I have a city in another world

Chapter 3290 Exploration of unfamiliar areas

Chapter 3290 Exploration of unfamiliar areas

At this moment, the giant group is fighting with the monster, and the two sides are fighting inextricably.

The heights of the giant races vary. Some are only a few meters tall, while others are as high as hundreds of meters. They also have many deformed appearances.

Either it bears several heads, or it is covered with arms, or it is covered with strange organs.

There are thousands of giants, and they run wildly on the vast land, making strange and crazy roars from their mouths.

They are actually fighting and hunting, besieging and killing a monster that looks like a giant wild boar with thick scales on its body.

The difference is that it has sharp horns, dozens of eyes, and eight short legs that are extremely thick.

These giants howled again and again, chasing and rounding up the wild boar-like monsters, as if they wanted to use them as food.

The wild boar monster is equally fierce and is fighting the giant together.

The long sharp horns are extremely sharp, and it is easy to pierce the giant, or throw it to the ground and trample it fiercely.

Some large wild boar monsters used the small giants as food, and swallowed them after chewing a few times.


The giants were so angry that they waved their huge leg bones, surrounded the wild boar monster, killed it, and then tore it into pieces and devoured it directly.

They are all blood-drinking monsters, and they look absolutely crazy.

The largest giant leader is the only super creature on the battlefield, exuding a trace of energy fluctuations.

From this, it can be determined that in the body of the giant leader, there are already regular particles condensed.

Because of the existence of regular particles, the giant leader is obviously different from his companions.

It wears a beast skull on its head, used as a helmet and decoration, with two rows of sharp horns on it.

Swinging its huge leg bones, it rushed towards the largest wild boar monster, and then smashed down viciously.

The blow was so powerful that the wild boar monster's brain burst, and it fell to the ground with a wailing sound.

The leader of the giant rushed forward, grabbed the monster's corpse, and sucked the brains.

After sucking it clean, throw the corpse away.

The dwarf giants swarmed up and surrounded the monster's corpse, tearing and devouring it like hungry wolves.

Their expressions were ferocious, with a vicious look, and threatening sounds kept coming out of their throats.

Even accomplices will be attacked by giants if they dare to snatch food.

At this moment, Tang Zhen descended from the sky and slashed at the leader of the giant.

Since he couldn't control the rules, the fist-to-body fighting style became Tang Zhen's first choice again.

Otherwise, you only need to manipulate the rules, and you can kill these giants in a single thought, without such trouble at all.

The leader of the giant roared, looked at Tang Zhen in front of him, swung his giant leg bone and smashed it.

It's just that Tang Zhen's saber was far faster than the leader of the giant, and it wailed in an instant.

The head of the giant's leader was cut off by Tang Zhen, and rolled to the ground like a hill.

The headless corpse did not fall to the ground, but continued to attack with its leg bones, but Tang Zhen could not be touched at all.

A short giant picked up the huge head and ran towards the leader.

The giant leader grabbed the head, held it in his hand, and stared at Tang Zhen fiercely.

Being beheaded but not dying shows that the giant leader has super vitality. This is because there is no way to suppress it through rules.

Tang Zhen took his time and attacked again.

The saber shot a hundred feet of cold light, swept across the body of the giant leader, and pierced his body with ease.

The body of the giant leader was broken into several pieces, and his hands and feet were scattered everywhere.

The giants around roared, but they didn't dare to come forward at all.

Tang Zhen shot again, refining the body of the giant leader and extracting the regular particles in the body.

This kind of regular particles is the best nutrient for cultivating regular seeds, and it is a very precious thing.

Scanning the surrounding giants, they were staring at Tang Zhen fiercely, but they didn't escape because of the leader's death.

Affected by the chaotic energy, these native creatures are extremely ferocious, and they don't know what fear is at all.

Tang Zhen only wanted regular particles, he didn't bother to deal with these low-level monsters, and flew into the distance in an instant.

He had to continue hunting, get more regular particles, and find a way to get regular seeds.

When passing by a piece of ruins, Tang Zhen landed to take a look.

The size of this ruin is very large, it looks like a giant castle, and it should be able to accommodate many residents.

It must have been invaded by monsters, so it turned into ruins, and the original residents may have been turned into bones long ago.

Just looking at those giants and fierce monsters, you can know how dangerous this area is.

Without a strong enough force, in this land, the weak can only be slaughtered.

Tang Zhen continued to move forward, and as he continued to go deeper, he discovered another thing.

Although there are many monsters, the number of super creatures is very rare. He has only encountered two so far.

This made Tang Zhen feel a little depressed. If the collection is carried out in this way, God knows how many years it will take to gather the required regular particles?
Fortunately, until now, there is still no regular seed breeding, otherwise the seeds will starve to death sooner or later.

It is said that with the characteristic of immortality, many super creatures will be born, but this is not the case.

In the process of growth, native organisms will inevitably encounter many crises, and will be killed for various reasons.

Although it will not die of old age, it does not mean that it will not be killed. There are countless native creatures that have fallen accidentally.

Among the super creatures, they will also kill and devour them, making themselves stronger and stronger.

There may also be monks who patrol and hunt super monsters on a regular basis to obtain regular particles in the monster's body.

In this case, if the number of super monsters can be large, it is really abnormal.

Another reason is that in the marginal area, the content of chaotic matter is very thin.

Super monsters are rare, as it should be.

If you want to get more regular particles, you have to go deeper and look for places with more super monsters.

After Tang Zhen made up his mind, he chose a direction and moved forward at top speed.

Another week passed, and Tang Zhen was still on his way.

During this period of time, Tang Zhen encountered several super creatures, and all of them were beheaded and refined.

The distance he has traveled is far beyond the imagination of mortals, and perhaps only gods can do this.

But Tang Zhen could feel that the concentration of chaotic matter was getting higher and higher as it went deeper.

Affected by the chaotic matter, the strength of the native creatures is getting stronger and stronger, and the number and variety are also increasing.

Tang Zhen's previous speculation was correct. As he continued to go deeper, he would definitely encounter a gathering place of super creatures.

It's just the place where the seeds of rules are condensed. Tang Zhen has never encountered it, and he doesn't even have the slightest clue.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, Tang Zhen naturally knows it very well.

Originally, Tang Zhen thought that it would take a long time to find the corresponding clues.

Unexpectedly, one day, he saw a huge city appearing at the end of the horizon in front of him.

The city wall of this city is hundreds of meters high, and the whole body presents an emerald green color.

Colorful materials are inlaid on the city wall, forming mysterious and profound runes.

During the operation of the rune, it emits a dazzling light, which looks like a rising sun from a distance.

On the outskirts of the city, the rune circle made of monster materials is running at high speed non-stop.

This special rune circle guards the sky above the city, and once touched, it will trigger various blows.

Because of the existence of the rune circle, all kinds of monsters flying in the air cannot enter the city from the sky at all.

There are countless monsters on the ground, rushing towards that giant city, almost completely covering the land.

The battle between the city defenders and the monsters was extremely brutal, and corpses were piled up around the city.

Tang Zhen attacked without hesitation when he saw the figures of super monsters among those monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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