I have a city in another world

Chapter 3397 Dangerous Island

Chapter 3397 Dangerous Island
On the calm forbidden sea, a huge black shadow once again appeared, and this arduous voyage has also reached the end.

The commander of the fleet described the terminal as an island, but it was actually more like a piece of land.

Not only is the area astonishingly large, but it is also shining with bright precious light, soaring into the sky one after another.

Precious lights flicker alternately, like jets of fireworks, and life is born and disappears between flickering and flickering.

There are also huge energy creatures, dragging streaks of colorful light, shuttle back and forth continuously in the high sky.

Although this scene looks beautiful, it actually hides a deadly danger.

It turns out that on this island, there are large and small puddles and holes, which look like the eyes of giant beasts.

The bottom is even more criss-crossed, like a maze.

The interior of these puddles and holes is filled with dark green and glowing sea water, which obviously comes from the Forbidden Sea.

No one knows, which puddle hides sea monsters, and when will they attack the monks passing by?

Just like the Forbidden Sea, this place cannot fly in the sky, otherwise it will bear terrible pressure.

There are even unknown reasons, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fatal attack, even a high-level general may not be able to withstand it.

The disappearance of the body and death is only in an instant.

On this island, monks are no longer hunters, but also targets of being hunted.

After landing on the island, no matter how cautious you are, it is absolutely reasonable.

"Go to the island!"

Following the commander's order, the warships docked next to the island one after another, forming a long row.

The monks who were qualified to land on the island stepped off the warship and boarded the island one after another, waiting for the order to go deeper.

Because of the harsh environment, more than [-]% of the monks in Loucheng are not qualified to log in to this island at all.

They can only stay on board, waiting for the return of their companions.

Those who can land on the island are all truly strong and have quite a lot of experience.

The silver-horned skink kings captured by the boat before were all included in storage equipment, and both Tang Zhen and Fatty were qualified to land on the island.

Tang Zhen agreed to participate in the action, and the fat man was purely acting as an attendant, and bringing him by his side would not affect the action.

After all the monks landed, the commander gave an order, and the team started to move forward.

The teams of the other three fleets are now also gathered together, trying to move forward from the same path.

The four teams merged into one team, although it would become a lot bloated, but the defense was obviously stronger.

The purpose of doing this is to reduce the risk.

After the team merged, Tang Zhen secretly observed these Loucheng monks, but he couldn't find his revenge target.

He didn't even know how many enemies he had.

According to the available information, the only apparent enemy is General Wen Youshen, and several other generals are suspected of participating in the persecution of Tang Zhen.

The main reason for the doubt is that there is no conclusive evidence, but this is not important to Tang Zhen.

Since it has become the target of suspicion, it must be contaminated with karma, and it is absolutely impossible to be truly innocent.

Wen Youshen will definitely die, and as for other suspects, Tang Zhen will definitely not let them go easily.

It's a pity that until now, there is no trace of the enemy at all.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen knew very well that such a situation was very normal.

The world is vast and boundless, and monks have always been erratic, how could they collide so easily?
Even if it is deliberately tracked, it may not be easy to find.

After all, the enemies that Tang Zhen was following were not weak either, and they lacked both experience and vigilance.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the other party will definitely deliberately cover up his whereabouts when he acts.

That kind of idiot who acts recklessly and doesn't take others seriously, has no chance to become Tang Zhen's opponent.

There was no chance to grow up at all, and it was already killed by other enemies.

Now Tang Zhen hopes that he can gain something on this island. After all, according to his speculation, this is the place where the enemy is most likely to appear.

Located in the depths of the Forbidden Sea, it is also the secret stronghold of the monks of Loucheng, and it is likely to hide a huge treasure.

Those who are really strong should appear in such a place.

During the march, Tang Zhen saw the horror of this area. Monsters would suddenly appear in the large and small potholes from time to time.

Some monsters were huge, while others were as fast as the wind, attacking the monks one after another.

From time to time, there will be monsters with a body length of hundreds of feet, shining with colorful light all over their bodies, rushing out of the puddle like a strange python.

The body swept around, and the huge mouth devoured wildly.

Even if the monks raised their vigilance and cooperated with each other, casualties were still unavoidable.

Fortunately, the quality of the monks in Loucheng is extremely high. Even though they are frequently attacked by monsters, they still maintain enough composure.

They still cooperated closely, avoided these potholes as much as possible, and even counterattacked from time to time.

The way to counterattack is also very simple, that is to lock those suspicious puddles and keep throwing some special flesh and blood pills.

It is said that these flesh and blood pills are refined from the flesh and blood of ancient creatures, and they will dissolve quickly when they touch the water of the Forbidden Sea.

And at the same time, release the terrifying breath and toxin, so as to achieve the purpose of expelling the monster.

This special flesh and blood pill is an essential item for expeditions in the Forbidden Sea, just like the insect repellent medicine used by mortals for expeditions.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, the monks in Loucheng carried a large number of flesh and blood pills, and they just walked all the way and threw them all the way.

It seems that money is not required, but in fact the cost of refining flesh and blood pills is still very high. If there is no money, it is absolutely impossible.

At least ordinary monks can't do this at all.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary monks to reach the island. The hardships experienced between going out to sea and landing on the island are enough to discourage most monk organizations.

Tang Zhen followed the team and did not participate in the attack, but would actively dodge when encountering danger.

His avatar has not reached the level of a super strong man, so he must learn to avoid danger.

Fatty is also very smart, knowing that at this moment, he must keep up with Tang Zhen, and at the same time he muster up his energy.

Super strong people will fall in this area, and a monk of his level may be killed by a big wave.

The commanders of the four fleets, plus the superpowers in the team, are now the mainstay in dealing with the crisis.

It was because of their existence that the team avoided casualties as much as possible. Most of the powerful monsters were attacked and intercepted by them.

If only relying on these low-level monks, they might be killed by monsters not long after landing on the island.

In addition to these monsters, there are also some weird things coming out of the puddle, such as poisonous gas and poisonous water, or energy jets of unknown origin.

A monk who seems to be invulnerable to all poisons will also be in danger of his life when encountering this kind of thing.

For example, the bluish-white air current encountered at this moment seems inconspicuous, but it makes the monk who touches it dissolve into nothingness in an instant.

When encountering such a situation, the monks can only dodge desperately, otherwise, even a high-ranking general cannot save their lives.

In the process of dodging, they will encounter new dangers, causing more monks to lose their lives.

The situation in front of him is enough to show that this unknown forbidden sea island is far more dangerous than when sailing in the forbidden sea.

(End of this chapter)

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