I have a city in another world

Chapter 3622 Rewards for chapter return!

Chapter 3622 The reward for returning!
The advantage of the god king powerhouse lies in the ability to formulate rules.

The application of rules is everywhere, even when you are on the road, you can still get great help.

Such as making rules, getting the fastest speed and ignoring any obstacles.

Once the rules are derived, the speed will be unimaginably fast, and the ends of the earth can be seen in a single thought.

This deity is still on his way. If it is the situation of coordinate sensing, the idea of ​​the king of gods can be reached in an instant.

Even though many worlds are separated, it will still not be hindered, and the body can be condensed with the help of rules.

Ask Youshen General's body protection artifact, which can play the role of a mark, and after being activated by the catastrophe of life and death, this caused a series of changes.

Now that Tang Zhen has become a god king, those incomparably mysterious methods have become at his fingertips.

It was relying on the powerful means of the God King that made Tang Zhen's return journey smooth and saved a lot of time.

Unknowingly, the breath of the Loucheng world appeared, which meant that the long journey had reached its end.

The power of the plane barrier appeared, swept over Tang Zhen's body, and recognized him as a wanderer returning home from a long journey.

The resistance disappeared in an instant, and Tang Zhen entered the world of Loucheng, a special and independent dimension.

When entering the Loucheng world, they will be automatically transferred to their respective theaters. If they want to enter other theaters, they must obtain the permission of the cornerstone platform.

Such rules are only for the strong.

The entry of ordinary Loucheng monks will not cause much impact, but the real top powerhouses are themselves a terrifying disaster.

A little carelessness in words and deeds may harm the Quartet.

Tang Zhen belongs to the fourth war zone, and the connecting channel naturally connects here, but in an instant, Tang Zhen has already arrived in the territory of the fourth war zone.

The moment he entered, the cornerstone platform immediately felt a sense.

In the nearby territories, there are also often strong men at the level of god kings, who sent congratulations to Tang Zhen from afar.

Before becoming a God King, one would have no idea of ​​the true strength of the fourth theater, and all one could see was superficial strength.

The truly terrifying hole cards have always been hidden in secret, and there is no need for ordinary Loucheng monks to know.

Including Tang Zhen, even if they were once the masters of the territory, they also knew nothing about the truth.

Even as a lord, he still doesn't have that qualification.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was a little self-deprecating, secretly laughing at his ignorance back then.

Among the three thousand theaters in the world of Loucheng, the fourth theater ranks so high, how can the strength be as simple as what I see?
Although there were many doubts at the time, he didn't think too much about it. On the contrary, as his strength continued to improve, he gradually realized the horror of the fourth theater.

When Tang Zhen was forced to leave, the Fissure Territory and the Shenglong War Zone had to change their development strategies in order to protect themselves.

For Tang Zhen, this was actually a kind of humiliation.

In the world of Loucheng, it is a joke to be on guard against the assassination attacks of the monks of Loucheng.

Fortunately, from the beginning to the end, he did not suffer much loss, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Now that Tang Zhen has made a strong comeback and has ascended to the position of God King, it is natural to sweep away all the humiliation and suppression.

At the same time as he entered the fissure territory, Tang Zhen had already used the means of the god king, and a rule was instantly condensed.

"Energy crystallization, rain down!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the situation changed, and the monks in the fissure territory immediately felt a sense.

Before they could react, they saw the energy of the heavens and the earth condensed into dazzling light spots, and instantly became crystallized.

This is not an ordinary energy spar, but mixed with a regular atmosphere, which is a rare treasure that can be encountered but not sought after.

It is hard to find money on weekdays, but now it is full of sky.

Not only the regular crystallization, but also the dense dew, which turned into a little rain and sprinkled one after another.

A gust of breeze blew by, and the crystallization of the rules, accompanied by the dew and rain, sprinkled in the cracked territory one after another.

