Chapter 3651

The undercurrent surging underwater finally set off a slight wave.

The wizards of the elder family have always been secretly monitoring the family, on the one hand to escape disasters, and on the other hand to prevent accidents from happening.

They are actually very clear that there is a lot of complaints in the current family, which has reached the level of disintegration.

The departure of the Hongtu Plain family is actually just the beginning. As the situation gradually deteriorates, more wizards will choose to leave.

Facing a family that has no future but is oppressed and persecuted everywhere, fleeing is actually the wisest choice.

Otherwise, the final end will be to be buried with them, and all of them will enter the tomb.

Family wizards still have great uses, and it is far from being completely abandoned. In order to prevent accidents from happening, the supervision of the elders is very strict.

Millers was no exception, and someone was monitoring him secretly to prevent him from doing something out of the ordinary.

Millers had been aware of this surveillance for a long time, but deliberately pretended not to know.

After cooperating with Tang Zhen and implementing the plan, secret sentries like this were removed one by one.

The process of action was silent, and the spy did not react at all.

Originally thought that his mission was to monitor Millers secretly, but he didn't know that he had already been exposed.

After pulling out all the secret whistles, Millers accelerated his action, because it would not take long for the Council of Elders to receive the news.

At that time, the other party will definitely suppress it with all their strength to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

If Millers wants to counterattack, he must not hesitate.

With an order issued, those wizards who steadfastly followed him gathered in the secret space of his wizard tower.

Every wizard is very excited, because they are doing a shocking thing, enough to change the history of the family.

If it fails, needless to say what will happen, it will definitely die.

But if it succeeds, the family will undergo earth-shaking changes and open a new chapter.

At that time, their followers will definitely be rewarded handsomely.

There are also some followers, purely because of the belief in their hearts, they don't want to do this and let others bully and slaughter them.

No matter what the plan is, at this point, there is no way out.

After all the followers arrived, there was no need to say anything, and they started to act directly.

Time is running out, the situation is critical, and every second you grab is a second.

With a group of followers, Milles drove straight into the secret realm where the family was located.

"What do you want to do, get out of here immediately!"

The guardians of the family's secret realm are all direct descendants of those elders. Although they don't have much authority, their attitude is extremely arrogant.

In today's family secret realm, except for the elder's descendants, other family members are not allowed to enter it at all.

This special secret realm was originally opened up by the first ancestor to allow the descendants of the family to practice better.

But today, it has become the private domain of the elders. This is out-and-out abuse of power for personal gain.

But in the face of a group of elders who are working together and controlling the power of the family, the members of the family really have nothing to do.

Their identities and influence, including their own strength, are unable to confront these elders.

Even if some members choose to resist, it is like a mess of loose sand, which can be easily suppressed and defeated.

It was different now, they followed Millers without any fear.

Facing the descendants of the elders blocking the way, Milles' eyes were cold, and he directly attacked.

But in an instant, the two wizards were shrouded in flames, and they were reduced to a pile of ashes without making any screams.

Seeing this, the wizards near the entrance were shocked. They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Just as they rushed forward, trying to prevent the counterattack, the wizards following Milles had already made the first move.

Before they acted, they received assistance from the Super Mall, and their sophisticated weapons and equipment doubled their combat effectiveness.

When fighting with the enemy, it can even achieve instant kills.

The sudden change alarmed the family members in the secret realm, and the alarm sounded immediately.

The family elders in the secret realm got the news, and after confirming that the troublemaker was a member of the family, they immediately killed them aggressively.


The elders made up their minds, no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, those intruders must be severely punished.

If you don't do this, the original prestige will be completely lost, and no one will listen to the elders' fiddling.

As a result, it was discovered on the battlefield that the wizards who trespassed in the secret realm were actually led by Milles himself.

Such an unexpected situation was completely beyond the expectations of the elders.

"What the hell are you doing, you bloody bastard?"

Seeing this, an elder of the family immediately reprimanded Milles with an outrageous gesture.

However, Millers looked at him with an unspeakable coldness and chill, which was a gesture he had never shown before.

The elder was startled slightly, realizing what had happened, and immediately showed a cold smile.

"Okay, maybe you want to rebel and disobey the family's orders..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Millers pointing, the hatred in his eyes was like a blade.

"Shut up, my loyalty to the family is beyond comparison to you trash.

Even until now, I have always been the same, thinking about how to keep the family alive.

It's not like you guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death, selfish and selfish, who only want to sacrifice the interests of the people in exchange for your peace and stability.

In addition, I would like to remind you that the orders of the family and your orders are completely different things! "

Hearing Milles' sarcasm and rebuttal, the elder sneered, and a strong killing intent erupted.

"It's ridiculous to say that the order issued by the elders' council cannot represent the family.

Since you want to rebel, then I will not keep you, you must die today! "

The terrifying murderous intent enveloped people, making people feel frightened and frightened.

Looking at Millers on the opposite side, he was not at all flustered, but instead had a slightly more sarcastic expression.

"The existence of the Family Presbyterian Church is for the development and glory of the family, because it bears a heavy responsibility and must be more sacrificing than ordinary family members.

But you bastards, all of you are selfish, greedy for life and afraid of death, you only want to sell the members of the family in exchange for safety.

Beasts like you should all be killed, they have no right to live anymore! "

Millers almost roared, saying the words that had been held back in his heart for a long time.

At this moment, black energy billowed from his body, and the hair in his robe was windless and automatic, and a kind of momentum was slowly spreading and rising.

"It seems that you are really tired of living. If so, I will crush you to ashes!"

The elder's face was gloomy, he let out a strange smile, and launched an attack without hesitation.

He has absolute confidence that he can kill Millers.

But just when the attack was about to come and everything was about to settle, the sneering Millers suddenly changed his momentum.

An incomparably terrifying breath erupted from his body.

"Witch God, how is this possible?"

The elder's complexion changed drastically, and he let out a scream, sensing the approaching death crisis.


A big hand descended from the sky and slapped the elder directly, causing him to be wiped out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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