I have a city in another world

Chapter 3249 Secret Exposure

Chapter 3249 Secret Exposure
The information provided by Tang Zhen shocked the monks in the Ice God Court.

They never expected that such a big secret would be involved behind the disappearance of the Seventh Continent!

If this is indeed the case, not only the seven great courts are involved, but even more courts will suffer losses.

A chaotic continent is so bizarre and disappears, which divine court will be willing to let it go?

Now that they have clues and know the news of the missing land, how can they remain indifferent?
If these divine courts unite, no matter how powerful the mastermind behind the scenes is, it is impossible for them to be opponents.

It's just that such a thing can't happen at all.

The major courts involved in this matter are quite far away, and their relationship with each other is also far and near.

Although it suffered a lot of losses, it would not hurt the muscles and bones, and a war broke out because of this incident.

Before any divine court goes to war, it will go through repeated consideration to determine whether it is worthwhile.

If there are not enough interests, even if there are ten thousand reasons, war will not happen.

If the interests are sufficient, they will try their best to create excuses, and they will find an opportunity to start a war anyway.

The matter of the mysterious organization is obviously not at the level of a war, especially when many gods are involved, almost all participants will exercise restraint.

And even if the incident broke out, the mastermind behind the scenes might not admit it, after all, there is no evidence to prove it.

Tang Zhen made such a conjecture because he participated in the whole process and had sufficient reasons to believe that his judgment was correct.

The problem is that without evidence to support Tang Zhen's speculation, even if it is 100% true, it is useless at all.

If you are facing the weak, you can achieve your goal without evidence, but when facing the real strong, even if you have evidence, it may not be useful.

Different people are treated differently, and so is the practice world.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the mastermind behind the scenes dared to expose the existence of the mysterious organization, and even openly used the mysterious world as a transfer station.

If there is no evidence, you must not indiscriminately wrong others, otherwise it will be easy to provoke a war.

If the other party dared to do such a thing, he must have enough confidence, and he would not be afraid of the big courts asking questions.

The reason is equally simple, if there is no evidence, how can we judge that this matter is related to me.

It is even possible to use this as a reason to refuse to return the Chaos Land, and to keep arguing with each other.

So in the final analysis, the evidence is very important and must be collected more vigorously.

As long as there is valid evidence, no matter how shameless the other party is, they must return the Chaos Land.

In order to obtain enough strong evidence, the major divine courts will inevitably intensify their hunting efforts to find those gods who are hiding and escaping.

In this case, it should be easier for Tang Zhen to find the native gods in Xingyunhai.

Tang Zhen provided the corresponding information, and the Bingyuan Divine Court also provided the corresponding skill secrets as agreed.

The Ice Palace must protect Tang Zhen. After all, he is considered an important witness. Tang Zhen is likely to be asked to help testify in the future.

Putting this aside, based on Tang Zhen's cultivation alone, he must make good friends.

Ordinary generals can be ignored, but high-level generals like Tang Zhen are definitely the powerful foreign aid they can't wait for.

During troubled times, the Bingdiao Shenting has to improve its own strength to deter those enemies who are in the open and in the dark.

If you don't have enough strength, you will definitely not have enough confidence even when negotiating with the enemy.

In addition to the top-level skills, Tang Zhen has also successfully acquired the talismans that Tang Zhen wanted.

The price offered by the Bingyu Shenting is indeed favorable, but it is still a sky-high price, and even Tang Zhen is heartbroken.

But this is also worth the money. After all, regardless of the cost or public expenses, the investment in the talisman is quite high.

This also made Tang Zhen make up his mind that he must master this method, so as to avoid wasting money.

The fighting methods of normal gods are to transform attacks through the essence of gods, or purely physical attacks to assist various artifacts.

Attacks such as spells are rarely used by gods, because most of them are immune.

This kind of talisman in the Gulan God Realm is also an effective means of combat attack. It is equivalent to a warrior with cold weapons in hand-to-hand combat, possessing such weapons as pistols and bombs.

When fighting, the gods will have stronger means of killing, and it can even be said that they are impossible to defend against.

To have such powerful power, in addition to the increase of rule crystallization, all kinds of runes also contributed.

These runes belong to untold secrets, and every creator will not spread them easily, which is tantamount to letting others steal their jobs.

It is almost impossible to decipher it, because the special sealing method is enough to ensure that outsiders will automatically destroy it when they crack it.

Not only will you not get what you want, but it will also cause serious losses, and may even endanger your life.

Tang Zhen didn't think about deciphering the talisman. If he wasn't absolutely sure, he wouldn't take the risk of doing such a thing.

After this conversation, Tang Zhen found a remote place and began to practice with great concentration.

At the same time, he told Tuo Yuheng that if it is not necessary, never bother himself.

But if there is any news about Xingyun Sea God, he must inform himself immediately, after all, there is still an unresolved enmity between the two sides.

Time passed slowly, and soon another year passed.

During this period of time, the Gulan God Realm was very lively because of this incident provoked by Tang Zhen.

The secret of the mysterious organization has been known to everyone, causing quite a stir.

All the major gods have just learned that the Chaos Land once disappeared, and many innocent monks were also affected.

The reason why the news did not spread was obviously blocked by Shenting to avoid causing unnecessary panic.

Now the culprit has finally been found, but it is a pity that he has fled without a trace, and he does not know where he is hiding.

Fortunately, the robbed Chaos landed, and now all of them have been found, and the owners have also gone to claim them.

Not all the missing Chaos Lands could be found, and some disappeared without a trace, not in the mysterious world.

According to the guesses of the monks, these chaos landings should have really encountered accidents and were completely swallowed by the sea of ​​chaos.

According to the rumors of the God Court monks who participated in the war, there was once a piece of land that fled in the chaos, but it was not known which God Court belonged to.

Since the origin of this land cannot be confirmed, and the area is not very large, not many monks care at all.

Although some divine courts suspected that the missing chaotic land belonged to them, they couldn't find any evidence at all.

Even if evidence can be found, the chaotic land has disappeared, and there is no trace of it at all.

How can I get it back if I can't find it?
The main attention of the major courts is still on the existing chaotic land and trying to regain ownership.

Although the major divine courts produced all kinds of evidence to prove that the Chaos Land belonged to them, it was of no use at all.

The gods who defeated the mysterious organization insisted that it was their own spoils and that they belonged to the victimized party.

The other gods wanted to take back the Chaos Land without doing anything, it was just a dream.

In addition, after the transformation of the mysterious organization, these chaotic continents have long since changed beyond recognition, and the evidence of the major expressions is basically invalid.

The previously feared situation has indeed happened, and it also proves the accuracy of Tang Zhen's prediction.

(End of this chapter)

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