I have a city in another world

Chapter 3636 Magical place!

Chapter 3636 Magical place!

The super mall in the fourth war zone really lived up to its reputation!

The monks who entered this place had similar thoughts in their minds and sighed one after another.

All kinds of rules and requirements can be known directly after the monk enters the mall, which can be regarded as convenient and quick.

Some customers were amazed by the magnificence of the mall, some were shocked by the variety of commodities, and some were shocked by the structure of the mall.

The vast and unspeakable power silently supports the operation of the mall, forming a special and independent world.

When you are in it, you can feel your own insignificance.

The flat street with a width of hundreds of meters stretches for an unknown distance, and there is no end to it at a glance.

On this street, there is a flow of people like a tide, walking continuously and staggeringly.

Because of the influence of the rules, customers will not collide when walking, and always keep the same distance.

Only with the consent of both parties can there be the possibility of touching each other.

Even if it can be contacted, it is only in the state of nothingness, unable to cause substantial damage, and it is even more impossible to use the mall as a medium to launch an attack.

If someone violated the rules and tried to use methods such as curses to attack the soul, they would immediately suffer a terrible backlash.

As long as it is not a strong god king, I am afraid that he will die in an instant.

Because of the existence of this rule, customers can guarantee absolute safety and do not need to worry about being threatened in the mall.

If you want to be more cautious, you can also change the form until it is beyond recognition.

Looking around at this moment, the streets are full of customers who have changed their skins, and all of them are top-notch handsome men and women.

Hundreds of sets of human skins, plus tens of thousands of clothing collocations, can fully meet the needs of customers.

This is done on purpose by Tang Zhen. Customers use it when they need it, and reveal the original body when they don't need it.

Tang Zhen wanted to use this method to enhance the presence of human monks and let the human race gain a higher status in the great world.

Don't underestimate this kind of operation, it will definitely have an extremely far-reaching impact under the subtle influence.

After all, this super shopping mall can freely connect to all worlds, and all the people who enter are the best publicity platform.

In addition to the wide streets and exquisite human skin, Tang Zhen also added countless strange things in the mall, such as some ancient creatures.

Of course, it's just superficial and has no real strength.

Most of the strange things he saw with his own eyes, and some were learned from other sources, which can be regarded as a very large museum of strange things.

Through these myriad world wonders, the taste and level of the mall can be increased, so that knowledgeable customers dare not underestimate them.

The shabby broken kiln and the splendid palace are undoubtedly the latter which is more touching.

The face project must be done, and it must be done well, and absolutely no one can pick out the slightest fault.

Tang Zhen has achieved the ultimate, even he is very satisfied, not to mention the customers in the mall.

The experience and knowledge of the god king and powerhouse is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary monks. Looking at everything displayed in the mall, my heart is full of unspeakable shock.

Watching the wonders of the myriad worlds, one by one lingers.

Under the constraints of the rules, these strange objects will not attack customers, but only serve as living landscapes or mascots.

There are also some huge ones that have become places operated by monks. For example, towering pavilions are built on the back of the island-like basalt.

While walking, monks can constantly observe the shops on both sides. If they want to take a stroll, they can fly directly into the inner shops.

In addition to those monks who were watching curiously and looking for the items they needed, there were also many customers who took on the task of trying to explore the hidden secrets of the mall.

They hide among the crowd, constantly observe and record, and collect various data and information.

Among them were some monks, wanting to see if there was an end to the long street, so they advanced rapidly on the street.

While moving forward, it is also necessary to record the shops on both sides to facilitate the next step of judgment and analysis.

After walking an extremely long distance, perhaps hundreds of kilometers, the eyes of the investigating monks lit up.

He finally saw a shop that was exactly the same as the one at the beginning. Maybe this meant that the long street had come to an end?

But looking at the road ahead, the various scenery on the side of the road are completely different.

"Not the end?"

Try to move forward for a certain distance, and you will find that the number of shops has increased, all of which have just been leased and opened.

The exploring monks kept moving forward, pondering secretly in their hearts, and gradually guessed the real principle.

Every time a monk enters the shopping mall, he will randomly enter a street. Whether he walks forward or backward, he has the opportunity to browse all the shops.

On this bustling long street, there are mirror images of countless shops, which can stretch to infinity.

The purpose of doing this is to accommodate enough passenger flow, even if hundreds of billions of customers flood in at the same time, it can be accommodated at the same time.

A monk's spiritual thoughts are incarnated into thousands, even if he runs thousands of mirror stores at the same time, he will never be affected in any way.

However, the existence of mirrored streets is not restricted by the ontology, and itself is constantly changing.

At the beginning, the operators on both sides of the street were monks from the territory of Loucheng, but gradually they were filled by other monks.

As time goes by, the streets get longer and bigger.

After figuring out the truth, the investigating monk was filled with amazement.

Ordinary people know the principle of rocket launch, but it is extremely difficult to make it by hand, and it is the same reason to put it on this super mall.

Outsiders can only envy Tang Zhen's business, and there is no possibility of emulating and competing.

After completing the task, the scouting monk hurriedly evacuated, thinking in his heart that he would come back for a stroll later.

Most of the monks in Loucheng have no messy thoughts at all, they have already been shocked by this mall.

I just feel that every place is so magical and fresh that people can't move away.

The products sold are even more mouth-watering.

In order to express his gratitude, Tang Zhen gave away a batch of shops for free, one for each theater.

The shop sells special products in the war zone, and at the same time has the authority to purchase them, which can be regarded as an official operation.

Behind such a store, there is a cornerstone platform sitting in the town. As long as you have good things in your hands, you don't need to worry about not being able to sell them at a good price.

The monks in Loucheng in the major war zones first visited these official stores, trying to find goods that satisfied them.

As a result, after wandering around, I realized that I was really a frog in a well, and I had no idea how wonderful and vast this world is.

Originally, I thought that if I saved enough money, I could spend some money in the mall, only to find out that there are countless good things, and the prices are also scary.

Although the price of the goods is high, the goods are indeed excellent, and the monks are also people who know the goods, so they can only sigh secretly that their wallets are too thin.

But because of this, he made up his mind that he must earn more money and goods, and then come to the mall to exchange for what he wants.

There are also quite a few monks who choose to rent shops to display and sell their various items.

Most of the items sold on the Cornerstone platform are of the standard type, and some are similar to military supplies.

Practical and affordable, but it does not mean high quality, but has the highest cost performance.

Those miscellaneous things are bred by the aura of heaven and earth, and possess various magical properties.

Although these items are messy, they are by no means comparable to the standard products of the cornerstone platform, or each has its own merits.

Random combinations lead to many changes, and even the cornerstone platform cannot be created. When monks have similar needs, they can only consume their original power to imitate and create.

But it was also like this that caused the monks to be unable to bear the price, so they could only choose to give up in the end.

This is the competitive advantage, which also represents a huge market.

On this day, the monks in Loucheng had their own gains, and lamented that the trip was worthwhile.

The same is true for the monks in Loucheng who are ranked in the top [-] battle zones. They may not look down on certain products, but they are shocked by the layout and layout of the mall.

What's more, in the shopping mall, there are also various special items, which can bring a little surprise to these foresighted Loucheng monks.

(End of this chapter)

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