I have a city in another world

Chapter 3291 Monster Siege

Chapter 3291 Monster Siege
The number of monsters on this battlefield is too large to be counted, almost completely covering the land.

Because of the rampant trampling of the monsters, the plants were severely damaged, almost to the point where not even a blade of grass could grow.

The feces excreted by the monster and the smell from the body are even more stinky when mixed together.

There are also some out-of-control monsters, they clashed on the battlefield, and then gathered together to fight wildly.

Of course, there are only a very small number of monsters of this type. Once they are discovered by a huge leader monster, they will be patted into a pulp on the spot.

The seemingly chaotic group of monsters actually has rules. If you despise them because of their appearance, you may suffer a big loss at some point.

Among all kinds of monsters, there are some monsters that are particularly huge and prominent.

They are all super creatures, with regular seeds condensed in their bodies, and they belong to the king of the monster group.

Under the leadership of these super creatures, countless monsters rushed to the city, and the fierce fighting was non-stop.

Under the tall city wall, corpses have already piled up like a mountain, but the monsters are still climbing up.

As if there are treasures ahead, let them go mad.

During the climbing process, the monsters were either shot down by the city defenders, or climbed up to the top of the city smoothly.

The screams or roars almost resounded through the sky.

Such a bloody and cruel scene reminded Tang Zhen of the past.

After the establishment of the Holy Dragon City, the appearance of the city when it was attacked by monsters was similar to the scene in front of it.

The original cornerstone platform of the wild theater was used to create monsters through the power of the source, and was used to hone the monks in Loucheng in the theater.

This kind of training method is not prevalent in the whole building world, but it is completely a strategy for the cornerstone platform to deal with the crisis.

One of the reasons is to allow monks to maintain a sense of crisis at all times and to be able to continuously improve their own strength.

In the face of a dangerous environment, if you can't improve your own strength as soon as possible, it will only be a matter of time before you fail and be conquered.

In fact, not only the wild theaters, but also those theaters with lower rankings have actually used this method before.

Using almost self-harm methods to force the monks in Loucheng to work hard, although it will cause losses, the gains will undoubtedly be greater.

Tang Zhen became the master of the war zone, so he no longer used this method, because it was not necessary at all.

He has better means to improve the strength of the monks on the floor, so why use this method of self-harm.

In just a short time, Tang Zhen has completed the investigation and confirmed the distribution of monsters.

Complete the lock at the same time, and don't even think about escaping.

When Tang Zhen joined the battlefield, the first thing he targeted was a centipede-like monster, because this guy was the fiercest.

It is covered with scars left by crustacean parasitism, and at the same time, the bones of various monsters, as well as debris such as stones and wood are also stuck.

These messy things formed an extremely hard carapace under the action of the mucus secreted by the monster leader.

It is with this special shell that the monster leader can resist various attacks, and at the same time slaughter the enemy with sharp claws.

Its body length is 500 meters, and it is unknown how many years it has lived. Perhaps these monsters are all its descendants.

The monsters it leads are currently climbing on the wall, scurrying around like a swimming dragon.

Compared with other monsters, this centipede-like monster poses a greater threat to the city defenders.

Just because their carapaces are thick enough, they can swim fast enough, and they are very resistant to blows.

Ordinary attacks fell on the body, like scratching an itch, without any effect at all.

From time to time, there will be this kind of monster, rushing up the [-]-meter-high city wall, and then fighting with the defenders.

Every time this monster is killed, it will pay a lot of casualties.

The city defenders hated this monster to the bone, but they had no way to kill it. They could only rely on the rune circle to prevent the opponent from approaching.

It is precisely because of the existence of the rune circle that the city can persist until now, otherwise it would have been easily occupied by monsters.

Although the defenders also have weapons that can cause fatal damage to super creatures, they have a limited range of use.

These cunning super creatures are obviously able to sense the existence of danger, so they never approach easily.

The city defenders dare not go out of the city easily, because that is purely seeking their own death.

But as long as the super monsters exist, those siege monsters will not recede, and they also have a special ability to resurrect the dead of the same race.

Fortunately, this method of resurrection requires a price, and at the same time, there are certain restrictions, and it is not unlimited.

Relying on cunning fighting methods and the ability to revive the same people made the battle of defending the city extremely difficult.

Almost every battle lasted for a long time and cost considerable casualties.

The monster siege this time has lasted for nearly three days, and the defenders have long been exhausted.

Fortunately, the personnel guarding the city can be changed, and the supplies for guarding the city are still sufficient, so there is no need to worry about problems in a short period of time.

Just as the fighting became more intense, a sudden change occurred on the battlefield, and the super creature that caused headaches for the city defenders was suddenly attacked.

The two sides fought for only two rounds, and the leader of the centipede monster, which the defenders hated so much, was cut in half!
Seeing this scene, the city defenders were stunned for a moment, and then cheered loudly.

"It's the gods, it's the gods who are helping us!"

"Hahaha, there is a god to take action, we are saved!"

"Look, he killed another monster leader, and many monsters have stopped attacking the city!"

The city defenders were extremely excited and kept cheering loudly.

Every time Tang Zhen killed a super creature, the pressure on the city defenders would be greatly reduced. If he could kill all the super creatures, he would not need to worry about the harassment of monsters for a long time.

These monsters rarely attack cities without super creatures to lead them.

This time the monsters attacked the city, in fact, there had been omens for a long time, and the city defenders had already tried their best to deal with it.

Although there are also monks, but when facing these super creatures, they are not opponents at all.

Without the protection of the city wall, they might not even be able to fight against super creatures, even ordinary monsters.

Tang Zhen's timely appearance was definitely a timely help for the city defenders.

What the defenders think actually has nothing to do with Tang Zhen, he is just hunting super creatures now.

In a very short time, Tang Zhen had killed half of the monster leaders.

Seeing this, the other super creatures immediately locked onto Tang Zhen and directed the monsters to attack him.

Even the monster leader is no match for Tang Zhen, let alone these ordinary monsters.

Tang Zhen just hit casually, and countless monsters were beheaded.

After breaking out of the encirclement, lock the monster leaders and kill them one after another.

Those super monsters were quite cunning, and when they found out that they were not Tang Zhen's opponents, they had to leave the battlefield immediately.

But since he was being targeted by Tang Zhen, how could he possibly escape?
Tang Zhen locked on those super creatures and started chasing them again, preparing to wipe them all out.

But at this moment, a dozen figures suddenly appeared and surrounded Tang Zhen.

The eyes looking at Tang Zhen were full of angry killing intent, wishing to tear him to pieces.

"Who are you, you dare to come here to pick up bargains, you simply don't know how to live or die!"

(End of this chapter)

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