I have a city in another world

Chapter 3352 Abyss Nest

Chapter 3352 Abyss Nest
"If I were the Flower of Rules, if I want to build this world, I must have enough energy sources.

The monks who try to condense the seeds of rules can provide a steady stream of spiritual power, and it is because of them that the world can be built more and more perfect.

However, the consciousness carried by the mental power will cause damage to the flower of rules, so we must find a way to get rid of it.

But this matter cannot be done by the flower of the rules, because it will also cause pollution.

Therefore, it must be designed so that the spiritual bodies can kill each other, leaving only pure energy in the end.

After completing this step, you can hide in a hidden corner, absorb pure energy safely and smoothly, and let your own strength gradually become stronger! "

Tang Zhen continued to reason and analyze from the perspective of the flower of rules, so as to make a judgment that fit the reality.

Through this analysis and reasoning, Tang Zhen already had a rough judgment and knew where the Flower of Rules was hiding.

While the deduction was going on, Tang Zhen had already acted quickly, heading straight for the key suspect area at high speed.

Just doubting is not enough, you must investigate it yourself.

Even if there is a trace of doubt, Tang Zhen must not ignore it, and must thoroughly investigate it.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was returning along the original road, re-experiencing the previous scene.

Having seen through the essence of the world and successfully simulated the flower of rules, Tang Zhen has an incomparably thorough understanding of the world.

He has extreme self-confidence, confirming that his judgment will not go wrong, and this victory must belong to him.

Using the rules and framework of this world, Tang Zhen can become a half-creator and do things that other monks cannot do.

For example, it only takes a short time to travel through the gaps in the world to reach extremely long distances.

It didn't take long to come to the Talon Cliff, and there was a sea of ​​evil in front of it.

Previously, the process of crossing the sea was extremely dangerous. If there was a little carelessness during the period, it would sink forever in the evil sea.

Now crossing the sea again, but there is no need for such trouble.

Tang Zhen entered the depths of the Evil Sea in an instant, and continued to move forward in the sea.

At this time, looking at the Evil Sea again, it is another scene.

It turns out that in the deep ocean, there are also many gaps, which not only allow people to travel freely in the sea, but also can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

In this ocean, the slender bugs with human heads that Tang Zhen saw filled the entire ocean in groups.

There are countless corpses of monks piled up on the bottom of the sea, and as time goes by, the corpses are constantly decaying and melting.

Turning it into pure energy and integrating into this world can make the world frame more stable.

The undersea monster that followed the monk also revealed its true body, and it turned out to be a giant deformed monk.

It has an incomparably huge head, but its limbs have turned into countless tentacles, and its appearance is extremely ugly and creepy.

They hide under the deep sea, follow the monks to move constantly, and perceive the changes of the monks all the time.

Once a monk's mental strength exceeds the standard, and it is possible to perceive the secrets of this world, the monsters on the bottom of the sea will immediately attack.

Obviously, the purpose of their actions is not to fill their stomachs, but to prevent monks from discovering the secrets of this world.

Tang Zhen discovered the secret in time, so he avoided the monitoring of the monster, and finally successfully crossed the evil sea.

After fighting on the battlefield, Tang Zhen's mental strength increased rapidly, far exceeding the safety standard.

The act of breaking open the city gate is actually breaking the rules and restrictions of the world, and the shackles and shackles also collapse and disappear.

Breaking through the restrictions of the rules gave Tang Zhen the opportunity to see through the essence of the world and use special means to conduct anti-tracking.

Although the other monks crossed the city gate, they may not be able to match Tang Zhen in terms of mental power accumulation.

In terms of practice knowledge, there is no way to compare with Tang Zhen. They are still struggling on the road of practice, but Tang Zhen has created a world himself.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the rules, Tang Zhen could kill the hundred monks participating in the competition in an instant.

Of course, wherever you are, you must follow the rules of that place, and the same is true for the creator's soul avatar.

After crossing the evil sea, Tang Zhen logged in again, and saw huge heads rolling all over the ground.

I was tired of running for my life before, and I didn't understand the origin of these heads, but now I can see clearly.

These huge heads are clearly enlarged versions of the monks' heads. Because of the decay, they couldn't see their faces clearly at all.

At this moment, they are still rolling around, constantly chasing and killing the monks, their huge heads seem to never be able to fill up.

The monks were still running around in a panic, avoiding the pursuit of the giants, and rushing desperately to the ocean ahead.

Tang Zhen unexpectedly discovered that the giants did not devour them indiscriminately, but only devoured monks from the same origin as him.

A giant monster similar in appearance to Tang Zhen will not devour the spiritual bodies of other monks at all, and the degree of picky eating can be said to be harsh.

And giant monsters have a fixed route, if not necessary, they will never run around.

In the future, if you enter the flower of rules, you only need to remember this rule, and you can easily avoid the pursuit of giant monsters.

Passing through the area blocked by giant monsters, in front of you is the island of death that was constantly collapsing when the monk just entered.

The area of ​​this area is very large, and the entire land is under control, and it can collapse and restore to its original state at any time.

In every tragic fight, nearly [-] spiritual bodies fell, and there were hundreds of similar fighting venues.

The place where this nightmare begins is the real slaughterhouse of this world, and it is also the end of Tang Zhen's exploration.

The beginning is the end, and that is the answer.

A monk who has just entered the flower of rules may not be able to think of it at all. In fact, the answer he is looking for is right under his feet.

In fact, even if they know, the monks have no way to investigate.

In the face of the abyss, the monks have no way to go down, and the fate of falling is certain death.

The Flower of Rules has absolute confidence and guarantees that there will be no problems, so it hides in this area.

The fighting on the isolated island is still going on, and it is shrinking at a rapid rate, with monks and corpses constantly falling into the abyss.

Tang Zhen watched this scene quietly, then glanced at the abyss, and jumped down without hesitation.

Following countless corpses, they continued to fall towards the pitch-black abyss, seemingly endless.

At such a terrifying height, even a body made of gold and iron would surely be smashed to pieces.

Under normal circumstances, there will never be accidents.

Tang Zhen's soul avatar is the biggest surprise, an unexpected existence of the flower of rules.

After a long time, finally reached the bottom of the abyss.

It was extremely dark here, and there was no light at all, only the corpses of monks piled up like a mountain.

There was a muffled sound of "噗噗", which was the sound of death made by the collision of falling corpses.

The deep dark environment, like a real object, seems to be able to isolate the transmission of sound.

If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear any sound at all, even if it is not far away.

The extremely quiet environment and the strong breath of death make people feel weird.

Void and Nine Nether Hells actually look like this.

Tang Zhen lay on the corpse, feeling the extreme darkness and silence, quietly waiting for the target to arrive.

After an unknown amount of time, a ray of light suddenly appeared.

A gigantic and coquettish flower, shining with colorful lights, floated slowly from the darkness.

This is the flower of rules, the master of this world, and the whole world exists because of it.

Just like a luminous jellyfish, but more beautiful and delicate, with an unspeakable weird beauty.

Under this huge and bewitching flower, there are countless glowing tentacles, piercing those corpses continuously.

The remaining energy of the corpse was continuously absorbed by the glowing tentacles, and then entered into the body of the flower of rules.

From the looks of it, it was clear that the Flower of Rules had long been accustomed to collecting this kind of death energy.

(End of this chapter)

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