I have a city in another world

Chapter 3623 No longer low-key fissure territory

Chapter 3623 No longer low-key fissure territory

If Tang Zhen does not sing, it is already known, and when it sings, it is known to the world.

Just after returning to the world of Loucheng and arriving at the crack territory, there was such a huge commotion.

The consumption of God's Origin cannot be counted. Even if other God Kings can do it, they may not be willing to give it up.

This is the price of generosity, the higher the position you have, the less you can easily give gifts.

Because it is simply impossible to take out an ordinary gift.

But this time the reward was Tang Zhen's willingness, and it had been planned for a long time.

The primary purpose is to appease the Loucheng monks in the Rift Territory and thank them for their perseverance.

Because of all kinds of things, there will inevitably be a lot of resentment in the hearts of these monks in Loucheng.

Part of their humiliation was borne by Tang Zhen. Without the previous incidents, the Rift Territory would not have become what it is today.

As the master of the territory, Tang Zhen must give an explanation and make compensation as much as possible.

This is the way of the emperor, and it is also the responsibility of a lord.

Although it has never been officially announced, the truth is already known to everyone, and it should not be silent at this time.

If this is the case, it is to treat everyone as a fool.

If you rule over the mortal world, you can implement the method of fooling. After all, most mortals are forgetful and are the easiest to be deceived and fooled.

They only care about themselves, they only want to survive, and as long as they can achieve this goal, they can show extraordinary tolerance.

But monks are different, they can't help memorizing their extensive knowledge, and they are more clear about grievances and grievances.

If you want to fool the monks, you will often be self-defeating and invite betrayal and revenge from the monks.

For their own encounters, monks will keep in mind, and will also see their own nature, so as to make the most rational choice.

If the lord is fatuous, the monks in Loucheng will definitely replace the lord, and they will definitely not hang him on a tree.

Tang Zhen's handwriting seems to consume a lot, but in fact it is very necessary.

The originally agitated hearts and already sluggish morale were also repaired and boosted by this.

Another purpose is to show their own strength and announce their strong comeback.

As the youngest territory in the fourth war zone, the Fissure Territory can be described as internal and external troubles, and has always been facing the risk of being taken over and annexed.

The reason is that the foundation is too thin to be compared with those established territories.

Guarding the delicious fat meat, everyone wants to take a bite.

If you don't believe me, just look at Tang Zhen back then. He was obviously a lord, but he was conspired and hunted down by a group of generals just to snatch the lord's position.

Although the other party's behavior is also a capital offense, since they dared to do it, it is enough to show that they did not take the fissure territory seriously.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen's luck was against the sky, not only narrowly escaped death, but also became a strong king of gods!
While inspiring people, it is also to tell those who have bad intentions that sooner or later they will pay for their mistakes.

Tang Zhen can not be stingy with rewards for his own people, and he will not show mercy to his enemies either.

The reward is as bold as the revenge.

Hearing this news, those behind-the-scenes masterminds who had harbored ill intentions towards the Rift Territory and took action in the past should feel restless.

After all, today is different from the past. Tang Zhen, who is a god-king powerhouse, has enough means and strength to retaliate.

What's more, Tang Zhen has already announced in public that the Rift Territory will rise strongly.

Under such circumstances, anyone who dares to provoke him will definitely become the target of Tang Zhen.

Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys, and never die.

In a few moments, the rain stops and the wind breaks.

The Loucheng monks in the crack territory now feel a sense of elation, with uncontrollable excitement in their hearts.

After all, from today onwards, they have a lord at the level of a god king, and this is the real confidence.

When you go to other territories and mention where you belong, you will also get more respect and courtesy.

It's no longer like the old days, most of the other party is curious, but they don't have much fear.

The Loucheng World's [-] war zones are competing for rankings both openly and secretly, and the same is true within the war zone.

In the fourth war zone, the ranking of the Fissure Territory is undoubtedly the bottom one.

It is indeed understandable for such a situation to occur. After all, the Fissure Territory has been established for too short a time, and there is no foundation at all.

However, they are both competitors, but they don't care about these at all, wishing that the Rift Territory will continue to be weak like this.

Because only in this way can the fissure territory be stepped on.

Today's fissure territory is about to catch up, and it is certain that there will be various resistances in the open and in the dark.

But just like Tang Zhen, the Loucheng monks in the crack territory will never be frightened by the predicament.

Before Tang Zhen became a god king, they were able to persevere, not to mention the great increase in strength now.

Any provocative target, any obstacle that tries to stop the rise of the Rift Territory, will inevitably be smashed to pieces under the attack of the monks of Loucheng.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen returned to his place of practice, the huge palace next to the giant pagoda.

Although he has not returned for many years, this shrine dedicated to Tang Zhen has always been kept clean and tidy enough.

At this moment, there is a breeze blowing through the wide hall supported by huge white jade pillars, and colorful clouds and mist formed by condensed energy are rising.

One piece of items from different planes of the world, but the real treasures are made into ornaments, standing on both sides of the hall for people to enjoy.

In the middle of this hall, there is a bright and wide viewing platform. Walking into it is like being among the water and clouds.

On the viewing platform, there is a huge throne.

In the past days, the throne was empty, and the master never returned.

But on the throne today, there is an extra figure, it is Tang Zhen who has just returned to the fissure territory.

In a short period of time, one figure after another appeared in the hall one after another.

These are Loucheng monks with an astonishing aura. They all belong to the territory of the crack, and each of them takes important positions in the territory.

During Tang Zhen's absence, they were in charge of running the territory and paying attention to various things.

Fortunately, they are all idle jobs and do not affect their own practice.

The operation of the building world is mainly in charge of the cornerstone platform, and the more critical and core things are, the more this is the case.

It seems to share the pressure for the monks of Loucheng, so that they have more time to practice, but in fact they firmly control the entire theater.

"Meet Your Excellency the Lord."

All the monks in Loucheng who were present had witnessed everything that happened before, needless to say they were shocked.

For them, the realm of the god king is really unattainable.

It was even more unexpected that Tang Zhen, who left at the beginning, would return with such glory in such a way.

"I'll tell you everything about what happened after I left, and there must be no concealment or omission."

Tang Zhen's return this time is to enhance the strength of the crack territory and gain a more powerful voice.

Otherwise, people speak lightly, even in the world of Loucheng.

He didn't want a similar situation to happen again, and he didn't want the Loucheng monks in the crack territory to suffer the same injustice as himself.

Hearing Tang Zhen's request, the monks couldn't guess what Tang Zhen was thinking, and couldn't help being excited and worried.

Like Tang Zhen, they had accumulated anger in their hearts, and they had long wanted to find a chance to vent it.

If it weren't for the overall situation, perhaps he would have already fought to express his anger.

But if it represents the fissure territory, it is necessary to be more cautious. After all, the background of those territories is far stronger than that of the fissure territory.

(End of this chapter)

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