I have a city in another world

Chapter 3248 Intelligence Transaction

Chapter 3248 Intelligence Transaction
In this special space, a figure floated, exuding a majestic aura.

Tang Zhen judged by his aura that the opponent was a peak general whose strength was slightly higher than his own.

However, if it was a life-and-death fight, this general of the Ice God Court might not be Tang Zhen's opponent.

When Tang Zhen observes the other party, the other party also pays attention.


The general was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Tang Zhen's strength to be so high.

Such a situation was indeed unexpected.

Tuo Yuheng didn't know Tang Zhen's true strength, but this peak-level general could clearly perceive it.

At this moment, the general was a little depressed.

Tuo Yuheng once introduced Tang Zhen, hoping to recruit him to join the Ice Dawn God Court, but he did not attract much attention.

The person in charge at that time was this general.

He originally thought that Tang Zhen was just an ordinary foreign god, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

In the Gulan God Realm, there is never a shortage of foreign gods, but not all of them are qualified to join the God Court.

Just because after joining the divine court, they must be given fiefdoms, which is tantamount to robbing the interests of other members.

So in many cases, not only does it need to be recommended by members, but it must also go through some tests.

Referral qualifications are precious and limited, and no one will waste them easily. This shows that Tuo Yuheng is indeed sincerely grateful.

Tang Zhen refused to join, and Tuo Yuheng didn't force too much, but he felt a little pity in his heart.

The god general in charge of this matter didn't care even more, and was even glad that Tang Zhen didn't join, saving himself a lot of trouble.

Today I finally saw Tang Zhen, and after knowing his true strength, the god general realized what he had missed.

A god general whose strength is close to the peak is definitely the target of the big courts scrambling to recruit, no matter how much the price is paid, it is very worthwhile.

It's a pity that this good thing was missed in vain in the end, and Bingzhi Shenting lost a general.

Thinking of this, the god general couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but he also wanted to take the opportunity to make friends with Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen's strong strength won him respect.

The general didn't talk nonsense, and said to Tang Zhen, "Your Excellency Tang Zhen, can you tell me more about the various news related to the mysterious organization."

Although Tang Zhen and Tuo Yuheng had told about it, Shenting thought that Tang Zhen must have concealed something, so he decided to ask again.

After all, Tang Zhen at this moment has the most clues and probably knows more.

"I have already told you all the things that should be said, and I believe the clues are clear enough.

If you want to obtain more detailed information, you can send monks to go there in person, presumably it will be easy to obtain the information you want. "

Tang Zhen did know more, but he would never reveal it lightly, but prepared to use it in exchange for greater benefits.

The object of the transaction is naturally the Bingdiao Shenting.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the general fell into silence, and the atmosphere was so quiet that people felt flustered.

Tuo Yuheng stood beside him, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak in the end.

He knew his identity, and he also knew the strength of the general, and he knew that he couldn't get involved in this matter.

In fact, he also secretly guessed that Tang Zhen must know something. Out of his own standpoint, he also hoped that Tang Zhen could tell.

"According to our investigation, when the Seventh Continent disappeared, you were probably on that Chaos Continent.

Now that you have reappeared and informed the mysterious organization, such a situation is indeed somewhat abnormal.

This makes me have to suspect that you actually know more secrets, but you just don't want to say it. "

The general opened his mouth slowly, staring at Tang Zhen intently, with an expression of knowing everything.

Never underestimate the strength of these gods, especially in the case of the god king, it is not too difficult to find out Tang Zhen's whereabouts.

Tang Zhen chuckled, and as expected, Bingdian Shenting still had doubts about himself.

The major courts of the gods seem to be relaxed, but they are actually loose on the outside and tight on the inside. There are records of every monk's whereabouts.

Tang Zhen had previously entered the Sea of ​​Chaos, and had entered records in the first six continents, but disappeared along with the seventh continent.

Bingzhi Shenting wants to investigate, and will definitely be able to find clues, and has doubts about his experience.

Tang Zhen knew about this loophole, but still took the initiative to provide information, in fact, in order to gain a chance to trade.

The intelligence leads he holds are extremely valuable, and no one else can provide them except him.

If the seven gods want to know, they must show sincerity and give something that satisfies Tang Zhen.

This is not a difficulty for others, but it is in line with the principle of fair trade between gods and gods, and I believe that the Ice God Court can also accept it.

Tang Zhen's strong strength is the guarantee of fair treatment and the source of true self-confidence.

"I do know some secrets, and it's exclusive information that no one else can provide.

If you want to get it, you need to pay some price. After all, in order to get this information, I also took a considerable risk. "

Tang Zhen did not deliberately exaggerate, the process of obtaining this information was indeed quite dangerous.

Fortunately, he did not give in vain. If it is only about the gains, no one can compare with Tang Zhen.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the general was relieved.

"What do you want, you can tell me and see if this deal is worth it."

I'm not afraid that Tang Zhen won't make an offer, but I'm afraid that he will keep his mouth shut.

Bingyu Shenting's family has a big business, and they are not afraid of Tang Zhen's conditions at all. Of course, the premise is that it is worth the money.

If Tang Zhen's lion opened his mouth, Bingdiao Shenting would not be taken advantage of, and bargaining must be done.

"I want the top practice skills of Gu Lan God Realm, such as the development and upgrading of the divine ring, and the production method of the divine talisman.

This request is not too much, for the Bingdiao Shenting, it is something that can be easily taken out.

In addition, I also want to exchange some runes. There is no need to discount the price, but the variety must be complete. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's request, Tuo Yuheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Zhen's request can be said to be quite reasonable, and it also seems very sincere.

"No problem, your request is not excessive and can be fully satisfied!"

The god will resolutely agree, if such a condition is still hesitant, it will definitely cause Tang Zhen to look down.

The majestic Bingzhi Shenting couldn't even agree to such a condition, that would be too stingy.

"In that case, I will tell you everything I know..."

Tang Zhen changed his identity, he was no longer a reformer monk, nor was he the chief formation master of the mysterious organization.

"After I entered the seventh continent, I was attacked by a mysterious organization and witnessed their transfer of the entire continent.

Because there are so many gods in the enemy, I used a special method to hide them, and I didn't find many people from the beginning to the end...

The seventh continent was brought to the mysterious world. I continued to hide and witnessed many monks being transformed by the mother of the earth.


The Allied Forces of Expression launched an attack and occupied the mysterious world, and the mysterious organization collapsed and disbanded.

I secretly searched for an opportunity, left that place, and went all the way back to the Ice God Court..."

When Tang Zhen said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"During the process of hiding, I discovered a big secret, related to the origin of this mysterious organization.

You may never have imagined that the overriding person behind this mysterious organization is likely to be a god king with a certain expression..."

Tang Zhen told what he had seen and heard, including his guesses, which stunned Tuo Yuheng and the general.

They really couldn't imagine that the mysterious organization that looted the chaotic land had such a background!
Secretly formed a gang of thieves, secretly provided support, and reaped the fruits at the right time.

Such despicable behavior is simply shameless.

It is even possible to imagine what kind of response the other party will have when the Seven Great Divine Courts go to ask for land.

Playing the role of the rescuer, the other party can come up with all kinds of reasons to prevent the smooth recovery of the Seventh Continent.

Even if the seven gods are dissatisfied, so what?
Separated by the sea of ​​chaos, unless there is a means to reach the sky, it is impossible to recover the seventh continent.

(End of this chapter)

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