Chapter 3391
During the conversation, Tang Zhen was taken to an area, which was wide and flat.

It should be for fishing sea monsters, and a space was deliberately cleared.

Compared with the previously rented fishing ground, the conditions here are obviously better, and corresponding auxiliary equipment is also equipped.

For example, the refiner carefully crafted a floating turret that can launch a harpoon. When a super creature is caught, it can assist in locking and launching a fatal blow.

With this auxiliary equipment, even without a companion, it is still possible to capture prey.

There are many near Loucheng, and there are many similar devices, floating in the air and wandering around.

Wherever there is a need, help will be provided as soon as possible.

With such auxiliary equipment, even a low-level monk like Fatty can easily capture super creatures.

After arranging Tang Zhen to the designated position and appointing assistants, the Loucheng monk left directly.

But Tang Zhen knew that the other party didn't really stay away, but was watching in secret.

Always have to verify it before you can really feel relieved.

As for entering the interior of Loucheng, it is impossible to do it now, and Tang Zhen will not be in a hurry either.

What's more, Tang Zhen's purpose is not just to enter the building, but to find traces and clues related to the enemy.

"let's start."

Under the watchful eyes of a group of monks from Loucheng, Tang Zhen sat cross-legged on the white jade platform and immediately started working.

First order people to collect materials, and then start refining.

When many monks buy alchemy materials, they will add some materials that are not used at all, or even have a counterproductive effect.

The purpose of doing this is to confuse and prevent someone from snooping and stealing.

When you see the records on Danfang, which contain hundreds of materials and even thousands of operation steps, don't believe it.

Because there are likely to be mines everywhere, it is almost impossible to refine it successfully.

This is just one of the defense methods, and for practitioners, there are countless similar methods.

If mortals compete with monks, there is basically no possibility of victory, because they are at different levels.

In many cases, it is actually false and true.

Tang Zhen played his role faithfully, just like a normal monk, and gave an extremely complicated list of materials.

The monk Loucheng who was in charge of assisting saw this, and did not hesitate at all, and quickly got what he needed.

Continue to open the prohibition and start refining the elixir.

During the entire refining process, no one disturbed Tang Zhen, and the monks were well aware of the taboos in this regard.

After about 10 minutes, Tang Zhen threw the pill to Fatty.

"Take it, and you will continue to be responsible for fishing."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he matched the materials again, preparing to start the second refining.

The fat man was very excited when he heard the words. He was obsessed with the feeling of fishing sea monsters, so that he could prove himself.

As a result, with the bait pill that Tang Zhen handed over, the fat man started fishing with ease, and only focused on the matter itself.

Fatty didn't particularly care about his situation, and gave Tang Zhen a high degree of trust.

Fatty is talented, simple and honest, that's why Tang Zhen brought him along.

Just like before, it didn't take long before a Silver Horned Skink King took the bait.

Seeing this, the surrounding monks in Loucheng immediately gave a round of applause.

Facts once again proved that the bait pill refined by Tang Zhen was indeed effective, and it was specifically aimed at the Silver Horned Skink King.

Cultivator Loucheng, who was watching secretly, finally felt relieved and began to fully cooperate with Tang Zhen's operation.

The days that followed were calm and monotonous.

The silver horned lizard king was very unlucky, he was pulled out of the forbidden sea by the fat man from time to time, and he was hunted down with the help of monk Loucheng.

But as time goes by, the chances of capture become lower and lower.

It wasn't that Tang Zhen's bait pill had failed, but that the nearby Silver Horn Lizard King only had these, and they had all been caught by the fat man.

If you want to hunt more silver-horned dragon kings, you have to go to other places and go deep into the dangerous Forbidden Sea.

But hunting in the forbidden sea has always been the exclusive right of the super strong, and ordinary monks are not qualified at all.

It's not that ordinary monks are not allowed, but that after entering, there is almost no possibility of returning alive.

After a while, monk Loucheng made a request, hoping that Tang Zhen could trade Danfang.

In this way, even without Tang Zhen, they could still capture the Silver Horned Spirit Lizard King.

Their hunting area will be in the Forbidden Sea, where there are more and more powerful monsters.

Faced with the request of monk Loucheng, Tang Zhen directly chose to refuse.

If this is the case, his plan will not be carried out smoothly, and the previous efforts will be wasted.

Just refusing like this, monk Loucheng will definitely not let it go, and will use other means.

Tang Zhen gave a reason so that the other party could not continue to embarrass himself.

"This special bait pill needs to use my blood essence, and it must be absolutely fresh.

This is a racial talent, and it cannot be copied at all, even if you have a pill, you can't refine it. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's explanation, monk Loucheng was dubious, but he did not continue to persecute.

Apparently they have concerns, if they go too far, they will lose the opportunity to cooperate with Tang Zhen.

Since Tang Zhen is not willing to hand over the pill formula, then think of other ways.

As for the regular particles that should be obtained, there is nothing missing, and the price is more than ten times that of ordinary super creatures.

Cultivators in Loucheng seldom renege on their debts, which is also a very commendable advantage.

Although the Silver Horn Skink King had been caught, Fatty still fished every day with a persevering look.

Tang Zhen just sat there, as if he was cultivating silently, and he seemed to be fighting against the imprisonment of the monks in Loucheng.

The Silver-horned Spirit Lizard King had already been wiped out, so Tang Zhen continued to stay here, in fact, it was meaningless.

In this case, Brother Loucheng should let him go instead of being under house arrest like he is now.

The opponent's purpose is also very simple, that is to prevent Tang Zhen from helping other organizations to catch more Silver Horned Skink Kings.

Of course, it is also possible that after a while, there will still be places where Tang Zhen can be used.

After a while, a monk from Loucheng found Tang Zhen, who was the general who invited him earlier.

The other party talked to Tang Zhenshen for a few words, and then put forward conditions and requirements.

"In three days' time, we will enter the Forbidden Sea to perform a special mission.

Those silver horned dragon kings that you sold before will play a big role in ensuring the success of this operation.

But these numbers are far from enough, we need more Silver Horned Skink Kings, and Your Excellency is the guarantee. "

When Brother Loucheng said this, he looked at Tang Zhen intently, as if observing his reaction.

Tang Zhen kept silent, just looked at each other quietly.

Upon seeing this, Brother Loucheng continued, "I intend to invite you to participate in this operation, and I will do my best to ensure your safety this time.

In addition to the rewards paid for catching the Silver Horned Skink King, I can also assure you that I will help you become a super strong man after the operation is over! "

Such conditions can be said to be rich enough, and for any monk, there is an irresistible temptation.

The Loucheng monk was convinced that even if he had to take some risks, Tang Zhen would agree to his conditions.

Sure enough, as expected, after a few seconds of silence, Tang Zhen nodded slightly in agreement. .

(End of this chapter)

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