I have a city in another world

Chapter 3073 Exchange

Chapter 3073 Exchange
Tang Zhen's approach is only to force the consciousness to manifest itself.

This planet is the old nest of the consciousness body, and it must have a considerable advantage when fighting at home.

As long as the conscious body is willing, it can be like a god hiding in the kingdom of God, so that Tang Zhen can't find his trace.

Under such circumstances, Tang Zhen had no choice but to make a bad move.

The seemingly passive method actually has a pretty good destructive effect. Even if the mad god cannot be forced out, it can still bring disaster to this planet.

It seems that the gangsters broke into the house and did not find the hidden target, so they demolished the house before evacuating.

If you can't achieve your goal, you have to severely disgust the opponent and let the enemy suffer some losses.

Of course, Tang Zhen is not a gangster, and his consciousness is not a good bird, otherwise he would not have imprisoned Tang Zhen as soon as he met.

With the burning of the original fire, various objects on this planet have instantly melted into magma.

This is just the beginning, the torrent of magma spreads rapidly in all directions, and continues to go deeper underground.

Those honeycomb holes became channels for magma to pour in, continuously rushing toward the depths of the earth.

In a short period of time, thousands of miles around turned into a sea of ​​flames, like a burning bright star in the universe.

The star body, which was originally just like a planet, started to transform into a star under Tang Zhen's manipulation.

Once the entire planet is completely ignited by Tang Zhen, it will become extremely difficult to extinguish it again.

For the consciousness of the planet, it is also a very dangerous thing, which may lead to its deterioration or fall.

Tang Zhen wanted to see how long the conscious body could hide, and whether it would remain indifferent to its own destruction.

However, the way of thinking of the conscious body is completely different from that of normal creatures. Even Tang Zhen can't predict what kind of reaction the other party will make.

The flames are still burning.

If you observe from a high altitude, you will find that the sea of ​​flames is spreading rapidly, and has already swallowed half of the planet.

Occasionally, there will be some areas where the flames suddenly go out, or are forcibly swallowed and covered by the earth.

You don't need to guess, it must be the conscious body, trying to extinguish the flame.

However, the effect is minimal, and it will cause more violent turbulence inside the earth's core, and huge bubbles will continue to burst out and explode.

Indigenous creatures are in bad luck, no matter what means they use, they cannot escape the burning of the original fire.

But in an instant, it has turned into nothingness.

Although the destructive effect is significant, the consumption of the source is also not slow. The source of God left by the mad gods is rapidly decreasing.

But even so, Tang Zhen never slowed down, as if he would not give up until he forced the opponent out.

Looking at the surface of the planet, the molten magma has eroded deeper and deeper. If it continues, the inner world will also be affected.

When that time really comes, the world in the center of the earth will also be engulfed by flames, and there may not even be a blade of grass left.

The conscious body may not care about the various monsters on this planet, after all, these things are naturally raised.

But the geocentric world located in the center of the planet should have a very important meaning for the conscious body.

Once the earth's inner world is threatened, the conscious body will definitely jump out and try every means to resist Tang Zhen's destruction.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately drove the original flames to the core of the planet.

Perhaps it was aware of Tang Zhen's intentions, and the conscious body, which had been hiding and did not dare to show up, began to intercept halfway.

"Sure enough!"

Tang Zhen sneered, using the original fire as the carrier, directly detonated the cave deep in the earth's core.

There was a violent explosion, and the ground suddenly collapsed, as if an invisible fist was thumping hard.

Immediately afterwards, billowing flames were seen, erupting from the ground and rushing directly to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The consciousness body was affected by the explosion, but it quickly returned to normal. After all, this is not an attack connected to the Kingdom of God, and the damage it can cause is limited.

But even so, it still made the conscious body very embarrassed, and it didn't dare to face it head-on.

Tang Zhen locked onto the consciousness body and launched attacks continuously without giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

The conscious body dodges quickly, and the battle between the two is like a cat and a mouse.

Amidst the violent roar, the earth continued to collapse, and terrifying vortexes appeared one after another.


There was another series of earth-shattering loud noises, and a huge passage collapsed in the area where the surface connected to the center of the earth.

The terrifying passage goes straight to the center of the earth, and the billowing magma flames fall down like a waterfall.

Through this passage, you can see the earth core world, which is currently being baptized by flames and magma.

Maybe it won't take long to burn through the defense of the shell and destroy this special earth core world.

At this moment, the conscious body truly sensed the crisis.

It began to try its best to stop Tang Zhen's destruction, but the effect was minimal.

At this moment, Tang Zhen had transformed into a fierce tiger that broke into the sheepfold, truly displaying the power of a god.

The state of confrontation did not last long, and the conscious body took the initiative to contact Tang Zhen, hoping that he would stop attacking.

Not in a hurry, just like talking about an ordinary thing with a peaceful attitude.

It's not like a life-and-death enemy who has just experienced a life-and-death fight.

This is the consciousness body, and human thinking must never be used to judge this special extraordinary creature.

"Outsiders, don't destroy my home again, leave this place immediately."

The conscious body gave orders to Tang Zhen.

"If you want me to leave, return the things that don't belong to you to me right away."

It doesn't need to be too troublesome to talk to a special existence like the conscious body, just simply say the request.

"Those items don't belong to you."

The conscious body's answer is very straightforward. Up to now, it still doesn't want to hand over the world seeds.

"The World Seed belongs to my enemy, and it is also the reason why I tracked him down. Now the enemy has been killed by me.

The items I wanted were forcibly plundered by you, so from this moment on, you will be my target and enemy.

As long as the thing is in your hands, the battle between us will not stop until you hand over the world seed. "

It takes a little more time to communicate with the consciousness body, but Tang Zhen is not in a hurry.

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the conscious body fell into silence, obviously thinking about a problem.

Being able to make the conscious body think, shows how much the other party attaches importance to it.

"The seeds of the world are very important to me. They can help me change the inner world of the earth. I don't want to give them to you."

The conscious body gave an answer, but it was not the answer Tang Zhen wanted.

"Since you don't want to hand it back, then I'll beat you until you are willing to hand it back."

Tang Zhen made a cold grunt, and then continued to attack.

The conscious body made a suggestion: "We can trade and exchange some other things for the world seed."

Tang Zhen nodded, indicating that he could consider it.

"This method is not unacceptable, but there is a premise that the items used for exchange must satisfy me."

Just as Tang Zhen agreed, a piece of information has been sent, which contains pictures of various items.

"Among these things, you can choose three, and then the World Seed will belong to me."

Tang Zhen took a glance, and quickly picked out three items, with a hint of joy at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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