I have a city in another world

Chapter 3392 Assemble to sea!

Chapter 3392 Assemble to sea!

After agreeing to participate in the operation, Tang Zhen did not gain more trust, but was more closely supervised.

Brother Loucheng did this to prevent Tang Zhen from contacting outside monks, thereby leaking important news.

Tang Zhen has already discovered that there are high-level monks monitoring the inside and outside of the building, and any disturbances cannot be concealed from the other party's perception.

Even if Tang Zhen came in person and tried to enter Loucheng, there was still a great chance of revealing his whereabouts.

In this case, Tang Zhen, who didn't want to attract attention, had to be more careful when his heart fluttered.

At the same time, Tang Zhen finally confirmed that the huge ships being built were prepared for this sea trip.

The day the ship is successfully built is when the action begins.

All the silver-horned lizard kings caught by Tang Zhen earlier had been sealed up and kept fresh using special means.

When used, the seal can be lifted.

In the following time, Tang Zhen could clearly see that the whole Loucheng began to get busy.

The other three building cities on the peninsula also belong to the fourth war zone, and they are all equally busy and lively now.

From the looks of it, it was clear that the monks of Loucheng were planning to unite and participate in this operation to go deep into the Forbidden Sea.

This approach is very normal, after all, it is going deep into the Forbidden Sea, and no one knows what unexpected situation will be encountered.

Being able to go with your companions, at least you don't have to worry about getting a knife in your back.

The same is true of monk organizations. No matter how close the relationship is on weekdays, they must beware of inserting a knife in the back when encountering accidents.

Cultivators in Loucheng don't need to worry too much about this aspect, because there is a cornerstone platform that secretly restrains them.

Even high-ranking generals dare not take revenge in the Loucheng world, let alone ordinary Loucheng monks.

There is a saying among secular people that there is a god above the head, which is to warn yourself not to lose your virtue.

This is true for monks in Loucheng. When they do something that violates the rules, it is very likely to be recorded by the cornerstone platform.

You don't know when you will get retribution.

It is precisely because of the awe that the monks of Loucheng will never be careless when doing things.

When the monks in Loucheng acted in groups, they could feel at ease with each other and be able to perform tasks more attentively.

While waiting, Tang Zhen looked at Fatty, who was still serious about fishing.

For Fatty, nothing seemed to disturb him from catching sea monsters.

Even if no sea monster took the bait, he was still very interested, staring at the sea surface intently.

"Fatty, I'm going to the deep sea, do you choose to stay, or go with me?"

As if chatting, Tang Zhen asked the fat man.

The fat man scratched his head and said, "Going into the deep sea should be a very dangerous thing, and you could easily lose your life.

But I heard that in the deep sea, there are powerful monsters everywhere, as long as you throw the fishing tackle out, there will definitely be sea monsters hooked! "

There was a touch of excitement in Fatty's tone, and he quickly made up his mind and decided to go with Tang Zhen.

"Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Tang Zhen asked with a smile, he had expected Fatty's choice a long time ago, and knew that he would definitely follow.

"No regrets, I will go wherever your Excellency goes."

At this moment, the fat man showed a clumsy scheming: "Before I left the tribe, the elders told me that if you want to get what you dream of, you must pay a sufficient price.

In some cases, it is even possible to lose your life.

I think you are my chance, so I will follow you closely, even if there is danger. "

Fatty has a firm attitude and will not waver when he makes a decision.

"Just for your trust, I will also guarantee your safety, so that your trip is absolutely worthwhile."

For Tang Zhen, Fatty's existence was dispensable, and he only took this guy he met by chance on a temporary basis.

But since he brought it with him, Tang Zhen must use it, maybe it can have a surprise effect.

When the fat man heard Tang Zhen's promise, he giggled again, and he was sure that he was really happy.

Soon the agreed date came, and the Loucheng monk guarding Tang Zhen invited him to gather at another location.

It was a huge square, and many monks had already gathered here, obviously all of them were preparing to participate in this operation.

When Tang Zhen and Fatty arrived at the square, they stood on the edge of the corner, and did not attract the attention of many monks.

Some monks recognized Tang Zhen, knowing that he was specially hired, and that he had recently caught a lot of Silver Horned Skink Kings.

When looking at Tang Zhen, he nodded slightly to express his greetings, which is also a kind of respect for the strong.

The strength of these Loucheng monks is not weak, but there is still a certain distance from the super strong.

God generals and superpowers belong to the top monks in the original polar world, and they must not reach the level that can be seen everywhere.

At this moment, there is not a super strong person on the square, and it must not be time to appear on the stage.

Sure enough, not long after, the Loucheng in front opened a passage, and groups of monks came rushing in.

Among these Loucheng monks, there are quite a few superpowers who belong to different races.

Operating in the Yuanji Realm for many years, these buildings from the fourth war zone have absorbed many native races.

This is a very normal thing. It is necessary to know that many races in the Loucheng world all come from the Great Thousand World.

The high-ranking general that Tang Zhen had met before was also in the team at the moment, and it seemed that he was still the commander of this operation.

Next to him are a few other generals, whose strength is not too strong, and the highest one is a six-star general.

There are also some Loucheng monks who belong to the native race and have reached the level of super strong.

When Tang Zhen was invited earlier, these superpowers were among them, and now they have to follow the team to the Forbidden Sea.

Looking at the scale of the lineup, you can tell that monk Loucheng should attach great importance to this operation.

Tang Zhen scanned all the monks with his eyes, but he didn't find the target he wanted. It is very likely that the other party is not in this building city.

Of course, there are other possibilities, such as not participating in this operation, or already in the forbidden sea.

Although he didn't hit the target, Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, because this kind of thing required patience.

Compared with aimless searching, this method of waiting for a rabbit actually has a higher chance of success.

The enemy has the highest probability of appearing in Loucheng, or look for clues through Loucheng, and then follow the clues to complete the tracking.

In the following time, more Loucheng monks appeared, filling the square to the brim.

The Loucheng monks who participated in the operation were all fully armed, and the equipment on their bodies was specially made.

Experienced people can tell at a glance that the armor weapons used by monks in Loucheng are all collected from sea monsters.

When fighting in the forbidden sea, using such equipment can greatly increase the strength.

The equipment is expensive, and it is almost exclusive to the super strong, and ordinary monks simply cannot have it.

The monks in Loucheng are indeed powerful. If they were replaced by other monk organizations, they would definitely not be able to do the same.

After the assembly of the monks in Loucheng was completed, the high-ranking god general in charge of command issued an order to send the completed giant ship into the ocean.

The giant ship crashed into the water like a moving island.

"Get on board!"

With an order, the monks of Loucheng who had been waiting for a long time fell into the huge ship like a dark cloud cover.


Another order was issued, and the huge ship jetted out a violent air current, and continued to move forward towards the depths of the dark forbidden sea.

(End of this chapter)

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