Cultivator Loucheng is well-informed, how could he not know the benefits of crystallization and divine dew, so he started to practice in situ without hesitation.

The confusion that existed in the practice in the past suddenly became clear at this moment, and the difficult shackles that hindered the advancement were easily broken.

The strength of the soul has been improved, the perception of the world is more profound, and a faint breath of rules can be felt.

In different practice systems, the regular breath has different names. Some monks call it Dao Yun, and some monks call it the unity of man and nature.

Although the titles are different, the essence is the same. If it can be captured and realized, it will definitely bring great opportunities and benefits to the monks.

This is an extremely rare opportunity, but now under the influence of the power of rules, every monk in the fissure territory has the opportunity to practice and understand.

As for whether they can seize the opportunity and how much they can gain, it depends on the monks' respective opportunities and strengths.

From time to time, shouts and cheers could be heard from the crack territory at this moment, it was the monk expressing his heart's excitement and ecstasy.

A series of powerful auras were continuously released one after another, and every monk could feel his own progress.

Because of Tang Zhen, the strength of the cultivators in the Crack Territory has suddenly risen to a higher level.

This is the power of the god-king powerhouse. Not only does he possess great strength, but he can also benefit his own domain and subordinates.

Just when the monks were pleasantly surprised, they saw a majestic figure appearing in the sky, and there were thousands of rays of light between waving hands.

"The rules reappear, and everything turns into a magic weapon!"

Accompanied by the sound of the Great Dao, Wan Dao Xiaguang rushed in all directions, and then turned into countless light spots.

The colorful light spots are also the condensed manifestation of the power of rules, which penetrated into the armor and weapons of the monks.

Every monk has one, and one will never be missed.

Incorporating this trace of regularity, weapons that were originally of ordinary quality immediately possessed magical attributes.

There are countless rules in the world, and the attributes obtained by the equipment are also random. If you get some rare attributes, the value of the equipment will increase exponentially.

Even if it is an ordinary rule attribute, it is an artifact beyond the reach of the monks. After all, it is the handwriting of the god king.

Feeling the increase in strength and observing the changes in equipment, the shock and joy of the monks in Loucheng can no longer be expressed.

"Thank you Lord Lord for your generous reward!"

A monk in Loucheng bowed to the sky and thanked Tang Zhen, and his heart was full of emotions.

Only the lord of his own war zone, only Tang Zhen, can make such a generous reward.

"Thank you Lord Lord for your generous reward!"

Such voices kept echoing throughout the crack territory, and the monks in Loucheng were all looking at the sky.

His face was full of gratitude and reverence, as well as an uncontrollable shock.

As a lord, Tang Zhen hasn't shown up for a long time, which is very abnormal.

The various deployments in the fissure territory made the monks even more sure that they had encountered a very serious problem.

Although there are various worries in their hearts, the monks in Loucheng have always persisted and firmly believe that the predicament will pass sooner or later.

As the youngest and weakest territory in the fourth war zone, it is only natural that he experienced ups and downs in the process of growing up.

True gold is tempered by raging fire. Perhaps only such a dangerous environment can test the true character of the monks.

Tang Zhen's return now means that the wind and rain have subsided and everything will get better and better.

Just like this, Tang Zhen's reward at this moment is an opportunity that monks dare not even think about, but now everyone has a share.

In the face of endless thanks, Tang Zhen raised his hand and pressed lightly, leaving only his own voice in the world.

"No need to thank you, these rewards should belong to you, thank you for your perseverance, and thank you for your perseverance.

Leaving aside all the past events, from today onwards, the Rift Territory is bound to rise strongly.

If there is an obstacle, gods will block and kill gods, and demons will block and kill demons! "

Tang Zhen's expression was stern, as if declaring an oath, his cold voice spread throughout the crack territory.

"God blocks and kills gods, magic blocks and kills demons, kill!"

The excited response of the monks in Loucheng echoed endlessly in the sky and the earth like a roaring tsunami.

(End of this chapter)

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