I have a city in another world

Chapter 3396 Invitation to the island

Chapter 3396 Invitation to the island

"Thank goodness we finally made it out!"

An alchemist on the ship let out a long sigh, with a touch of luck in his tone.

"It's really bad luck this time. I even ran into an ancient creature and tried to intercept the fleet!"

Another monk said, with an expression of the rest of his life.

"That's wrong, this ancient creature didn't deliberately intercept it, it should be attracted by the smell of the lamp oil.

Therefore, this kind of lamp oil cannot be used easily. Once there are ancient creatures nearby, they will inevitably be provoked. "

Hearing this explanation, the monks sighed in unison, but they did not expect this to be the reason.

Sure enough, powerful items have disadvantages, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve perfection.

Because of an accidental encounter with an ancient creature, the fleet had to use their hole cards to get out of the crisis by chance.

Fortunately, the ancient creatures were repelled, otherwise, once the fleet was intercepted, the monks in Loucheng would surely die.

Although the hunting warship built with a lot of money can withstand the destruction of super creatures, it cannot withstand the impact of ancient creatures at all.

Once the hunting warship is destroyed, and the accompanying monks of Loucheng cannot rescue them in time, they are doomed to be swallowed by sea monsters.

This time sailing in the forbidden sea will also become a desperate journey.

Fortunately, the danger has passed, and the forbidden sea above the head has disappeared. Although it is still dark, it does not have that dangerous and suffocating feeling.

There is no need to worry, there will be sea monsters falling from the sky.

The monk in Loucheng took a moment to adjust his breathing, then immediately took stock of the losses and inspected and repaired the warship.

This was not their first time going deep into the Forbidden Sea, and they naturally had plenty of experience. Although the previous battles were fierce, they did not cause much damage.

In the final analysis, Loucheng was rich and powerful, and he spared no expense to build a fleet locally, so as not to be afraid of the attacks of ordinary super creatures.

This high-investment method is actually responsible for one's own property, and it is also a guarantee for the safety of the monks in Loucheng.

The more willing to invest in building equipment, the higher the safety factor and the lower the chance of suffering losses.

This is the truth that everyone knows, but it is a pity that it may not be possible to do it.

After experiencing the previous danger, the vigilance of the monks in Loucheng was greatly improved, and they kept watching the surrounding sea area.

After sailing for a while, the leader of the fleet gave an order, and monk Loucheng started hunting sea monsters again.

Everything is the same as before, there seems to be no difference.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the fleet of monks in Loucheng must have a target, and it was definitely not sailing indiscriminately.

The Silver Horned Spirit Lizard King obviously has a special purpose, but it is still not used until now, which is actually enough to explain the problem.

If the fleet is only for hunting sea monsters, there is no need to waste a lot of time, and they can stay in the previous sea area.

There is no need to take huge risks and keep going deeper into the unknown sea like now.

For monks in Loucheng, this forbidden sea is actually very familiar, but this time they encountered an accident, which caught many monks in Loucheng by surprise.

Perhaps due to the constraints of discipline, the monks in Loucheng have always been very cautious when talking.

Things that should not be said will never be discussed lightly.

So up to now, Tang Zhen still hasn't figured out where the fleet is going.

But he is patient enough to wait until the answer is revealed.

Fatty became happier, because Tang Zhen refined Baidan again, and he could capture more Silver Horned Skink Kings.

As for other things, Fatty didn't bother to take care of them, as long as he could catch sea monsters, he would be very happy.

As the fleet continued to move forward, the scene of the Forbidden Sea began to change, becoming like a bright galaxy.

In this forbidden sea, from time to time, colorful giants can be seen swimming past like shoals of fish and jellyfish.

These light clusters are not illusions, but real forbidden sea life, a very special energy body.

Although it exists in the Forbidden Sea, it will not cause any harm to the monks of Loucheng, including those sea monsters who never pay attention to them.

After entering this new sea area, it was obvious that monk Loucheng's expression became more and more relaxed.

It seems that it has been confirmed that this sea area is safe enough, and there is no need to worry about sea monster attacks.

The colorful environment dilutes the oppressive atmosphere, and many monks also start talking and laughing happily.

On the fleet in the distance, there are bursts of singing, very pleasant to the ear.

The alchemists gathered together again, discussing alchemy while asking Tang Zhen for advice from time to time.

Just as they were chatting happily, the high-ranking general in charge of the command quietly came to the platform.

Seeing this, the monks immediately stood up and saluted.

"Continue to do your own thing, I have something to talk to this lord."

The alchemists looked at each other, as if they understood the leader's purpose, they all nodded and stepped aside.

"Your Excellency, what do you think of our building city?"

The leader didn't talk too much nonsense, but went straight to the point, obviously not wanting to waste too much time.

"The strength is strong enough, far surpassing ordinary monk organizations."

Tang Zhen's tone was calm, even though he knew the other party's purpose, he remained calm.

"Then would you like to join us in Loucheng?"

With the first question as a foreshadowing, the leader immediately asked the second question, wanting to see Tang Zhen's reaction.

"Join Loucheng?"

Regarding this question, Tang Zhen seemed a little hesitant, and did not directly answer the fleet commander.

"Since your Excellency is hesitant, this matter can be postponed. After you make up your mind, we can continue to discuss in detail."

Although the commander asked Tang Zhen, it didn't mean that he should join Loucheng immediately.

He just gave Tang Zhen a signal to let him know about this matter, knowing that Lou Cheng intended to recruit him.

If Tang Zhen wanted to join Loucheng according to the normal process, it would be absolutely impossible to be so hasty and easy.

The next second thing is the main purpose of the other party.

"Does your Excellency know the reason why we urgently need the Silver-horned Skink King?"

From the beginning of the cooperation, the other party did not tell Tang Zhen of the usefulness of the Silver Horned Skink King, and the same was true for other monk organizations.

Tang Zhen was also very curious about this matter.

Of course, Tang Zhen also had some guesses, but he couldn't confirm them. It should be time to reveal the answers.

"Could it be that these silver-horned dragon kings are also special bait pills, specially used to deal with certain monsters?"

Tang Zhen asked back, he had thought about this matter, and felt that this was the most likely possibility.

The commander nodded slightly, not feeling particularly surprised that Tang Zhen could guess the truth.

However, what Tang Zhen knew was only a general idea, and the more specific content was the secret of the major organizations.

"The Silver Horned Spirit Lizard King is indeed bait, and it can be of great use. Naturally, the more the quantity, the better.

In fact, in this forbidden sea, there is a special island, that is the destination of our trip, and the Silver Horned Skink King is transported to that place.

Your excellency is extraordinary, if you wish, you are fully qualified to participate in this operation.

As long as you participate in the action, you can get the opportunity to land on the island and get enough benefits. "

When the fleet commander said this, he seemed to feel that the temptation was not strong enough, so he continued to add: "In fact, there are many super strong men on the island, and their strength is incredible. You get unexpected benefits."

When Tang Zhen heard this, his eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded slightly.

"In this case, it is better to obey than to be respectful!"

(End of this chapter)

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