I have a city in another world

Chapter 3621 Aim high!

Chapter 3621 Aim high!

With the participation of the cornerstone platform, all the grievances and grievances of the past have been wiped out.

Regardless of Tang Zhen's hatred, or the fact that Wenyou and other gods were hunted down, there is no need to mention it again after today.

For all three parties, this is the best outcome.

The result is doomed, and no one is willing to provoke a battle between the gods and kings because of this matter.

Even if this matter involves the master cultivator, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the god king and the strong.

The Foundation Stone Platform made a mistake back then and deliberately favored Wenyou and other generals, but now it has made up for Tang Zhen and favored him.

It's just this favoritism, no one really feels wrong.

Among them are some god kings, who are closely related to Wen You and other god generals, and they also chose to let it go, to avoid causing more disturbances because of this matter.

Even if you are unwilling, you will never jump out at this moment. It is tantamount to provoking and questioning the cornerstone platform.

Not every monk is as fierce as Tang Zhen, capable of yelling at the cornerstone platform.

Just after the dust settled, the god king and powerhouse opposite took the initiative to speak.

"This is a misunderstanding, God King Tang Zhen, we will meet later!"

Asking the ancestors of Youshen General, there is actually a trace of unwillingness in his heart, but it has nothing to do with that unfilial descendant.

His regret was that he was a step slower, and he didn't force Tang Zhen to find out the way to become a god king. If he could choose, he could even exchange ten ghost gods for the future.

Although there is no possibility of copying every road to becoming a king, it is definitely possible to learn from it.

It can even be used as a reference to carefully deduce and find a similar path to becoming a king.


Tang Zhen also cupped his fists in a salute, but there was a touch of regret in his words.

Looking at his posture at the moment, it seems that he is secretly regretting that he has no chance to fight against the king of the gods.

The god king and strong man on the opposite side naturally sensed this kind of thinking, and his heart was still full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, the newly-promoted God King Tang Zhen would be so belligerent, trying every means to find a reason to start the war.

It must be because he has been suppressed for too long in the past, so he is full of fighting spirit at this moment, wanting to fight to prove himself.

If this is the case, then you must be extra careful, and don't let him find a reason to start a war.

The other god-king powerhouses watching the battle sensed this scene from afar, and they had similar thoughts in their hearts.

They all had a premonition that with Tang Zhen ascending to the throne of God King, the Fourth War Zone might become even more lively.

But in an instant, everything returned to calm.

Only Tang Zhen stood in the air, looking up at the changing clouds and water in the distance, feeling filled with emotion.

The avatar stood not far away, also standing silently, maintaining a respectful attitude towards the god king and powerhouse.

It's just that this space has been isolated by Tang Zhen and has become an independent world.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Tang Zhen turned around and said, looking at the avatar with surprise and relief.

Tang Zhen is already aware of the chance and adventure of the avatar, and he can only say that it can be encountered but not sought.

I didn't expect that after I was promoted to the God King, the avatar would also have the opportunity to be promoted to the God King, it just needed enough time.

This is the achievement and glory of the avatar, but it also belongs to him, and the surprise in his heart cannot be faked.

This is the common progress and improvement, and the joy of sharing joy.

"As it should be."

The clone chuckled, and looked at Tang Zhen with a trace of awe and admiration in his eyes.

Although Tang Zhen belongs to the same body as him, the avatar is very clear that everything about him comes from the deity.

Thinking knowledge, even luck, are all borrowed from the deity.

It is precisely because of personal experience that I can feel the deep shock, knowing that the deity can have today's strength and status, and it is definitely not obtained by luck.

Luck can only protect for a while, never for a lifetime.

Moreover, luck is the most easily disturbed, and it is also easily suppressed. If you want to rely on luck to make everything go smoothly, it may be more difficult than becoming a god king.

Tang Zhen nodded. There is no need to be polite between the two parties, after all, it is for oneself.

"Everything has been settled, I don't know what your plan is, should you stay in the fourth war zone, or use the tickets to the third war zone?"

Before Tang Zhen was promoted to God King, if the avatar was killed and exposed, the only option was to escape from the fourth theater.

Tang Zhen, who has not become a god king, can be said to be unable to protect himself, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be implicated in the slightest by his avatar.

It's different now, Tang Zhen has been promoted to God King, and he really has a place in the fourth war zone.

Powerful strength is the guarantee of safety, and it can make anyone dare not trouble the avatar. Even if they know that this matter is related to Tang Zhen, they dare not pursue it at all.

Because from the very beginning of this matter, Tang Zhen had the truth, and revenge was justified.

Under the protection of Tang Zhen, the avatar can practice in meditation and strive to be promoted to the king of the gods as soon as possible.

Once that time comes, Tang Zhen, whose body clones are all god kings, still has the qualifications to make other god kings tremble.

Unless they unite together, it is impossible to be Tang Zhen's opponent.

Seemingly the most ideal choice, but it does not mean that the clone is willing to accept it.

"I want to go out and have a look and see the style of the three major theaters."

Under Tang Zhen's gaze, the avatar said slowly.

Giving up the comfort of being at hand and going to a strange world to take risks, such a choice is indeed asking for trouble.

But Tang Zhen understands very well, because this is his own style of doing things.

For the three major war zones, Tang Zhen has actually longed for it for a long time, but he has never had the opportunity to understand.

Including the qualifications for entry, which are also nowhere to be obtained.

Now that he finally had the opportunity, how could Tang Zhen miss it? He must go to see it.

"In that case, take care of yourself."

Tang Zhen clasped his fists in a salute, which was a farewell to the avatar, and also a blessing to himself.

"take care!"

The avatar also clasped its fists, and passed some information to Tang Zhen through its spiritual consciousness, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Looking at the empty sky, Tang Zhen chuckled, with indescribable relief and freedom.

If you watch your own words and deeds as a bystander, you always feel a little weird.

It seems to be too free and easy, ignoring life and death and paying more attention to promises. Once a decision is made, even nine cows can't pull it back.

For example, in this chase, if Tang Zhen hadn't happened to be able to communicate with the world and become a god-king and strong man, it would have been too late to rescue him.

Even if he just slowed down a step, the avatar might be doomed.

The matter of hunting Wenyou may also be exposed because of this, and Tang Zhen will be involved.

This is a helpless thing. As a newly-promoted god-king powerhouse, Tang Zhen understands the horror of this realm too well.

Utilizing the power of the rules, it is completely possible to completely crush the Lord, without any effort at all.

Rules cannot be disobeyed, that is the principle of heaven and earth, and everything must be followed.

If you want to try to resist, you must first have enough strength, and you must be able to withstand the backlash punishment of the rules.

If you can't do it, you can only accept the punishment according to the rules.

But the avatar will not be reconciled, even if it is controlled by the rules, it is still ready to self-destruct.

Because there is an ancient beast in his body, which is the biggest variable, and it can be immune to the rules of the king and the strong.

If Tang Zhen was one step slower, the avatar would definitely explode, obliterating all the secrets with his own death.

Even if you give up the opportunity to become a god king, you will never hesitate at all. This is the meaning of ignoring life and death.

"It's all over..."

Tang Zhen has stayed in this vast land of becoming gods for quite a long time, and now that his goal has been achieved, it is naturally time to leave.

Along with a series of laughter, Tang Zhen's figure disappeared without a trace.

However, although people are far away, various stories about Tang Zhen and his avatars have always been widely circulated in Yuanji Realm.

People leave their names, and geese leave their voices.

Among the thousands of worlds, there are various legends related to oneself, which is also a remarkable achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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