I have a city in another world

Chapter 3649 Millers' Transformation

Chapter 3649 Millers' Transformation
The unreasonable reprimands from the elders of the family, and the high-ranking ridicule of those useless dandies destroyed Milles' persistence in his heart.

At this moment, he finally made up his mind.

I still have to protect, protect the family that is in danger, and protect those family members who really trust me.

Instead of those bastards who maintain selfishness and stupidity and sacrifice the interests of the family.

Perhaps from the beginning to the end, I was just the pawn of the opponent, allowing them to fiddle with them wantonly.

It's a pity that I wake up too late, or understand everything, but I just don't want to wake up.

In the past, I watched people around me suffer, but I deliberately turned a blind eye, or made some poor excuses to deceive myself.

He even vaguely expected that such a sacrifice of his own should be able to save something.

It's like a child selling miserably, pretending to be pitiful, and getting pity from the elders.

Until the last group of cronies around him also chose to leave because of disappointment and hatred, he still persisted stubbornly.

At this moment, Millers was not actually thinking about the family, but was maintaining his own face, not wanting to admit how badly he had lost.

Just at this moment, the elders reprimanded Millers, pinning the main responsibility for the change of the Hongtu family on his head.

If the situation cannot be restored, Millers will be severely punished.

To be so indiscriminate is simply insane.

Millers never imagined that the family he tried his best to maintain had such an ugly face.

It was obvious that he regarded himself as a fool, yelling around at will, kicking aside when he didn't need it, and using it to bear the anger when he needed it.

These damned idiots should all be sent to hell!

No, sending them to hell is too cheap. They should be sent to the Howling Forest, where they will be transformed with the most vicious means, so that they will suffer pain and torture all the time.

Millers was taken aback by his own thoughts. He never thought that such vicious thoughts were hidden in his heart.

And the target is the elder of the family that he has always respected and defended with all his strength?
The most important point is that Millers felt extremely happy, and even had an urge to try.

This is actually enough to show that such thoughts have been brewing in his heart for a long time.

It's just that it was well hidden, so that Millers never found out.

But at this moment, it has completely revealed itself, and it is so huge and terrifying that it is unimaginable.

In the past, when encountering such a situation, Millers would definitely suppress it without hesitation.

However, Millers now intends to let go and let go of the evil in his heart.

Anecdotally, Millers' expression at the moment looked extremely gloomy.

The followers who were familiar with Millers suddenly had a feeling that the familiar Millers had become extremely strange.

"What exactly is going on?"

Several followers looked at each other, and they who originally planned to leave became hesitant.

"You guys come here, I have something to arrange."

Misler said slowly, with a gentle and relaxed smile on his face, as if he had let go of all the pressure.

That sunny and confident attitude can only be seen on Misler before the ancestors fell.

But if you observe carefully, you will see a kind of coldness that penetrates deep into the bone marrow on Millers' body.

It didn't take long for several followers to leave one after another.

It's just that there is a deep shock on their faces, as well as unspeakable excitement and surprise.

Originally, leaving the family made their hearts extremely heavy, but now it has become completely different.

Because they are no longer rootless duckweeds, but have leaders and backers. Originally they were just trying their best to defend their dignity, but now it is really possible to reverse the situation.

Seeing the followers leaving one after another, Milles sneered and summoned the other followers again.

As the most shining star of the family, Misler has an unparalleled influence, especially among the younger generations.

Even if it is used by the elders to calculate and the influence is severely consumed, it still has a pivotal position in the family.

Not long after, figures appeared one after another in Milles' wizard tower.

They came with doubts and anger, but when they left, they were full of shock, with only one thought circling in their minds.

Maybe the Millers family is about to change...

At this moment, Millers returned to his previous state, calmly proceeding with the layout.

He wants to prove with facts that the ancestor did not misunderstand him, and that the family can definitely be rejuvenated in his own hands.

As for the selfish old bastards who sell their families for glory, it's time for them to hand over everything and accept punishment for what they have done.

After completing the preliminary layout, Millers returned to the secret room.

In just one thought, the guiding token appeared in his hand, and its appearance looked ordinary.

But only those who have experienced it will know how miraculous this receiving token is, it is simply an incredible creation.

In the past, Misler always believed that the wizarding world was extremely strong, and could even be said to be the best in the world of practice.

Because wizards have natural curiosity and self-motivation, they are absolutely not satisfied with everything they have, but find ways to get more.

This kind of behavior is by no means greedy, but a kind of positive desire, and it is definitely not just wealth that is plundered.

However, the existence of the Super Mall made Misler realize that he was still a little on the sidelines.

If it continues to develop normally, perhaps one day in the future, the wizarding world will really become the strongest in all worlds.

But now, there is a place that is better than the world of wizards.

Or, make it stronger?
Millers wouldn't jump to conclusions without careful investigation.

Millers is still hesitant to use the lead token again, because once such a decision is made, it means that there is no turning back.

But after thinking about it, why did I ever have a way out?
With a small smile, Millers activated the induction token.

In the super shopping mall, it is still crowded with people, and it has a lively and prosperous place that cannot be seen in other places.

But at this moment, Millers has been able to see through the appearance and realize the power of the Super Mall.

The flow of people brings not only wealth, but also enough information and intelligence to allow Loucheng World to easily grasp the outside world.

Just like the rules that wizards believe in, everything in the world is in the form of exchange, and it is lost at the same time as it is gained.

The more one is shocked by the magic of the Super Mall, and secretly delighted with the benefits obtained here, the greater the price one pays.

Today's wizarding world, perhaps because of the super mall, is already full of ant nests and pipes.

Once the ferocious tide comes, the seemingly indestructible long embankment is likely to collapse instantly.

Wealth is no more than three generations, and strength is no more than a hundred years.

In Millers' mind, the human proverbs he had heard emerged, and he felt that it was extremely appropriate to apply to his own family, or the wizarding world.

It didn't take long before the shop appeared in front of me.

Millers stepped in and saw the figure standing under the glazed tree with a gentle but calm smile on his face.

Seems to see through everything, is waiting for the arrival of Millers.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Millers bowed and saluted with an extremely pious attitude.

"I would like to accept your suggestion and your funding, and swear to join the Loucheng World!"

(End of this chapter)

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