Chapter 3639
Customers in the shopping mall came and went, no one remembered this little soldier, let alone knew that he knew nothing about cultivation before last night.

Now when he reappears, the soldier has not only embarked on the path of cultivation, but is also full of demonic energy.

It's not that the soldiers practiced magic skills, but that they hunted and absorbed too many monsters, which made it impossible to refine them in a short time.

The devilish energy overflowed, and it looked more like a devil than a devil.

This is definitely not a good thing, it will bring great hidden dangers to the soldiers, and it may become a real monster in a short time.

This is the horror of demon energy. Countless demon hunters eventually became demons because of infection.

But the soldier didn't know it, but felt that he was in good condition.

Because on this day, he hunted and killed too many monsters, and even occupied a demon lair.

In the past, the soldiers would not have dared to imagine such a thing. God knows how many people would have to be sacrificed to clear and occupy a demon nest?
However, today, all he needs to do is single-handedly, and he has successfully bulldozed a demon nest.

The soldier's heart was extremely excited, thinking of his relatives who died in the calamity, he suddenly had a bigger dream.

He wants to have stronger strength, kill higher-level monsters, and avenge his dead relatives.

Perhaps one day, it is really possible to kill the demon king and draw his demon bones to sell at a price.

If this is the case, then this life is not in vain!
Compared with yesterday's rags, today's high-level magic bones can't attract the attention of monks anyway.

The Loucheng world is originally a high-energy plane, and the vision of the monks in Loucheng is also extremely high. Things that are regarded as treasures in other worlds are nothing more than that in the eyes of the monks in Loucheng.

It was for this reason that they were not tempted at all after seeing the magic bones.

There are also some monks who will purchase this type of monster bones for special needs.

Without waiting for too long, a monk came to see the goods. It was the Loucheng monk who had made the transaction before.

When the soldier saw the other party, his face was filled with joy, and he quickly bowed to thank him.

He also said that without the other party's help, he would have already turned into a dead bone.

"You're welcome, it's just a normal transaction, the main reason is that your good fortune is amazing."

Cultivator Loucheng was amazed at the soldiers whose appearance had changed drastically in just one night.

The previous transaction was done at will, and it was really unexpected that the soldiers would have such an opportunity.

"It's just that your current state is indeed very dangerous, obviously because of excessive demonic energy.

If you don't speed up the refining, it is likely to endanger your life. "

The soldier was taken aback when he heard this, he didn't want to become that kind of monster himself, he might as well commit suicide.

"Your Excellency, can you tell me the solution to the hidden danger? I am willing to use these magic bones as a gift."

Monsters can continue to hunt, but hidden dangers must be eliminated immediately, otherwise there may be no future to speak of.

Seeing the soldier's sincere attitude, the monk chuckled lightly.

In the practice world, when encountering similar advice, the seeker must pay a corresponding price.

The soldiers don't understand the rules, but they have a heart of gratitude, which makes the monk very satisfied.

"In a situation like yours, you need to practice the corresponding exercises, and it is best to wear equipment that suppresses demonic energy.

But I don't have either of these two things. "

The soldier was startled, and his face showed anxiety.

"Then... what should I do?"

Cultivator Loucheng smiled, pointed to his feet and said, "At other times, you might be helpless, or it might take a long time to solve the problem.

But in this mall, if you need anything, there shouldn't be anything you can't do.

Besides, your needs are really nothing? "

After monk Loucheng's explanation, the soldier's eyes also shone with brilliance, and he became eager to try.

"If you trust me, just walk with me in this shopping mall, and I will help you find exercises and magic tools."

The soldiers were overjoyed when they heard the words, and quickly expressed their willingness.

The two walked on the long street, entering the shop from time to time, asking for news about the corresponding exercises.

In the end, after asking around, I found out that the cultivation method does exist, and there is no shortage of magic tools.

It's just that none of these weapons are cheap, and soldiers can't afford them with their wealth.

If you save it for a while, you can give it a try.

However, the soldiers are hidden dangers, and it is impossible to delay for too long, otherwise they may lose their lives.

In the hands of monk Loucheng, he has some savings, but he also has things that he needs to buy urgently.

If you lend it to soldiers, your own practice will also be delayed.

The two sides met by chance and didn't know much about each other. Although monk Lou Cheng sympathized with the soldiers' plight, he might not be generous with them.

Just as the two parties were strolling around, they happened to encounter a large shop opening, and countless Loucheng monks gathered nearby.

After inquiring, I found out that the store that opened was the crack territory, that is, the real operator of the mall.

In order to thank the customers of the mall, a special lucky draw is held, and everyone can participate in it.

Out of curiosity, the two participated in it as required, and soon knew the result of the lottery.

Perhaps it was due to great luck, or perhaps it was a behind-the-scenes operation, but the soldier actually got a [-]% discount on consumption!

Buy three items in the store and enjoy a [-]% discount on all items.

"Congratulations, brother, your luck is beyond words!"

Hearing monk Loucheng's congratulations, the soldier came back to his senses, his whole body trembling with excitement.

I was already on the verge of despair, but I didn't want to survive the desperate situation, and unexpectedly encountered such a good thing.

With excitement, the soldiers entered the vast shop and selected the required exercises and instruments.

It is said to be a [-]% discount, but because the original price is too high, the [-]% discount price is also not cheap.

The poor soldiers still couldn't afford one.

Fortunately, Brother Loucheng, who was traveling with him, finally decided to give charcoal in a timely manner and was willing to lend him some initial funds.

It would be a pity to miss the opportunity, and you will regret it afterward.

The practice of monks in Loucheng can also be regarded as an investment, and most monks will firmly remember those who give charcoal in a timely manner.

After some selection, the soldier finally bought the item he wanted.

A set of cultivation skills seems to be specially tailored for him. Although the grade is not high, it is superior in the high degree of compatibility of attributes.

A magical weapon to defuse and suppress demonic energy, it is tied around the waist like a belt, and it also has quite good defensive power.

The last item is a dark long knife, which is more advanced than the original weapon.

But overnight, the soldiers changed their guns from shot to shot, and their strength and safety also doubled.

After returning to the shop, the soldiers gave all the magic bones to monk Loucheng as promised.

And said that he would continue to hunt monsters and obtain more advanced magic bones to repay the debt he owed.

In the following time, the soldiers took advantage of the special practice environment in the shopping mall to study hard on the exercises they had just obtained.

Before you know it, a new day is coming.

Soldiers were forcibly sent out of the mall, which was also limited by the rules. If they wanted to stay for a long time, they had to pay extra.

The soldiers knew that the mall was suitable for cultivation, and the mall naturally knew very well that customers who stayed for a short period of time were considered benefits, but if they stayed for a long time to practice, they had to pay.

This approach is reasonable, after all, even if you have money, you may not be able to enter such a paradise.

After a night of painstaking practice, the overflowing demonic energy has disappeared, and the soldier is like a brilliance and introverted sword, once it is unsheathed, it will kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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