I have a city in another world

Chapter 3652 No one left!

Chapter 3652 Not a single one!
The moment the witch god's aura appeared, the family elders hiding in the secret realm instantly felt the terrifying pressure.

They simply did not believe that such a terrifying aura came from Milles.

"This is impossible!"

Several elders who rushed towards Millers stopped in their tracks instantly, their faces full of fear and surprise.

The facts are undeniable, this family star who was used and driven by them as a shield, does possess the power of a witch god.

No matter where the power comes from, it is definitely not something they can fight against.

The idea of ​​the elders is to flee as soon as possible. Facing this invincible and terrifying force, staying is just asking for death.

Before they could take any action, Millers had already launched an attack, resolutely preventing the enemy from escaping.


Millers, who had the power of a god, was almost lost in this powerful power, but fortunately he returned to normal in an instant.

All the secret realms at this moment fell into his control, without any omission.

In this special small world, he is the real controller, possessing the power of a creator.

Surprised and delighted, Millers immediately used his power.

"Secret realm, close it!"

With the order issued, the entrance to the secret realm was actually closed, which has never happened before.

The enemy who was trying to escape was completely dumbfounded at this moment, looking at Millers with a face full of despair.

They are like animals trapped in a cage, there is no way to escape, and at the same time they have to fight an enemy that cannot be resisted.

The emotions of despair and collapse came surging like a tidal wave.

"Why is this, why can he get the control authority of the secret realm?"

The great elder of the family was full of resignation, and he did not expect that the control of the secret realm he had dreamed of would fall into Milles' hands like this.

As a pure blood descendant of the same family, why is it so unfair to give authority to Millers, a traitor?
Compared with the great elder's reluctance, Milles felt a little enlightenment, and the figure of the ancestor of the family flashed in front of his eyes.

The great ancestor may have expected this day long ago, so he arranged everything in advance.

Obviously, it was to help Millers suppress these unfilial rebels, and by the way, have the capital to make a comeback.

All the most valuable things of the family are in this secret realm, which is also the main reason why those family elders refuse to leave.

When Millers thought of this, he suddenly became proud.

"I, Milles, hereby swear by my soul that I will live up to the entrustment of my ancestors and bring the family back to the pinnacle of glory!"

Accompanied by the proud oath, Milles used the power of the gods and the authority granted him by the secret realm.

"Suppress, destroy, and completely purify the shame of these families!"

The unspeakable terrifying power descended on the entire secret realm in an instant, making people feel unspeakable fear.

All the elders who tried to attack Millers, but were shocked by his performance at the moment, all let out desperate roars.

"do not want!"

"Stop it, you are the real rebel, and you want to kill the elders of the same clan!"

"How is it possible? Why was the ancestor so eccentric and gave the authority of the secret realm to this beast?"

"So regretful, if I had known today, I should have killed you at that time!"

However, no amount of words can resist the coming of death. Under the suppression of the power of rules, the enemies in the secret realm collapsed one after another.

As far as the eye could see, there was a burst of blood mist everywhere, leaving corpses everywhere in the secret realm.

Even if there is a secret method of rebirth, the pieces of meat wriggle and gather like maggots, but they cannot resist the rules of the secret realm.

Under the burning fire, it finally turned into a handful of dust.

In the secret realm at this moment, there were wailing sounds everywhere, and the sounds of despair and cursing were like waves.

Millers had already made up his mind from the moment he struck, and would never let any enemy go.

These are the scum of the family, and they deserve to be killed and cleaned up. Even if it hurts the muscles and bones, these cancerous tumors must be eliminated.

Otherwise, if you let him stay, the family will undoubtedly perish.

At this time, Millers targeted the family elders again, and he wanted to kill these culprits finally.

The elders of the family were ashamed to see the wailing of the children and grandchildren, which exploded into flesh one after another.

Facing the terrifying power of the witch gods and the suppression of the rules of the secret realm, they had no strength to resist at all.

Originally, they thought that after occupying the secret realm, they could be guaranteed peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, it was a cocoon, the best shelter, but now it has become a burial ground.

"I can not be reconciled……"

A family elder screamed, trying to resist the power of the rules, but was still crushed, crushed, and turned into a cloud of fly ash.

"If you do this, you will definitely die badly, and you will not end well either!"

There was also an elder who tried to curse Milles before he died, but only got a mocking smile in return.

"As long as it is for the family, I will die without regret.

It's not like you, who will be cast aside after death, a bunch of dogs who are greedy for life and afraid of death! "

Possessing the power of the witch god, Milles' heart became like steel, unmoved by any words.

"Forgive me, I am willing to sign a contract and let you drive me!"

There were also family elders who couldn't bear the threat of death and begged Millers for mercy.

But from the beginning to the end, he didn't get any response, only saw Millers' cold and heartless smile.

Like a god on high, watching the ants struggling, they never regarded them as their own kind.

Following Milles, the wizards who were preparing for a bloody battle fell silent at the same time.

They never imagined that war would be like this.

The enemy, who was thought to be extremely powerful, was crushed and killed like this, with no power to fight back.

Wizards have absolute rationality, they are all selfish and ruthless people, but they have a high sense of identity with the family.

Noble and pure origins allow them to obtain considerable assistance in the process of cultivation.

Now witnessing the massacre of the same family, I have an indescribable feeling in my heart.

It's not sorrow, it's not gloating, and it's not the kind of excitement after killing the enemy and winning the victory.

As a result, at this moment, Millers' voice sounded.

"I know that you may blame yourself for not being able to save these familiar faces.

But I want to say that they are not worthy to be your kindred.

When the family is in crisis, they only think about escaping by themselves, and don't think about how to solve the crisis at all.

Using the same family as pawns to help oneself block the threat from the enemy has no sense of sympathy at all.

How can such a cowardly and shameless bastard deserve to be your kindred spirit?

Compared to you who are willing to throw everything away and fight to the death with the enemy, they are worse than the dung stained on the soles of your shoes! "

Millers' words, with inspiring power, awakened the confused followers.

They cheered loudly, celebrating this rare complete victory.

At the same time, the last enemy turned into ashes, and the secret realm was completely under control.

Millers sighed softly, the terrifying power slowly subsided, and finally returned to its original state.

The huge power gap made Milles feel lost, and finally realized how weak he was.

Thinking of the power of the witch god and the great glory of the ancestor, Milles has made up his mind.

No matter what price you pay, you must improve your own strength, and you will no longer be slaughtered like you are today.

In today's wizarding world, there is definitely no such opportunity. The enemy will spare no effort to suppress it, and it is impossible for Millers' family to rise again.

Once that happens, the catastrophe that the Millers family encountered will all befall them.

And even more cruel, not giving the slightest chance to breathe.

"Pass my order, the family's elite children, all enter the secret realm.

Open the family treasure house, as long as there is a need, you can receive unlimited cultivation materials.

All family members must gather in the ancestral land within the time limit, and once the time limit has passed, they are not allowed to enter it again. "

When Millers said this, a look of madness flashed in his eyes.

"When the right opportunity comes, I will lead all of you to have a vent, and then open a new chapter of the Millers family!"

(End of this chapter)

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