I have a city in another world

Chapter 3404 Miserable Victory?

Chapter 3404 Miserable Victory?

What worried monk Loucheng the most finally happened. The second lighthouse was also attacked by monsters.

The collapse of the first lighthouse has already caused the ancient creatures to react, paying attention to the hunting camp from an unknown area.

If another lighthouse collapses, who knows whether the ancient creatures will take this opportunity to launch a devastating attack on the hunting camp?

No one dared to bet because the odds were too high.

So the only thing that can be done is to do everything possible to guard this lighthouse, and not let the monks of Loucheng die in vain.

"Brothers, don't all die, remember to keep a few corpses!"

A monk from Loucheng laughed loudly, his tone was heroic and free and easy, and he looked like he was going to die generously.

The same is true for other Loucheng monks.

There was no need for someone to supervise the battle, the monks in Loucheng rushed around the lighthouse, using their bodies to fight against the destruction of the super creatures.

And while being hit hard, like a crazy wolf, counterattack against super creatures.

Slash with a knife, smash with your fist, or even bite directly with your mouth.

In this water mist, the strength of monk Loucheng was restricted, and the means of attack became very limited.

Already in a disadvantageous situation, and his strength was severely suppressed, the casualties of the monks in Loucheng became more and more serious.

No matter the cost, it finally pays off.

At this moment, the super creature has been beaten and bruised all over, and turned into a vivid and ferocious flesh and blood skeleton.

But even so, the super creature still refused to give up its attack, desperately displaying its madness.

It seemed that he realized that he must die, so he tried to cause as much damage as possible before being beheaded.

In this case, the only one who suffered was the monk Loucheng.

In a short period of time, the loss of monks in Loucheng has exceeded [-]%, and it is still increasing.

These Loucheng monks in the hunting camp are all selected elites, who can stand alone wherever they are placed.

They cooperated with each other and hunted an unknown number of super creatures, each of whom was experienced.

As a result, today, they were counterattacked by super creatures and paid a heavy price.

It can't be regarded as retribution, it can only be said that there is no absolute winner between the two parties, but each other is in a state of hunting each other.

In the past, monks in Loucheng hunted and killed super creatures, but today they turned around and made monks in Loucheng the targets of hunting.

The battle continued until this moment, which had completely exceeded the expectations of monk Loucheng, and made the peak god general so angry that he was about to burst.

He has guarded this hunting camp for a hundred years, and there has never been any change.

In the past years, it has never encountered such an abnormal situation, let alone such a powerful super creature.

The peak general was just annoyed, but didn't have too much doubt, because this super creature was indeed very special.

They are the descendants of ancient creatures, and they are born with extraordinary control over rules, which is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary super creatures.

The older the super creature, the more powerful it is, and it can even compete with the peak gods.

Moreover, the number of super creatures of this level is indeed relatively rare, at least the hunting camp has never caught one.

A small number does not mean that it cannot be caught. The monster in front of him is an exception, and it can compete with the peak powerhouse.

"Damn it, why is this monster so powerful?"

The peak powerhouse kept cursing, he was not in the mood to complain about his bad luck, he just wanted to do everything possible to kill this monster.

As for the sacrifice of monk Loucheng, General Fengfeng saw it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

In different positions, the responsibilities must also be different. Even if all the monks in Loucheng are killed, the peak generals must not be sacrificed easily.

Because if something goes wrong with him, it may lead to the complete fall of the hunting camp and the destruction of the remaining lighthouses.

So at critical moments, we must learn to give up.

In addition, with the strength he possessed, he couldn't sacrifice it easily, otherwise the damage would be even greater.

It is not as simple as imagined to cultivate to the realm of the peak god general. Once encountering an unstoppable change, the cornerstone platform will even force the peak god general to voluntarily withdraw from the battlefield.

If you have to make a choice, the cornerstone platform is even willing to sacrifice the monks of Million Tower City, but you must also ensure the safety of the peak god general.

Because the value of the other party's existence far exceeds that of a million-dollar Loucheng monk.

Although such a choice is cruel and ruthless, it is the most in line with the choice of interests, and the self-proclaimed cornerstone platform of justice will never be emotional.

Fortunately, such multiple-choice questions are just assumptions, and there are no real examples of implementation.

The peak god general at this moment is facing such a situation. Facing the sacrifices of the monks in Loucheng, he can only pretend to turn a blind eye.

Looking at the crazy super creature, the peak general felt a little helpless, after all, he had tried his best.

But even so, he still didn't kill the opponent successfully, he was just lingering on his last breath.

As long as the super creatures don't die, the destruction will not stop, and the sacrifices of monks in Loucheng will continue.

"Asshole, why is this thing so hard to kill?"

The more this is the case, the more the peak general must stabilize his mind, and he must not attack out of impulse.

If the super creature cheated and launched a dying blow, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Once the peak god general is injured and the nine lighthouses are damaged, the loss is simply incalculable.

The most frightening point is that other enemies will take advantage of it, and the situation will become irreversible.

Just when the peak general was worried, the dying super creature went crazy again.

With the only power it had, it raised a handful of water jets from the deep pit, and then exploded instantly in the air.

The water mist that was suppressed by the peak god general spread around again and became thicker and thicker.

Protected desperately by the monks of Loucheng, the already crumbling lighthouse suffered another fatal blow.


The sound of this violent impact fell into the ears of monk Loucheng, making people feel a sense of misery and despair.

Because of the desperate efforts, the expected results were not reaped, and the second lighthouse was finally destroyed by the super creature.

Accompanied by the sound of collapse, there was also a long cry of relief from the super creature, as if it was happy for its own success.

It seems that in this fight, it is the real winner.

After the howling sound subsided, there was no more movement, and the turning figure in the mist also disappeared.

The nervous mood of the monks finally relaxed slightly at this moment.

Even if they didn't see it, they could still be sure that the super creature was finally beheaded successfully.

Although a heavy price was paid, a bigger accident was avoided after all, which is something to be happy about.

If this monster is allowed to wreak havoc, who knows what will happen, whether monk Loucheng will make a greater sacrifice.

Before the monks cheered and celebrated, the island under their feet trembled again, much more violently than last time.

The desolate and ruthless ancient atmosphere that made the monks feel flustered once again shrouded the hunting camp.

At this moment, the monks in Loucheng felt a sense of panic in their hearts, and felt a sense of imminent disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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