I have a city in another world

Chapter 3645 Large layout

Chapter 3645 Great layout
In the super mall, there is still a lot of people.

After the mall officially opened, the number of customers became more and more, lingering on the endless long street.

When encountering such a place, if there is no time limit, the monks would like to stay for 80 years.

The special environment of the super mall is comparable to a paradise, and the monks are practicing every moment they stay.

Born in a famous family, it is naturally extraordinary.

The world of Loucheng belongs to the high-energy world. Apart from the mysterious three war zones, the fourth war zone can be regarded as the first of the three thousand war zones.

In the realm to which the fourth war zone belongs, the richness of the energy of the heavens and the earth has reached the most extreme standard.

If it gets thicker, it will be liquefied into mist, which will become very troublesome.

He only needs to maintain the ultimate state, at all costs, just to help the monks in Loucheng improve their strength.

If you are in the world of Loucheng, you will become a beneficiary and enjoy expensive but free benefits.

The super mall is an independent small world, but it is also contaminated with the spirit of the fourth war zone, and in the process of creation, Tang Zhen deliberately increased the concentration of heaven and earth energy.

This part of the operating expenses is borne by the Rift Territory, and the cornerstone platform can't find any faults.

It is actually not too difficult to increase the concentration of the energy of the heaven and earth, it can be done through the rune circle.

It's just that this kind of magic circle consumes a lot, which is difficult for ordinary monks to bear. If it creates a paradise, the consumption is even more terrifying.

If you don't have enough wealth, you can't afford it at all.

Therefore, in the early stage of the operation of the mall, it is difficult to achieve profitability, and even need to continue to pay back.

Such investment regardless of cost is naturally to attract enough customers and achieve some special goals by the way.

What it was for, maybe only Tang Zhen knew.


In a luxuriously decorated shop, many monks are browsing the products, their eyes are full of shock and greed.

The goods in the store are all top-quality products, making people wish they could get them in their pockets.

But looking at the price of the transaction, he could only sigh secretly, lamenting that he was not destined for the treasure.

It's not surprising that you can't afford it, because these items are the treasures of the town store, no matter which seat you get to face the world, they are only worthy of the top-level powers.

Ordinary monks don't talk about owning it, just taking a look at it, or hearing related news, can be regarded as a great opportunity.

If you can't afford the treasure of the town store, you can look at other things.

There is an item in the store called Marlboro, which can display a variety of products according to the wishes of the buyers.

Not only can it search for items, but it can even help monks diagnose spirits and give corresponding treatment plans.

The monk then followed the instructions and bought all the necessary elixir pills, just like a doctor attending a consultation.

This is a very convenient tool that helps monks solve various troubles.

Marlboro is magical, but it is only a magic tool for search. What is really powerful is the heritage of the store.

What monks want, there is what is in the store, which is not something that everyone can do.

Many monks believe that behind this shop, there must be a real power sitting in charge.

Possesses the power of the gods and can easily evolve all things.

For the monks in Loucheng in the high-level theater, the existence of the Creator is not a top secret, but it is somewhat incomprehensible that such a strong person will run a store.

Out of curiosity, I will naturally take a tour.

For monks from backward war zones or other low-level planes, a store with this background is enough for them to look up to.

They often gather here for the sake of gaining more knowledge and having the opportunity to meet the mighty monks.

If you can hear a few pointers, that is a great opportunity.

In addition to the monks visiting the shop, in this special shop, there are also mysterious monks speaking on stage.

Those who dare to speak the Fa in public must be those who understand the rules of heaven and earth and have been recognized by them.

Otherwise, the teaching of the Fa will fail, and you will be struck by lightning instead.

If one method is mastered, all methods are mastered. After reaching a certain level, the so-called schools and methods are actually just appearances.

Get rid of the dross, take its essence, simplify it into a truth, and one word is worth a thousand dollars.

One word is true, and tens of thousands of words are false. The powerful can benefit the monks with just one word.

In the super mall, customers from all walks of life come and go, so naturally there will be no shortage of listeners.

The monks gathered around the podium, listening so fascinated that they didn't want to leave at all.

When the time limit for their stay is up, they would rather pay money to buy time than continue to stay and listen to the Fa.

As time passed, more and more monks gathered around, all sitting cross-legged around the altar to listen.

At first glance, the number of monks is at least hundreds of thousands.

Some of these monks smiled, some were surprised, some were silent in thought, and some had hideous faces.

This is something gained from hearing the Tao, so it is manifested in the form.

Whenever they hear the wonderful thing, there will be monks cheering loudly, dancing with hands and feet.

Often at this time, one will break through the shackles and be promoted to a higher realm.

Situations like this can be seen from time to time in the venue. Whenever a monk successfully breaks through, he will bow deeply to the stalwart figure on the high platform.

The gratitude in my heart is beyond words.

There are also some monks who have heard the lecture and have already made up their minds. They must inquire about the identity of the preacher later, and then treat him as a master.

In the future, when traveling in the outside world, it is even more necessary to publicize the name of Master, so as to express gratitude.

If one can truly learn from a teacher and become a true biography, then this life will really be worthwhile.

If one succeeds in cultivation, one day one will be able to travel across the vast world and leave a great reputation for oneself and for one's master.

Monks don't value fame and fortune, but some fame and fortune are indispensable.

It is difficult to practice without wealth, it is difficult to become a god without a name, and it is thought of by thousands of souls, even mortals will have supernatural powers.

Spreading the good name of a monk can also be regarded as a sincere gift, which is used to repay the feelings of preaching and accepting karma.

The monks who heard the lecture have already determined that the preacher must be a real power, and he is probably the real owner of the shop.

If one were to say which shop is the most popular in today's super shopping malls, this shop must bear the brunt.

The operators of other stores in the mall were both envious and puzzled. After all, it is definitely not for everyone to invite such a powerful lecturer.

This kind of behavior is more like doing good deeds, trying to benefit the monks of all worlds, thus forging countless opportunities.

However, there are some monks who believe that this move has a profound meaning, and the plot is definitely beyond the guesswork of ordinary monks.

Before you understand the truth, you must not easily follow suit.


A figure suddenly appeared, passing through the dense crowd unimpeded, like a fish swimming freely.

Although he has adapted to this rule, the young wizard still has an unspeakable amazement in his heart.

Every plant and tree in the super mall, including every detail, opened the eyes of this young wizard.

It was precisely because he entered the shopping mall that he knew the vastness of the practice world and how shallow his knowledge was.

For wizards who are curious and eager to explore, the Super Mall is a real protection.

Help them open the door of knowledge, see the vastness of the world, and are willing to devote their lives to explore and understand.

If you can't do it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

It didn't take long for the young wizard to enter the shop. He looked around and soon showed a surprised smile.

Not far ahead, a young monk in a purple robe was sitting cross-legged on the Kowloon Terrace.

Surrounded by purple energy, it is obvious that he is practicing some strange skills.

"Your Excellency, I'm here."

The young wizard bowed and said, with respect from the heart on his face.

In the previous conversation, the young wizard was completely convinced, needless to say the respect in his heart.

What's more, the monk in front of him is willing to help the secret wizard out of trouble, and he doesn't need anything in return.

It is definitely a blessing for Sansheng to meet such a senior, needless to say I am grateful.

"It's good to come."

Hearing the greeting from the young wizard, Tang Zhen slowly opened his eyes, revealing a gentle smile.

(End of this chapter)

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