I have a city in another world

Chapter 3418 Can't wait?

Chapter 3418 Can't wait?

The sudden addition of super creatures made the battlefield more and more chaotic, and the three camps fought endlessly.

Of course, in the eyes of these monsters, the monks did not distinguish between camps at all, they were all prey or enemies.

What they have to do is to swallow all the food that dares to be presumptuous on the island as food.

This is the territory of ancient creatures and a restricted area for monks. When will it be the turn of these monks to act recklessly?

These monsters in the forbidden sea also have their own territories, and they are extremely disgusted with foreign monks.

Especially these monks used despicable methods to hunt down their own race, killing countless descendants of ancient creatures.

As a descendant of ancient creatures, how can he lack arrogance, I am afraid that he has already had enough of the monk's behavior.

Now that they finally seized the opportunity, they immediately started a crazy revenge.

From the potholes leading directly to the Forbidden Sea, ferocious sea monsters kept jumping out, as if they had received some kind of summon.

There are also patches of water mist, constantly erupting around the pothole, providing the monster with the ability to hide.

No matter the monsters that appear and disappear from time to time, or the highly poisonous water mist, all the monks around were caught off guard.

These behemoths kept devouring the monks while churning, or were besieged and killed by the monks.

The chaotic battlefield is now in complete chaos.

Even Loucheng monks who have been operating on the island for many years have never seen such a large number of monsters and such a chaotic scene.

The worries in my heart intensified a bit.

Such an abnormal scene may mean that disaster is coming, and the complicated situation has become more and more worrying.

The monks in Loucheng suspected that the ancient creatures had already set their sights on this place, and all this was just a prelude.

If the ancient creatures really descended, few of these monks on the battlefield would be able to escape successfully.

Now we can only guard the lighthouse with all our strength to avoid the situation where the lighthouse goes out again, so that it can have a suppressive effect.

This is the only means of restraint for monk Loucheng so far.

The six high-ranking generals guarding the hunting camp are now in an equally dangerous situation, fighting fiercely with enemies twice as many as themselves.

Their battlefield was farther away, and the hunting camp was razed to the ground in order to avoid too brutal fighting.

The monks of the alliance are extremely vicious. They bite these high-ranking generals tightly, just to prevent them from supporting the monks of Loucheng.

Without the leadership of the high-level generals, coupled with the overwhelming offensive of the alliance monks, the fall of the hunting camp is a foregone conclusion.

No matter how brave the monks in Loucheng were, they still couldn't save the defeat.

In the ranks of the monks of the alliance, there are actually quite a few superpowers. They either did not condense the rules seeds, or they only condensed a few.

The strength of these superpowers is average, even the low-level generals in the fourth theater can easily defeat them.

It's just that a good tiger can't stand up to a pack of wolves. Facing an endless stream of enemies, the monks in Loucheng are indeed a little bit overwhelmed.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, monks from Loucheng from other theaters came to support and reversed the bad situation.

The Loucheng monks who appeared in the Yuanji Realm basically came from the top [-] war zones, or were relatively lucky candidates for Loucheng, who were inextricably linked with the three war zones.

Being able to rush to the island to support, the strength is definitely not too weak, and it relieves a lot of pressure on the monks in the fourth theater who are struggling to support.

However, the battle of senior monks has not been affected, and they are still fighting non-stop.

In fact, in the hearts of these alliance enemies, there is a lot of doubts. I don't understand why the peak generals haven't taken action yet?
Was it spying, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, or was it really not in a hunting camp?
The strongest member of the alliance hidden in the dark is also hesitant at the moment, but he dare not take it lightly.

They were afraid that if they were negligent for a moment, they would be attacked by the top generals, and they would most likely fall on the spot.

Until now, these most powerful people had no news about the peak generals, because Tang Zhen never took the initiative to inform them.

At this moment in the hunting camp, the monks of Loucheng are still holding on, and the monks of the Alliance are still attacking.

The reinforcements from the monks of Loucheng arrived one after another. After they joined the battlefield, the one-sided situation changed.

Driven by mysterious forces, the number of sea monsters has become more and more rampant on the battlefield.

Such a chaotic situation has been completely out of control, making it impossible for the three warring parties to determine and predict the outcome.

No one noticed at all that there was a figure standing on the hill, silently watching the battlefield.

Tang Zhen was waiting silently for the peak god general of the fourth war zone to arrive on the battlefield.

The scuffle on the island in front of him was planned by Tang Zhen, with the purpose of attracting the top general to take the bait.

The god generals in other theaters are useless, and it's not his own enemies who are useless. Only when those specific targets appear can Tang Zhen's plan be considered a success.

Although a lot of thought was wasted, as long as one can hunt and kill an enemy, this busy work is not in vain.

It's just that so far, none of the peak powerhouses in the fourth theater have participated in the battle.

This can't help but make Tang Zhen a little puzzled, what happened to make these peak generals not show up for a long time.

Are you not planning to provide assistance, or are you on your way?

Tang Zhen decided to continue waiting. To hunt prey, one must have enough patience.

If he can't complete the plan and kill his enemies, Tang Zhen will never leave without patting his ass.

The hunting camp belongs to the fourth war zone and is the wealth of the monks in Loucheng. It is absolutely impossible for these alien races to take advantage of it.

He has the ability to attract monks from other races, and also has the ability to send them away, or keep them on the island forever.

In Tang Zhen's eyes, this thrilling war that killed countless monks was just a game of chess.

He has enough strength and confidence to control the whole situation and win at the last moment.

As long as they enter the chess game, everyone is a pawn and cannot escape Tang Zhen's control.

While Tang Zhen watched silently, the fat man behind him widened his eyes, his face full of shock.

Fatty was inexplicably shocked by the brutal fighting on the battlefield.

Fatty's strength is not too weak, but he doesn't know much about the world of practice, and he has never experienced such a battle scene.

Before the war started, Fatty became worried, afraid that he would be killed.

Compared with the powerful monks of Loucheng, Fatty's strength can only be regarded as average, and only racial talents can be used.

However, in a war of this level, Fatty's talent for transformation could easily become the target of fire.

Just when the fat man was worried, he suddenly realized that he didn't need to worry too much at all.

Because as long as they stood behind Tang Zhen, those monks who had been beaten until the sky was dark, seemed to be unable to see him and Tang Zhen at all.

This made the fat man both surprised and happy, and his heart was full of doubts. He didn't understand why such a thing happened?
Soon the fat man realized that this situation was actually because of Tang Zhen.

This unexpected discovery made Fatty confused.

Originally, he had a feeling that Tang Zhen was very different from other monks, so he chose to approach him proactively.

Following Tang Zhen all the way, he was also confused.

But he didn't expect that on the chaotic battlefield, when he followed Tang Zhen, he could even avoid the attack.

This made Fatty more and more curious about Tang Zhen's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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