I have a city in another world

Chapter 3405 God will enter the sea

Chapter 3405 God will enter the sea
The thick water mist finally dissipated, and the super creatures were killed, but the crisis did not pass.

Two of the lighthouses used to deter ancient creatures were directly knocked out, and all of them sank into the deep pit.

Ever since the accident happened, none of the monks in Loucheng expected such a thing to happen.

If the rune circle cannot function normally, it will naturally be unable to imitate ancient creatures, and cannot exude a shocking aura.

The unprotected camp was immediately watched by ancient creatures, and the terrifying coercion made the monks fall into an ice cave.

Including the peak powerhouses, they all had a feeling of being unable to fight, wishing to escape from this place immediately.

It was because he had a feeling that even if this ancient creature wasn't a god king, it might still be one step away.

It takes so much trouble to kill the descendants of ancient creatures, let alone kill the original creatures.

That is tantamount to idiotic dreaming, and it is no different from courting death.

For example, at this moment, in the face of the terrifying coercion of ancient creatures, the monks in Loucheng have nothing to do.

That kind of trembling and panic can't be described in words at all, just like a rabbit facing a terrifying beast.

This state lasted for a long time, and every minute and every second was a painful torment, but monk Loucheng could only endure it silently.

After all, they couldn't find any way to crack it except to endure it.

On the remaining seven lighthouses, the flames were still burning fiercely, and the monks in charge of guarding them gritted their teeth.

Regardless of the other monks in the city, the tower guards must persevere to ensure that the lighthouse continues to operate normally.

If these seven lighthouses were also extinguished, it was absolutely impossible for the remaining Loucheng monks in the hunting camp to survive.

After an unknown amount of time, the terrifying coercion finally dissipated slowly, which relieved the hearts of the monks in Loucheng.

This was especially true for the peak general, who felt like he was going to survive a catastrophe. He knew that if the ancient creatures attacked, he would definitely be the primary target.

Facing the attacks of ancient creatures, even if they managed to escape by chance, they would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

It is simply impossible to kill the opponent unless there are monks who are strong enough to help.

"Check casualties, organize defense immediately, and don't give the enemy an opportunity."

At this moment, the peak general gave orders slowly, with a cold and gloomy tone.

Suffering such serious losses, as a guarding general, he must bear certain responsibilities.

Of course, the first task is to stabilize the current situation and avoid worse things from happening.

The key to everything lies in the lighthouse. If it cannot be repaired, this hunting camp will be destroyed by ancient times sooner or later.

If this is the case, Loucheng will completely lose this hunting camp, causing extremely serious losses.

General Fengfeng thought of this, and looked at the deep pit ahead with piercing eyes. He knew that the two lighthouses had all fallen into the depths of the Forbidden Sea.

Because they are entities, these two lighthouses will never disappear without a trace after they fall into the Forbidden Sea.

As long as you dive into the Forbidden Sea and search with your heart, you will definitely find the lighthouse that fell into the water.

Bring the lighthouse back to land and repair the damage so it can be used again.

When the formation is in operation again, it will be able to frighten the ancient creatures, and the safety of the hunting camp can be protected again.

After considering all the methods, General Fengfeng has been able to confirm that salvaging the lighthouse is the safest and most effective method.

But the problem is that among the monks in the hunting camp, there are very few who can perform this task.

That is the depths of the Forbidden Sea, a restricted area for monks, where countless super creatures are entrenched.

They are slaughtered on land, but in the depths of the Forbidden Sea, they are the real overlords.

Without strong strength, a monk entering the sea is tantamount to courting death.

The four high-ranking generals can participate, but the problem is that once they all leave, the entire camp will be unguarded.

If there is an accident, it will be a devastating blow.

So even if you go to sea to salvage, you can't take all the high-level generals with you, you must leave half of them to be responsible for stationing.

Although in the Forbidden Sea, monks in Loucheng cannot guarantee absolute safety, but they must bear the risks that should be borne.

The number of super creatures like the one before is quite rare, and it is absolutely impossible to be everywhere.

Diving into the Forbidden Sea at this moment, even if you encounter a monster attack, the peak general should be able to easily deal with it.

Although the super creatures in the Forbidden Sea have the innate ability of invisibility, they will still be perceived at the moment of contact with the attack.

If it cannot be transformed into an entity, it will not be able to cause damage to the monks in Loucheng, which also gives the monks an opportunity.

When the monks in Loucheng are attacked, they can also counter-kill the super creatures. As long as they are strong enough, they can completely eliminate the super creatures with one move.

Although the Forbidden Sea is the territory of super creatures, as long as the strength is strong, monks can still come and go freely.

In the face of the real strong, whether at sea or under the sea, super creatures are actually just prey.

Now that the situation is urgent, it can be said that it is not too late. If the consciousness of ancient creatures descends again, it is likely to attack the hunting camp.

"You two follow me, and the other monks are responsible for guarding. Don't be negligent!"

The peak god general gave the order, and at the same time selected two high-ranking god generals to follow, and together they came to the deep pit where the lighthouse fell.

The surface of the sea was as smooth as a mirror, and there was no sign of battle at all, and the corpse of the monster disappeared without a trace.

Obviously after a desperate blow, they entangled the lighthouse and fell into the deep pit together, returning to the depths of the Forbidden Sea.

Faced with such a result, the monks in Loucheng were indeed a little annoyed that the body of the culprit was not left behind.

The corpses of the monks in Loucheng were scattered around the deep pit. Their bodies were as black as ink, and each of them was incomplete.

Although it is very clear that these Loucheng monks can be resurrected from the dead, this tragic scene still makes people feel heartbroken.

"They are all heroes..."

A high-ranking general said something in a low tone, with a trace of suppressed anger in his voice.

Although he knew that war would inevitably lead to sacrifices, this time it was indeed extremely tragic, far exceeding any previous ones.

The target of causing casualties to the monks in Loucheng is actually the super creature they have been hunting and killing, which makes it difficult for the high-ranking generals to accept.

It also made the monks realize that the super creatures that they wanted to kill were actually far more terrifying than imagined.

I believe that starting today, monks in Loucheng will definitely be more cautious and careful when participating in hunting operations.

"There is no need to be sad, their sacrifices were not in vain, and it will not be long before we meet again."

Another high-ranking general said that he seemed to have seen such scenes a lot, so he didn't care about it.

"No sentimentality, just a sigh."

During the conversation, they had already made their own preparations, waiting for the order from the peak god general.

It is definitely not an easy task to enter the depths of the Forbidden Sea to perform tasks, and one must be fully prepared.

Even if you are a high-ranking general, the same is true.


The peak general gave an order and led two high-ranking generals to jump into the deep pit together.

At the same time, Tang Zhen, who was standing not far away, showed a subtle smile.

(End of this chapter)

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