I have a city in another world

Chapter 3419 Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 3419 Reinforcements Arrive
Tang Zhen knew very well that in this war, monks in Loucheng did not have the upper hand.

Regardless of the alliance monks or the monsters in these forbidden seas, they are all enemies of the Loucheng monks.

Although reinforcements have arrived, they can only alleviate the crisis. It is impossible to retreat or win.

The strongest and most likely winners are still the monks of these alliances. According to the current situation and continuous development, they will definitely be able to strangle the monks of Loucheng.

As for these monsters in the forbidden sea, there are also ways to suppress them. What the monks of Loucheng can do, the monks of the alliance can also do.

For the monks on both sides, the Forbidden Sea Monster just took advantage of the fire to loot, but it didn't make much of a difference at all.

Whichever side wins can turn to these monsters.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for doing this, that is, ancient creatures will not participate in this war, otherwise the monks on both sides will not be able to become winners.

In this forbidden sea, the ancient creatures are the real kings, possessing incredible power.

Even the peak gods, when encountering such a terrifying existence alone, often have no choice but to flee.

It is not an easy task to hunt down this ancient creature, and even only the peak gods are eligible to participate.

The process of hunting is not easy. If you are not careful, you will encounter accidents, changing from the original hunter to the prey.

Including Tang Zhen, none of the monks on the island wanted ancient creatures to appear.

Just as the three parties were fighting in full swing, a dull roar suddenly came from another direction on the island.

The roar was like thunder, and the earth seemed to shake, causing the monks to feel panic in their hearts.

"Ancient creature!"

The cultivators were finally able to confirm that the ancient creatures were indeed involved in this war. No wonder countless super creatures were driven here.

Perhaps it was the behavior of the monks that angered the overlord of the Forbidden Sea, so he took this opportunity to carry out the craziest and cruelest revenge.

The monks who were fighting frantically at first became sober at this moment, for fear that other accidents would happen again.

The monks guarding the coast accidentally discovered that the Forbidden Sea, which was originally as smooth as a mirror, suddenly became choppy.

After careful observation, I discovered that the sea surface was crowded with monsters, big and small, at some unknown time.

These sea monsters did not launch an attack, but blocked the escape route back to the shore, making it impossible for the monks to leave easily.

Although no attack was launched, the alliance monks were terrified.

Even if they successfully snatched the hunting base, if they were trapped in the island, such a victory would be meaningless.

Even the island will become a prison for monks, not only cannot leave easily, but will also be hunted and killed by these sea monsters.

At that moment, these monks driven by greed may not even have time to cry.

He intends to pass on the news, but at the moment the killing is inextricable. Once such news is known, it may immediately cause the army's morale to slacken.

The alliance is a mob, and it needs to be more cautious when fighting. It is very likely that a small incident will lead to the wastage of all previous efforts.

Because of the appearance of these monsters, the reinforcements of the monks in Loucheng were also blocked, and they could no longer approach the island easily.

If you want to cross the area blocked by monsters, you must pay a heavy price, but it is too worthless.

These Loucheng monks from other Loucheng war zones are indeed here for assistance, but it does not mean that they have to work hard at this moment.

All they can do is to wait and see across the sea until the opportunity presents itself.

Rescue must be saved, but there is no need to let yourself take your life.

The already chaotic situation has become more and more complicated at this moment, and even those self-improvement people feel a little tricky.

As soon as the thought came to mind, the most powerful people were startled, and they all looked into the depths of the island.


The self-improvement members of these alliances exclaimed at the same time, secretly preparing for the battle.


A smile flashed across Tang Zhen's face, like a fisherman who finally waited for the moment when the fish took the bait.

The monks on both sides of the war also felt the powerful aura, which was approaching from far to near.


As if the air had exploded, a piercing sound suddenly sounded, and a super creature that was raging in the hunting camp was directly blown into a pulp.

The muffled sound was endless, and the nearby Forbidden Sea monsters exploded one after another, or kept wailing and roaring.

It wasn't just the monsters that exploded, but also the monks of the alliance, who turned into mud and blood mist together with these monsters.

"Things turned into a group of snakes, insects, rats and ants dare to rampant here, they are looking for death!"

A voice came from the void, with a touch of disdain.

At the same time as the sound came, another figure appeared above the hunting camp, completely ignoring the terrifying pressure.

His body was shrouded in light.It is impossible to see the figure and face clearly, but it gives people a terrifying pressure.

Only a peak-level general can have such a powerful aura, and when he appears on the stage, the enemy will feel uneasy.

With the appearance of the peak god general, the monks of Loucheng in the hunting camp cheered in unison, and their morale also increased rapidly.

The courage of the soldiers, the arrival of the peak god generals increased the chances of success in guarding the hunting camp.

But there are still some monks who are worried in their hearts, knowing that the enemy's most powerful people have not made a move until now.

The arrival of the peak god general means the coming of the real decisive battle.

There are so many monks in the alliance, and the number of the most powerful is probably not much more. I don't know what danger the peak gods will face?

Sure enough, when the peak god general appeared, the superpowers hidden in the alliance all attacked one after another.

Although they did not condense the godhead, they condensed the seeds of the rules, and gained powerful power from the comprehension of the rules.

In the face of the peak generals, he did not lose the wind at all.

If you fight with more bullying and less, it will be easier, and you will be able to kill the monk Loucheng with full confidence.


A super powerhouse from the alliance opened his mouth to scold angrily, and went straight to the peak general to attack and kill him, launching the attack first.

He is not alone, but has accomplices assisting each other, trying to surround and kill this peak general.

"You still want to bully the few with the more, but unfortunately you have no chance to succeed."

The peak god general sneered, and launched an attack against the enemy's strongest, which was completely a life-for-life style of play.

The fight is about whoever lives harder, who is stronger, and whoever fails will die!

The super strong who took the initiative to attack suddenly became terrified after discovering the style of play of the peak general.

He knew very well in his heart that if it was really a life-for-life style of play, he would definitely die.

At this time, he could only trust his accomplices and behead the peak general first, otherwise he would inevitably suffer the fatal blow from the peak general.

But at this point, the Xeon became unconfident again. Who knows if the accomplice can be relied on?
At the moment when the two sides fought each other, the most powerful man chose to protect himself instead of receiving the desperate blow from the peak general.

At the same time, several auras appeared at the same time, all of which were clearly the strength of the peak god general.

They each locked their targets and launched their attacks at the same time.


The strongest man who escaped from the battle cursed bitterly, but he was also secretly grateful in his heart.

If he was fighting to the death with the peak god general, he would definitely not get the assistance of his companions, and the end would definitely become very miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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