult under the influence of the rules of this world.

Although the chance of success was as high as [-]%, Tang Zhen still didn't dare to take it lightly, lest there be any problems on the way.

Sure enough, at the last second, the transmission malfunctioned, making Tang Zhen almost deviate from the escape path.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen had rich experience, corrected the error again, and evacuated from the passage smoothly.

The moment he rushed out of the passage, Tang Zhen's suppressed cultivation level instantly recovered, and the pressure of the gods rippled in all directions.

Hearing a long howl, the surrounding space instantly burst into flames, turning the sky into a fiery red.

Due to a momentary carelessness, Tang Zhen was sealed in a special world by his consciousness for more than ten years.

For the gods, ten years is just a moment, and it is insignificant at all.

But the enmity has already been forged, and it is absolutely impossible to let it go.

This special consciousness has no human emotions, and it also doesn't know how to adapt.

I don't know anger, and I don't know gratitude.

Even if Tang Zhen doesn't pursue it, the conscious body will not appreciate Tang Zhen's benefits, but will think about imprisoning him again.

Facing this kind of guy, just start fighting.

The moment Tang Zhen broke the seal, the conscious body appeared and stared at him intently.

The conscious body was not surprised by Tang Zhen's breakthrough of the seal, as if it was no big deal at all.

Now that you run out, close it again.

The other party tried again, trying to seal Tang Zhen again, but it failed.

Over the years, Tang Zhen has carefully studied the means of the consciousness body to prevent being tricked again.

With Tang Zhen's experience and knowledge, coupled with years of pondering, he has already cracked the opponent's method.

In the next instant, Tang Zhen counterattacked, easily tearing through the consciousness body.

The other party is not a god, but has the strength not weaker than the gods, but has great shortcomings in some aspects.

Most of the abilities she relies on are innate, without any training.

For example, experience and knowledge, such as the application of rune spells, and methods and resourcefulness.


A consciousness body composed of various unknown substances is not so easy to be killed, and then reassembled after being torn apart.

While roaring, it rushed towards Tang Zhen again, and the terrifying pressure hit Tang Zhen.

It seemed that Tang Zhen was going to be crushed, thrown back into the cage, and continued to be suppressed endlessly.

How could Tang Zhen make the other party happy, his body suddenly expanded tens of thousands of times, and he waved his fists to hit the conscious body.

This punch is very famous, and a channel is opened on the fist, which connects to the kingdom of mind.

As long as his fist is in contact with the consciousness body, he can use the rules of the kingdom of God in his mind to have a fatal impact on the target.

Sure enough, after the punch hit, the conscious body began to struggle desperately, as if it had been seriously frightened.

But there was no effect, the body of the conscious body collapsed in an instant, and it was impossible to reunite at all.

The part that was cracked was absorbed by Tang Zhen's fist, sent into the kingdom of God in his mind and suppressed and sealed.

It should be aware of the fatal danger, and the conscious body kept dodging, afraid of being attacked by Tang Zhen again.

Tang Zhen followed closely behind, and the attacks came one after another.

The conscious body has nowhere to escape, it can only rush into the cave above, and disappear without a trace in an instant.

As the ultimate consciousness born of a planet, it has unique advantages. It can be said that the entire planet will be controlled by the other party.

Fortunately, the conscious body is different from human beings. It is not how the brain thinks that the body can act.

Otherwise, at this moment, Tang Zhen would face the suppression of the entire planet, and that would be the real horror.

Although not as serious, the situation is just as dangerous.

I saw that the originally spacious cave was squeezed continuously like a wriggling intestine.

Not only those rock walls, but also the liquid of unknown material, which also quickly condensed like ice.

But in the blink of an eye, it has already merged with the rock wall.

Tang Zhen's speed was extremely fast, and with his super reflexes, he traveled extremely fast in this special area that could not be perceived for a hundred meters.

Always in an instant, avoiding the crisis of being frozen and imprisoned, every time is dangerous and dangerous.

Along the way, some monsters could be encountered, as if they were going crazy, they launched a suicide attack on Tang Zhen.

No need to think about it, these monsters were affected by the consciousness, and they regarded Tang Zhen as the target of hunting.

Risking his own life, he wanted to intercept and kill Tang Zhen.

Seeing more and more monsters blocking the way, Tang Zhenbi had no choice but to open the entrance of the Kingdom of God directly.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this. The advantage is that the monsters in front can be quickly cleaned up. The disadvantage is that after the monsters enter the Kingdom of God, they may cause unnecessary trouble.

However, in the kingdom of mind, Tang Zhen made the rules, and outsiders were not allowed to be presumptuous.

But in an instant, a vortex appeared in front of Tang Zhen, swallowing everything that blocked the way.

This vortex is the sharpest knife in the world, no matter how hard the substance is, it will be cut off at the moment of contact.

At the same time, it also has extremely strong devouring power, even if it is a continent, it can be swallowed directly.

Where Tang Zhen passed by, a dark passage was left without any items left.

Then another void was left, spreading towards the surroundings, and devouring everything around.

This is Tang Zhen's counterattack. If this void passage cannot be cleared in time, the entire planet will be swallowed up.

Tang Zhen's approach, the conscious body can naturally feel it, but it has no ability to stop it.

The two sides chased and fled all the way, finally rushed out of the ground, and then set off waves.

With the sound of heaven and earth cracking, huge cracks appeared on this planet, which was already densely covered with honeycomb holes.

"Burn me!"

Tang Zhen reached out and pointed, and saw the entire surface of the planet, which was suddenly ignited by flames.

There is no flame on this planet, and what is actually burning right now is actually the origin of God, all of which come from Tang Zhen.

Looking at this kind of attack method, it is completely injurious to the enemy by [-], and self-inflicted by [-]!
It seemed like a disadvantage, but Tang Zhen could fully bear it.

It's just because the source of gods consumed doesn't come from the kingdom of gods in the mind, but is extracted from the insane gods.

He sealed all his accumulation and the consumption of the god's corpse inside his body.

Just to become a god one day, he can immediately absorb the essence of God, so that his strength can improve by leaps and bounds.

But today, it has become Tang Zhen's trophy, and it is consumed regardless of the cost at this moment.

What he has to do is to boil and melt this planet with monstrous flames.

(End of this chapter)

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