I have a city in another world

Chapter 3637 The Adventure of a Soldier

Chapter 3637 A soldier’s adventure
Among the monks in Loucheng who were rushing like a wave, there were also many figures from the vast and boundless world.

They unintentionally obtained the introduction token of the mall, and were led into the mall in a ignorant manner.

The strength of these tourists from other worlds varies, and there are even ordinary people among them.

At the beginning, my heart was naturally full of vigilance and fear.

After absorbing the introduction in the divine sense and knowing where this place is, he immediately became extremely excited.

For them, this is a dream opportunity, like a pie falling from the sky.

And this piece of pie is as big as the sky, it can hold people alive.

With excitement and excitement, people of all colors from the vast world began to explore cautiously.


In the corner of the street, a thin figure was looking intently.

The information in his mind let him know where this is, and his heart was full of shock and anticipation.

This is a strange world, magical and magnificent, and each of those ant-like tourists is stronger than the fairy masters they have seen before.

Just before today, he was just a soldier at the border, and he might die in the war at any time.

Facing the invasion of the demons, the number of casualties of soldiers at the border is shocking. Every day, countless recruits recruited from the mainland rush to the line of defense.

They used flesh and blood to build a city wall to defend against the demons, and the casualty rate was naturally extremely terrifying.

The ratio of casualties to the demons sometimes even reached dozens to one.

In this border area, being able to live for a year is considered extremely lucky.

The main reason why soldiers can survive may also be related to their mission, which is to collect all kinds of junk on the battlefield.

There is no need to collect the corpses of the war dead, and most of them have become food for the demons.

This task seems simple, but it is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die for various reasons.

When picking up old weapons this morning, he found a strange brand, which felt very strange.

Ordinarily, such metal-like things should be picked and thrown into the furnace to make new weapons.

The consumption of war is terrifying, it is impossible to completely rely on the support from the rear, and the front line must do everything possible to find a way.

Picking up broken weapon wrecks will be done after every battle.

The soldiers kept the plaque and stuffed it into leggings made of wood chips, thinking it was a valuable item.

I never dreamed that when I was sleeping at night, my soul would be teleported to the mall.

Knowing where this place is, the soldiers were overjoyed, but they still didn't dare to act rashly.

The cruelty of the war made him cautious, and in order to ensure his life was safe, he decided to take a closer look.

He stood by the side of the road, hiding behind a strange big tree, silently looking around.

There were people coming and going on the street, no one cared about this thin figure at all.

After watching for a while, the soldier pondered secretly.

Unlike those powerful monks, the soldiers have shallow knowledge and don't know what the dazzling array of goods are for?
He just wants to live, as long as possible, until this war is over.

In this huge shopping mall, there must be something he wants, and his life can be guaranteed.

But if you want to get it, you have to give something.

He is just a pawn, not only penniless, but also his life is at stake.

Maybe once you go out of the city, you will never return, and eventually become the delicacy of those monsters.

"How to do?"

The soldier was anxious secretly, desperately looking for a way to keep himself alive.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of his job, which was to collect all kinds of supplies on the battlefield.

There are broken weapons and equipment, the remains of demons, and all kinds of messy things.

This is the only valuable item he can touch, but I don't know if it can be traded?

But in a blink of an eye, the soldier took up the idea.

Whether you succeed or fail, you have to give it a try.

The soldier made up his mind, lifted the broken straw mat on his body, and sneaked close to the place where the items were piled up.

It was a big pile, like garbage, with a foul smell.

When the broken items are collected, they are first piled together and then sorted a second time.

There are also soldiers sleeping next to them, which is quite normal, because they don't have their own barracks, and they basically rest in the open air.

The soldiers approached the pile of garbage, covered their bodies with straw mats, and continued to pick and choose underneath.

Thanks to the projection function of the receiving token, but in a short period of time, piles of tatters appeared around the soldiers.

As long as he wants, he can cash out and trade at any time.

According to the rules of the mall, every customer who holds an introduction token has three opportunities to set up a stall for free.

After waiting three times, a certain fee must be paid.

Soldiers took advantage of this benefit, applied for a store, and then manifested all the things around them.

Unexpectedly, with too much force, the entire garbage dump was revealed.

The mountain of tatters had a strong visual impact and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"What are these things?"

The monks passing by the shop were attracted by the pile of items and entered the shop one after another.

After seeing the pile of rubbish, they all shook their heads and turned to leave.

For these monks, the rags sold by soldiers are of no value, so naturally they won't stop wasting time.

Watching the customers come and go, the soldiers were also a little impatient, but there was nothing they could do.

He knows the origin of the product, and it is a matter of course not to be looked at by others.

If you know it, you know it, but you feel more and more anxious, after all, this matter is related to your wealth and life.

Time passed slowly, customers came and went, and there was never a deal.

The soldier was already a little desperate, and he couldn't reap the slightest benefit even though he had a great opportunity tomorrow.

Who can understand such a complicated and lost mood?
After waiting for a while, there was still no change. The soldiers were almost desperate.

As a result, at this moment, another group of monks walked in, and their eyes fell on the garbage dump.

Different from other monks, their eyes are a little more serious, and they don't sweep away like the previous monks.

"How do you plan to sell the bones of these monsters?"

Suddenly a monk opened his mouth and asked casually to the soldier.


The soldier was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, and said in an excited tone: "You can give it as you see, it doesn't matter how much you give."

Hearing the soldier's answer, several monks looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

"You are an interesting merchant. I'm afraid you don't know the price of the product at all, so that's why you say that?"

The soldier gave a silly laugh, stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

"The bones of your monsters have some uses, but the price is not too high.

I need to pick and choose and then negotiate a price. "

A monk said softly, and at the same time pointed to the pile of garbage, strangely shaped bones were extracted out one by one.

The soldiers could see clearly and found that these bones belonged to high-level monsters.

It didn't take long for a bunch of items to be extracted, and the monk asked the price again.

"You can just give it as you see it. If there is something to save your life, that's the best."

The soldier said in a low voice, but he made up his mind in his heart that he must take a good tour later to find out the value of various commodities.

"Is that so..."

The monk pondered for a while, and then said with a smile: "I see that your cultivation level is not high, and you must not be able to use high-level magic weapons. I just happen to have some things at the bottom of the box, and I will pack them all for you now.

At the same time, I will give you a set of exercises, which can absorb the magic energy to strengthen the soul and forge the body, so as not to make the body too weak. "

When the monk said this, he smiled at the surprised soldiers: "Cultivate hard to improve your strength, and try to live as long as possible.

If possible, I hope that one day in the future, I can buy the skeleton of the Demon King from you. "

(End of this chapter)

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