I have a city in another world

Chapter 3640 Vigilance From The Wizarding World

Chapter 3640 Vigilance From The Wizarding World

As an intelligent being, the mall can operate autonomously without Tang Zhen needing to worry about it.

In terms of running the mall, he is definitely an expert level existence.

In the process of supervision, Tang Zhen will also use the highest authority to engage in some behind-the-scenes operations.

For example, during the lottery draw, let a little monk who is in urgent need of skills get a reward of [-]% off the purchase of goods.

This is just doing it casually, without any purpose at all, and after doing it, you don't care about it anymore.

But in the dark, there will be a trace of good relationship.

Perhaps starting today, the mall will have an irreplaceable position in the other party's heart.

Once it grows up and possesses the strength to control the world, it will bring even more benefits to the mall and the building world.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, Tang Zhen is ready to deal with all possible changes at any time.

Fortunately, so far, everything is running normally, and the unexpected situation has not happened.

But even so, Tang Zhen remained vigilant and did not dare to take it lightly.

Just because of this moment, countless eyes focused on it. After all, this was the first time such a thing happened in the world of Loucheng.

There is a saying that if you care about it, you will be chaotic. With Tang Zhen personally in charge, and with the supervision of many cornerstone platforms, who would dare to take the opportunity to make trouble?
Even the enemies who were watching secretly did not dare to act rashly. No matter how much they hated Tang Zhen, they would not jump out to make trouble at such a time.

Unless the other party is completely crazy and wants to be wanted by the cornerstone platform.

There is no big problem in the Loucheng world, but the monks from the Great Thousand World still need to be vigilant.

Although the low-level planes accounted for the vast majority, there were also high-energy planes, including competitors with equal power.

I don't know if there are spies from the Myriad Realms Mall among the crowds. When they see this copycat version of the super mall, will they sigh with emotion?

On the top of a thousand-foot-tall building, there are monks looking down on them, watching the flow of people like a rushing river.

The shopping mall environment pursues simplicity, without intricate topographical structures, making people dizzy up, down, left, and right.

There is only one hundred-foot-long street, and there are tall buildings on both sides of the long street, stretching forward endlessly.

This is convenient for merchants, as well as for customers.

If you don't want to buy or sell, you can fly to the top of the high-rise building. There is a special viewing platform here, and you can see the vast plains on both sides of the street.

It will be at the top of the mountain, and the beautiful scenery will catch your eye.

On the boundless plains on both sides, there are countless behemoths swimming, many of which are comparable to gods.

There are behemoths of good and bad luck, four elephants and ten ominous beasts, and Lingzhi Jianmu, whose body size is completely sky-high.

There are many existences among them, and the monks only hear their names, but they have never seen them with their own eyes.

Now it is like a captive animal, watched by the monks at will, without any fearful guidance and criticism.

If you are tired of looking at the strange scenery, you can also practice meditation here, so that your strength can be improved quickly and steadily.

Cultivators who practice any skill can find an environment that suits them in the mall, and even if they can't find it, they can spend money to customize it.

As long as you have enough money and goods, there is nothing you can't do in the mall.

This point is especially commendable. Nowadays, many monks have decided to use the mall to practice and break through.

It can avoid the inner demons and resist the catastrophe. It is simply the best way to save life.

Even out of prudence, he also planned to hire a guardian, so as to keep the peace of mind.

The longer the stay, the more secrets the monks will discover, and they will be shocked and surprised from time to time.

The tourist on the top of the building who put on human skin and looks like a strong man has already discovered a lot of secrets.

He didn't do anything else, just looked at the past monks in Loucheng, counting the number and analyzing the level of strength.

As time passed, the shock in my heart became more and more intense.

The strength of these Loucheng monks wandering around the mall is uneven, some are too weak to be worth mentioning, and some are so powerful that they are unbelievable.

It is natural for monks to be strong and weak. The problem is that the number of monks is too large.

A simple estimate shows that in a short period of time, the spirits of hundreds of millions of Loucheng monks passed by.

Because of the special rules of the shopping mall, the monks can't feel crowded, let alone realize that there are actually countless monks passing by in an instant.

In such cases, there are time rules involved.

If calculated according to this frequency, there will be an astronomical number of Loucheng monks entering the shopping mall for one day of operation.

This is what is shocking. May I ask which monk organization has such a terrifying number of monks?

"The world of the building city is really not simple..."

The strong man muttered to himself, his eyes full of fear.

He also came from the outside world, and it was a place Tang Zhen was familiar with, which was the world of wizards back then.

It was a special plane world, with giant rings revolving around the core source.

On these giant rings, there are countless countries, and there are also uncountable knights and wizards.

Just many years ago, the Wizarding World had invaded the Wild War Zone, and rivers of blood flowed between the two sides.

The wild theater back then was too weak, and when faced with the invasion of a powerful enemy, it was almost powerless to fight back.

If you lag behind, you will be beaten, especially in the cruel practice world, the weak and wild theater will be wiped out in the end.

Tang Zhen took this opportunity to establish the Holy Dragon War Zone.

Regarding the war that happened that year, although the wizard did not participate, he knew the specific battle process.

There is no real winner, it's a lose-lose situation.

It was knowing this matter that he was shocked by the strength of monk Loucheng.

If he had invaded the Loucheng World back then and encountered monks of the level in front of him, the wizarding world would have no hope of winning, and might even be invaded in reverse.

The wizard has realized that he knows too little about the Loucheng world, and now that he encounters the right opportunity, he must get to know this powerful existence well.

With this in mind, the wizard wandered slowly in the mall, constantly observing and analyzing.

Observe those monks in Loucheng, observe the various commodities for sale, and also observe the super mall itself.

The more you look at it, the more you are shocked, the more you look at it, the more you feel confused, and the heart of fear and awe also arises spontaneously.

"We should allow other wizards to see how powerful the world of Loucheng is, instead of sitting on the sky like in the past..."

Thinking of this, the wizard immediately issued an order in reality, requesting to find the guiding token at all costs.

At the same time, he will also inform other wizards of the same level of this news, so that they will also know the relevant information.

The introduction token of the Loucheng world appeared in the wizard world without any scruples. This matter itself needs to be highly valued.

Is it a deliberate provocation, or a gesture of goodwill, or to achieve some unknown purpose?

Facing the mighty Loucheng world, the wizarding world must maintain a high degree of vigilance, because any omissions may lead to a fatal crisis.

After waiting for too long, shadowy figures appeared in the huge mage tower where the wizard was.

The masters of these figures are all top existences in the wizarding world, equivalent to the level of gods.

Of course, in the wizarding world, the existence of gods is not recognized, and gods are considered to be just super creatures.

Powerful wizards even often hunt and kill gods for their own practice or experiments.

It sounds eerie, but it's actually not scary. After all, similar things happen in other plane worlds.

"I invite you to come here to discuss a matter.

Not long ago, I got a receiving token, which contains the power of rules.

One thing is certain, this was forged by a real strong man, whose strength far exceeds that of everyone present here.

Just before the message was sent out, I followed the guide token and entered a very magical place...

It turned out that that place turned out to be the Loucheng World! "

(End of this chapter)

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