I have a city in another world

Chapter 3648 Millers' choice

Chapter 3648 Millers' choice
In a dark room, Millers opened his eyes with an unusually serious expression.

Tang Zhen's words are still in my ears.

After a while of incantations, the receiving token in his hand melted into Milles' body in an instant.

If it is an outsider, you want to find the receiving token on him, unless you are searching for a corpse.


Millers sighed softly, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Millers, who was replaced by some time ago, would never believe his vacillation. The pure-blood wizard who was determined not to accept rebellion, was actually thinking about the feasibility of rebellion.

Whenever there is a chance, Millers will not think about this issue, because it will make him feel ashamed.

For pure-blood wizards, the wizarding world is the real home and the root of the birth and rise of wizards.

Millers felt a burst of sadness, because he didn't want to rebel against the camp, but he was determined to kill himself and his family.

Thinking of his persistence, Millers felt more and more worthless. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, he was a fool.

Obviously being stabbed into the body with a knife, only one step away from piercing the heart, but still insisting on refusing to fight back.

Such behavior is simply stupid.

Just when Millers was in a daze, suddenly there was a notification sound, which meant that someone was coming to visit.

With a single thought, Milles had already left the secret room and appeared in the ornately decorated hall.

Several figures appeared, all of them were followers of Milles, and they were the backbone of his camp.

Despite the vicissitudes of the outside world, Misler's followers have always silently supported him.

And they firmly believe that Millers is the hope of the family, and only he can help the family overcome the crisis.

Millers' ability to persevere is also related to these followers.

"You guys are here, what's the matter?"

Seeing a few followers, Millers felt better and asked with a smile.

Several wizards looked at each other, showing a hesitant expression, which seemed to be difficult to say.

"what happened?"

Millers' expression remained unchanged, but his heart sank slightly, giving birth to a bad premonition.

"The family branch of the Red Earth Plain has announced that it is leaving the family and is preparing to fight the enemy to the death."

A wizard spoke slowly, but the news he brought made Milles fall silent.

The family branch of the Red Earth Plain has always been his biggest supporter and possesses quite a strong strength.

Originally, Millers was still thinking about recruiting the Patriarch of the Red Valley Plain and having an in-depth conversation with each other.

Even if they are really forced to relocate, they must avoid losses as much as possible, and maybe they will be able to make a comeback at some point.

The result was unexpected...

Millers was silent for a few breaths, and asked in a low voice: "Why did they do this? Didn't they promise before that everything will be based on my orders, and they will never act indiscriminately?"

There was a lot of disappointment and anger in this question.

"They did it out of desperation."

A wizard interjected, showing an angry expression at the same time: "The enemy attacked the Red Earth Plain, causing serious casualties, and all eleven elite descendants of the branch patriarch died in battle.

The angry branch patriarch was about to launch a large formation to strangle all the enemies, but the elders of the family came forward to stop them, saying that the scale of the conflict must not be expanded.

The enemy finally retreated, and the branch patriarch then issued an order to break away from the Millers family and prepare to fight the enemy to the end! "

Having said that, the wizard sighed again, his face full of grief and indignation.

"The branch patriarch asked me to tell you that he originally had high hopes for you, thinking that you could help the family get out of crisis.

In the end, you let him down, cowardly, pedantic, sacrificing the interests of your own people, to please those damn old things..."

"shut up!"

Millers roared, his expression distorted.

He really did not expect that in the eyes of his followers, he would have such an ugly image.

He didn't want to admit that what the other party said was not about him at all.

But when a follower is attacked by the enemy and oppressed by the elders of the family, what is he doing and what can he do?
Thinking of the duties on his shoulders, Millers felt even more ridiculous.

Appease and suppress the opposing forces in the family, let them accept the result of the negotiation, leave everything behind and move to that barren land.

Playing this kind of role, isn't he just standing at the forefront, resisting the anger and scapegoat for those old things.

The more Milles thought about it, the more oppressed he felt, he wanted to roar a few times, and wanted to destroy everything.

Several wizards looked at each other, obviously aware of the abnormality, and found that something was wrong with Millers.

The wizard who was in charge of reporting the message before hesitated a little, but finally bit the bullet and spoke.

"Your Excellency, I would like to bid you farewell."

Millers, with a gloomy expression, slowly raised his head, his dark eyes were like an abyss.

"Are you going to the Red Earth Plain?"

Facing Millers' gaze, the wizard nodded with difficulty.

"That's right, even if I die, I still want to defend the dignity of my family.

Even if we move to the Fragmented Ring Area smoothly, we are only lingering. If the enemy makes another move, it will be easier to kill us.

Since you will die sooner or later, it is better to fight the enemy once, even if you die, you will die happily. "

These words have been held in my heart for a long time, and now that I say them in one breath, the wizard is also full of comfort.

Since he chose to leave, he didn't have so many worries. What he didn't dare to say in the past, he said together at this time.

"In addition, I also heard that some direct descendants of the family are secretly preparing for war.

Those cowards didn't have the courage to fight against the enemy at all, such behavior was very suspicious.

It took me a lot of effort, and I finally heard a little bit of news. They seem to be planning to invade the plane. "

When the wizard said this, he suddenly sneered, with a mocking expression on his face.

"It suddenly dawned on me, no wonder they chose to compromise and were willing to accept relocation to the Broken Ring area.

It turned out that they had already prepared a retreat, and let some fools wait to die in the broken ring area, serving as fire targets to attract the enemy.

They will secretly launch a plane invasion, and then build an unbreakable plane barrier, hiding in a certain plane world as a coward.

They can sit back and relax, as for our life and death, it has nothing to do with them. "

When the wizard said this, he looked at Millers in front of him with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"I just don't know if you have received the notice, Your Excellency, and if you are also one of them.

Or have you been kept in the dark by those old things from the beginning to the end? "

The wizard showed a mocking smile, not knowing whether he was targeting Millers or himself who was also abandoned.

Millers remained silent, but waved his hand lightly, motioning for the wizard to leave.

The other two wizards also bowed at the same time.

"Your Mightiness……"

Millers' eyes were cold, looking at the two followers who were regarded as right-hand men, a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

"Leave if you want, remember to take care, don't die too early..."

There was a word in Millers' mind that he wanted to say, but it just got stuck in his throat and he couldn't utter it.

In the end, he shook his head and let out a sigh.

When several wizards heard this, they stopped hesitating and saluted one after another, preparing to leave.

As a result, at this moment, a demon statue came alive on the wall of the hall.

"Miles, look at the good deeds you have done. If you don't handle the rebellion in the red soil branch, you will be punished by the elders!"

The person summoned was a direct descendant, a direct descendant of a family elder, who had been competing with Millers beyond his control.

At this moment, he was in charge of delivering the order, and there was indescribable complacency in his tone, as well as gloating.

"Ha ha……"

Millers sneered twice, raised his hand and waved at the wall, the demon statue burst instantly, and the spirit attached to it was also traumatized.

"Miles, you are presumptuous, you dare to attack me..."

Ignoring the clamor behind him at all, Millers turned his head and looked at several followers who were about to leave.

There was a trace of confusion on their faces at the moment, as if they couldn't understand Millers in front of them.

If you put it in the past, with Millers' style of acting, you would never do such a thing.

"Rebellion? Maybe it's also a choice..."

(End of this chapter)

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