I have a city in another world

Chapter 3353 The Rage of the Flower of Rules

Chapter 3353 The Rage of the Flower of Rules
In the dark abyss, a huge regular flower was swimming around, and the icy light it released illuminated countless mutilated corpses.

However, the faces of those corpses have too many similarities, as if they were carved out of a mold.

This eerie scene is enough to make a cowardly person tremble, leaving an indelible impression of fear in his life.

When the flower of rules appeared, Tang Zhen's soul avatar did not move at all.

Like the other corpses, they lay quietly in the darkness, without any expression in their eyes.

This is extremely necessary, he doesn't want to scare away the body of the flower of rules because of his own reasons.

Although in this world, the Flower of Rules is the controller, but it is not the kind of complete control.

Some are similar to indigenous gods, who can borrow some rules and create special environments according to their wishes.

But it's just a borrowing, and it's absolutely impossible to do anything as the creator wants.

Without absolute control, the flower of rules will become cautious, hiding in the abyss and silently controlling everything.

The flower of rules in this state should have extremely high vigilance and will never relax easily.

Flower of Rules should be clear that it is absolutely impossible for living monks to appear in the environment where he forages.

Once this happens, it means that there is a problem.

The highly vigilant rule flower is likely to disappear in an instant, so as to avoid possible dangers.

As the master of this world, if the flower of rules wants to hide, it is really difficult for people to find out.

If the flower of the rule does not dodge, but launches an attack, it is also not a good thing.

Tang Zhen has the eyes to see the truth, but he doesn't have the ability to construct and change the world. Once the flower of rules attacks him, his situation will become very dangerous.

Today's soul avatar perfectly interprets what is called high-mindedness and low-handedness. It clearly possesses extensive knowledge, but its combat power is so scumbag that it is unbearable to look directly at it.

It's not that Tang Zhen doesn't want to be strong, but that the rules of this world don't allow it, otherwise it will pose a threat to the flower of the rules.

Power is unlimited, but not enough to break the rules.

Tang Zhen can easily win the battle with enemies and monsters, but it doesn't mean he is invincible.

When facing the flower of rules, the ruler of this world, it is impossible to be an opponent at all.

This is the advantage of rule makers, no matter when, it can be guaranteed that no one can challenge their authority.

There is another advantage of keeping silent, which is the opportunity to get close to the flower of rules, which is the top priority of Tang Zhen's trip.

According to the known clues, Tang Zhen has enough understanding of the flower of rules, guessing that it is a special existence that needs to absorb spiritual power, but is afraid of being polluted by the spirit.

The fundamental reason for everything that happens in this world is to purify the spiritual power, and then allow the flower of rules to absorb it without worry.

Tang Zhen, who has not died, has become the most feared existence of the flower of the rule because of the continued existence of consciousness.

After discovering Tang Zhen's existence, maybe there would be no fight at all, but they would run away without hesitation.

Seeing the Flower of Rules approaching, Tang Zhen immediately stopped thinking to prevent being perceived abnormally by this kind of thing.

The thoughts produced by living things will affect things in the world, resulting in something similar to the entanglement of cause and effect.

Like silk tentacles, surrounding the body, densely packed and difficult to sort out.

Such a situation does not exist for a monk with high strength, because he has already cut it off with a knife.

Ordinary people can't see this kind of thing, but as the master of this world, they can definitely see it.

If Tang Zhen couldn't restrain himself in time, he would stand out like a light bulb among a group of corpses.

It will be inevitable to disturb the flower of rules.

Not long after, this gigantic creature swimming in the darkness slowly approached.

Those fine tentacles pierced the corpse continuously, directly sucking it into a shriveled state.

Like a bee collecting nectar, it never rests for a moment.

Seeing a tentacle stabbing towards his abdomen like a poisonous snake, Tang Zhen didn't move at all.

The Flower of Rules also did not expect that there was a special existence hidden among these corpses.


A slight sound came, and Tang Zhen felt that his body was pierced, and then the energy was continuously absorbed.

The body built with mental strength instantly shriveled up, like a mummy that had lost its flesh and blood.

Tang Zhen didn't stop the absorption, and even wanted to help, let the tentacles quickly absorb all the prepared energy.

These added spiritual energy will definitely surprise the Flower of Rules.

As soon as this idea was born, I felt the tentacles inserted into the body withdraw like an electric shock.

Immediately afterwards, the Flower of Rules trembled violently, let out a strange scream, and burst out with dazzling light at the same time.

A series of strange black lines emerged from the body of the flower of rules, and continued to swim on the huge petals.

Let people know at a glance that something must have happened.

At the same time, it can also be seen that a face is constantly popping up on a ball in the middle of the flower of rules.

Although it looks vague, it gives people a weird feeling. How similar is it to Tang Zhen?

The appearance of this scene made the voice of the flower of the rules become more piercing, and even gave people a feeling of desperation.

The Flower of Rules searched for a while, found Tang Zhen's location, and immediately rushed over aggressively.

The strange state of the flower of rules aroused Tang Zhen's vigilance, and he quickly got up and dodged.

The infection of the Flower of Rules seems to have been successfully completed, and there is no need to bear the attack from the other party.

Looking at the state of the flower of the rule at this time, it is obvious that she is extremely angry, trying to smash Tang Zhen into ten thousand pieces.

Tang Zhen will definitely not wait to die, but will live to the end and tell the outside body the secret of the flower of rules.

Realizing that Tang Zhen was trying to escape, the scream of the flower of the rule became sharper, as if there was a bloody feud.

In this deep underground abyss, the two sides began to chase wildly, just like a cat chasing a mouse.

Barriers appeared out of thin air, trying to intercept Tang Zhen, but he saw through the flaws and easily avoided it.

Tang Zhen was overtaken more than once, but he was always able to save the day at critical moments, avoiding the chasing and killing of Flower of Rules.

The Flower of Rules was furious, and every time Tang Zhen escaped, it would scream.

During the chase between the two sides, the change of the flower of rules became more and more obvious, and most of the petals had turned into a pitch black color.

The flower of the rules became more and more anxious, and her pursuit of Tang Zhen became more and more frantic, reaching the level of no matter what the cost.

He even cut off his tentacles and used them as spears to deal with Tang Zhen through long-range attacks.

Tang Zhen was puzzled. He didn't understand why Flower of Rules' reaction became so strong?

It is not a one-time thing to produce rule seeds from the flower of rules, but a continuous output.

In this case, there is really no need for the Flower of Rules to assume such a relentless pursuit.

So behind this incident, there must be an unknown reason, which led to this situation.

Tang Zhen couldn't figure it out for the time being, and didn't have enough time to think about it, so he just tried to delay the time as much as possible.

Because he knows very well that only by persevering can he wait for the victory to come.

(End of this chapter)

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