I have a city in another world

Chapter 3644 "Well-intentioned" sponsor

Chapter 3644 "Well-intentioned" sponsor

In a secluded swamp, in a hidden cabin, the young secret witch is slowly telling the story.

With a beaming expression, there was suppressed excitement on his face.

"When I was in the Super Mall, I met a young human monk, he had a wide range of knowledge and he knew a lot about the world of wizards.

Knowing that my strength is low, but I didn't look down on it.

What he said casually, and all the secrets of the senior wizard tower, could not be accessed without a certain identity.

During the conversation, he also talked about things related to academics, and the knowledge he possessed was even more amazing.

In the process of talking with him, many problems that have troubled me for many years have all been solved perfectly.

You may not be able to understand the feeling of complete enlightenment, it is simply the most wonderful enjoyment, nothing can compare with it! "

The face of the young wizard is full of happiness and satisfaction, like a sage who has attained the Tao.

The five wizards nodded secretly, and they could also feel that their companions had undergone a radical change.

I became more and more curious about what happened to him.

The young wizard continued to talk about his experience, "Until this moment, my heart is still full of excitement, and I have a feeling of being able to control the world.

Maybe it won't be long before I can break through again.

Well, let's not talk about me first, but continue to talk about business.

The monk talked with me and learned of the difficult situation of the secret wizard, so he decided to help us.

This batch of instruments in stock was provided free of charge by the other party in exchange for the materials needed for our practice. "

The five secret wizards were silent, listening to the narration by their companions, their hearts were full of unspeakable envy.

At the same time, he was still secretly sighing, why couldn't he encounter such a good thing?
There are also wizards who have doubts. That human monk is too kind, does he have some evil intentions?
It can be said that it is very normal to have such thoughts. In the extremely cruel practice world, such a good thing should not have happened.

Especially in the wizarding world, there is more emphasis on fair exchange, even between master and apprentice must abide by this rule.

Among the truths of wizards, fair exchange is one of the principles, and it is absolutely not allowed to be questioned.

Whether it is a gift between human beings or a gift from nature, the price of anything has already been calculated before it is given.

Seeing the questioning eyes of his companions, the young wizard in charge of purchasing nodded affirmatively.

"I know your concerns, and I also know that there is no free lunch in the world, and in the process of pursuing free, you will definitely lose more.

The other party did make a request, that is, hope that we will become stronger and establish a secret wizarding organization.

He expressed great indignation and sympathy for the status quo of the wizarding world, hoping to change this situation.

In order to help the secret wizard, he is willing to provide corresponding funding without any return! "

Hearing the companion's narration, the five wizards looked at each other with a flash of shock in their eyes.

To be a wizard is definitely not an idiot, they guessed each other's real purpose.

It is clear that they want to use the secret wizard to fight against the officially recognized wizard tower.

If the goal is achieved, the wizarding world will inevitably be in chaos, and thus fall into long-term turmoil.

A secret wizard with strong strength will definitely not be content with the status quo, but hopes to gain more benefits and the right to speak.

The wizard tower is hostile to the secret wizard, so naturally he will not choose to compromise, and will definitely do his best to kill them.

As long as it is possible, the secret wizard will not be allowed to grow stronger, so as not to pose a threat to his own rule.

For the secret wizard, there are not many options.

Whether it is to settle for mediocrity or rise up to resist, as long as it falls into the hands of the wizard tower, it will definitely not end well.

The weaker the strength, the more desolate the situation.

In this case, it is better to work hard to improve your own strength, so as to obtain more life-saving capital.

Even in the face of the encirclement and suppression of the wizard tower, it can calmly deal with it. Even when it is strong enough, even the wizard tower dare not provoke it easily.

In the wizarding world, there are indeed many powerful secret wizards, and their powerful strength has been officially acquiesced.

As long as you don't deliberately cause trouble, the wizard tower will not provoke this kind of secret wizard, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

In the hearts of the six young secret wizards, there is such a dream, hoping to become such a legend.

In the past, it was just a wish, but now there is an opportunity.

As long as they agree to cooperate, they can obtain sufficient practice materials and help other secret wizards get out of trouble.

Switching to other secret wizards may have a lot of worries, and they don't know whether they should agree.

But these six young secret witches were already doing things like losing their heads, so how could they have so many worries.

Knowing that this kind of behavior of human monks may have other plans, but they still agreed without hesitation.

After I die, no matter how terrible the flood is.

The same is true of the wizard's character, with unspeakable willfulness and deep selfishness.

In order to achieve his goal, even if he sacrificed the whole world, he would not hesitate at all.

"So my friends, now tell me your choice, is to accept the other party's selfless help, or continue to endure the bullying and bullying from the wizard tower?"

The young wizard looked at his companion and asked in a low tone. Although he didn't make a statement, the language of the question revealed his choice.

He was in favor of it, and hated the Wizard's Tower.

Now I have made up my mind, and I hope that my companions can follow and join. If someone chooses to refuse, they will definitely part ways next.

The ways are different, and they don't conspire with each other. What he wants to do, he only needs a partner who is willing to share life and death.

"I would like to join!"

"Count me in."

"I just want to say that we actually have no choice."

"Go ahead, overturn that damn wizard tower!"

The five companions expressed their willingness to continue to cooperate and establish a formal secret witch organization.

It is no longer a small fight, but to continue to expand the scale until it has the capital to fight against the wizard tower.

And I still told myself in my heart that this kind of behavior is not being used by others, but just for win-win cooperation.

It's just because they have long wanted to do such a thing in their hearts, and they have been unable to achieve it because of their own lack of strength.

The six looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Now that everyone agrees, new rules must be formulated to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan.

When wizards do things, they pay the most attention to planning efficiency. They believe that this is the necessary basis for success.

After formulating the rules, a contract needs to be signed to ensure that no one will reveal the secret.

This is a necessary step, even if it is a brotherly relationship, it is absolutely impossible to be sloppy in this kind of matter.

No one can guarantee that they will not rebel, nor can they guarantee that others will not rebel.

At this time, the oath contract will appear very important, and it can play an effective restraint and warning effect.

After some discussions, a new plan has been formulated.

In the coming time, they still need to continue to carry out secret meetings as in the past.

The difference from the past is that they will also contact those secret wizards and invite them to join their organization.

In the past, there were secret wizards who showed such desires, but were mercilessly rejected.

The refusal was out of interest considerations, and it was believed that the six-person organization had already met the needs, and there was no need to join more members to share resources.

Another reason is to be vigilant, for fear that the other party will join with bad intentions.

Now actively recruiting members, and willing to give rich benefits, presumably those secret wizards will actively join it.

After the discussion was completed, the six wizards immediately started to act. The young wizard with the reception token entered the super mall excitedly.

He wanted to find the human monk, tell him the good news, and receive the first batch of operational supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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