Chapter 3390
Compared with other monk organizations, the scene of the monks in Loucheng was bigger, and ten super strong men came directly.

The first is to suppress people with power, and the second is to show the attitude of monk Loucheng through this kind of battle.

They are absolutely bound to win this matter.

The first monk in Loucheng has condensed the existence of godhead, which is far beyond the comparison of ordinary monks in the original extreme world.

Looking at the strength level of the opponent, he is only one step away from a high-level general, enough to crush the super strong in the original polar world.

The other nine Loucheng monks should be natives of the Yuanji Realm, and they joined Loucheng for some reason.

Now that he has joined Loucheng, there is no need to worry about loyalty. The monks in Loucheng have their own means to ensure that the other party will not betray.

There is even a possibility that the opponent has the current level of strength, which is completely supported by monk Loucheng.

If this is the case, they will be more loyal to Loucheng. After all, living is worse than raising, and monks don't have too strong regional concepts.

Most of the battles to protect the world are driven by interests.

The appearance of monk Loucheng made those super strong people very vigilant, because they knew the strength of monk Loucheng very well.

If the other party intervenes, perhaps the benefits will be lost to them.

The superpowers look at each other and have reached a tacit agreement to advance and retreat together when necessary.

Facing the powerful Loucheng monks, they chose to form an alliance temporarily so that they could have more confidence.

After Brother Loucheng arrived, he glanced at the superpowers around him with calm and indifferent eyes.

Although they didn't say a word, it gave people a feeling that they didn't take these superpowers seriously.

With such a keen perception, the super strong man can naturally perceive the attitude of monk Loucheng, but he has no reason to get angry.

Facing monk Loucheng, they didn't have the guts.

"No matter how many Silver Horn Skink Kings you catch, we can buy them at a high price, and the price is up to you."

Compared with other super powerhouses, Brother Loucheng's attitude is very peaceful, without any aggressive posture.

Facing Tang Zhen at this moment, he was treated as a negotiating target, not a weak ant.

Based on this alone, one can make a judgment.

Hearing the words, the super strong man next to him was secretly disdainful, feeling that monk Loucheng was too hypocritical.

In the eyes of these monks, Tang Zhen was not a super strong man, so he didn't deserve this kind of courtesy at all.

The most important point is that Tang Zhen received respect that none of them received, which especially made the super powers feel aggrieved.

They wanted to stop the destruction, but they had nothing to say. Everything depended on Tang Zhen's choice.

If you want to compete fairly, you can definitely ask for better conditions instead of using some crooked brains.

Anyone who dares to do this is tantamount to undermining fairness and may be attacked collectively.

The monks in Loucheng are rich and powerful, and have the ability to make such a promise, but they do not have such confidence and qualifications.

On such a special occasion, it is even more impossible to boast indiscriminately for the sake of competition.

The losing rival will surely monitor this, and if it fails to do so, it will be an inducement to war.

Especially the monks in Loucheng, being targeted by such a strong person is enough to make those monks restless.

Because of the fear in his heart, he didn't dare to promise indiscriminately, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

But depression and resignation are definitely unavoidable.

There are also some super strong men who dare not provoke the monks of Loucheng, so they can only threaten Tang Zhen in turn.

It's a pity that the hints in their eyes were directly ignored by Tang Zhen, which had no effect at all.

Tang Zhenzheng looked at Brother Loucheng, then nodded slightly.


Hearing the words, the super powerhouses around were immediately filled with disappointment, feeling that they had missed this good opportunity.

The Loucheng monk chuckled, as if he had expected this result a long time ago, so he made an invitation gesture.

"In that case, please leave this place with me, Your Excellency, and go to a quieter place."

This public fishing spot is indeed quite chaotic and not suitable for important things.

Since he chose to cooperate with Brother Loucheng, he naturally had to go to the area controlled by the other party.

Even if Tang Zhen didn't want to go, monk Loucheng would not agree to it. Such an important transaction must not be neglected in the slightest.

If the monk organization repented with jealousy, launched an attack or kidnapped Tang Zhen, it would only make things worse.

The two sides reached an agreement, and Tang Zhen went to Loucheng in the fourth war zone. This was definitely an inevitable result.

The first step of the plan has been completed, Tang Zhen now has a legal identity, and can enter the Loucheng openly.

No one would doubt his identity. After all, monk Loucheng invited him on his own initiative, and he provided what they needed most.

Tang Zhen got up slowly, and was about to leave the edge of the cliff, but suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the fat man standing beside him.

"I'm going to other places, would you like to go with me?"

Fatty's previous appearance was somewhat depressed, but after hearing Tang Zhen's words, his worries turned into joy.

I saw him nodding desperately, expressing his willingness.

For Fatty, whether he met or followed Tang Zhen, it was actually a kind of chance.

It is not easy for ordinary monks to change their fate, and it is even more difficult to obtain such an opportunity.

Now that the opportunity was in front of him, how could the fat man miss it, he immediately rushed to Tang Zhen's back and followed closely, with the fishing tackle on his shoulder and giggled.

Needless to say, the onlookers felt envious when they saw this scene.

They also want to have this opportunity, and they are not afraid to take risks. Wealth and honor are sought in danger, and the same is true for practice.

Although the monks are ready to fight with their lives, they may not be able to get the opportunities they want, and most of them leave only grudges.

The superpowers of the major organizations have already avoided this matter. Since there was no obstruction from the beginning, there will be no extra problems at this moment.

Watching Tang Zhen and others leave, these superpowers had gloomy expressions, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Tang Zhen's fishing location was not very far from Loucheng in the fourth war zone, and his purpose was to attract the opponent's attention more easily.

Going to Loucheng now will naturally not take much time.

Loucheng in the fourth war zone is located on a peninsula protruding from the cliff and belongs to an independent area.

In a land where every inch of land is expensive, being able to occupy such a large territory is enough to prove one's own strength.

The cliffs on three sides of the peninsula are extremely steep, and below is the quiet Forbidden Sea, so calm that there are no waves at all.

Compared with the coast where it was just now, the pressure on this peninsula has obviously increased a bit.

This is a very normal phenomenon. The deeper you go into the Forbidden Sea, the greater the pressure you will be under.

The monks in the Yuanji Realm have long discovered that once they get close to or dive into the Forbidden Sea, the pressure of terror will be greatly relieved.

It's just that if you do this, you will be attacked by sea monsters, and it will become even more dangerous.

The monks who entered the Forbidden Sea would take a boat, which would not only relieve the pressure, but also defend against the attacks of sea monsters.

In the open space around Loucheng, several huge ships were parked, which looked like moving islands.

The ship is being built, and all the materials used come from super sea monsters. Only such materials can float and sail in the forbidden sea.

If it is replaced with other materials, it will sink directly when it enters the sea, and it is even more impossible to sail in the forbidden sea.

There are also many Loucheng monks who are also fishing, and they will gain something from time to time.

Compared with the indigenous monks on the coast, the monks in Loucheng have a higher chance of harvesting, which may be related to the bait pills they use.

During the march, the Loucheng cultivator looked ahead and said to Tang Zhen without looking back: "You can apply for all kinds of supplies, no matter what, as long as you want it, you can get it.

I will give you the lowest price and make a unified settlement at the end, provided that you can capture a sufficient number of Silver Horned Skink Kings. "

Tang Zhen listened silently, then quietly looked at the building ahead, guessing that there might be his enemies there.

(End of this chapter)

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