I have a city in another world

Chapter 3653 Game before leaving

Chapter 3653 Game before leaving
Just after Millers used the power of the gods and won the victory, Tang Zhen already knew the news.

Millers didn't know that, in fact, he was beside him, and he also had the eyes and ears of Super Mall.

After the opening of the super mall, the infiltration of the wizarding world was far more serious than the Millers phenomenon.

The vicissitudes of the wizarding world will be delivered to the Super Mall in a timely manner, and timely deployment will be carried out to deal with them.

Loucheng World, Super Mall.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was sitting quietly under the glazed tree, manipulating the chess game.

The person who played against him was his avatar, who was in charge of guarding the Shenglong theater before.

After the two parties meet this time, the avatar will go to the Yuanji Realm to start a new round of practice.

The Shenglong war zone continues to be closed, without contact with the outside world, and develops quietly and independently.

The avatars will use the secret method provided by the deity. Since they come from the same source, the future achievements are very worth looking forward to.

If there is another God King, Tang Zhen's confidence will become stronger.

People who are hostile to Tang Zhen and always have ulterior motives will inevitably die down.

After a monk reaches a certain level, fighting will not happen easily, just like countries in the mortal world, most of them use force to deter them.

Those countries that easily misuse their guns and start wars are often just small countries.

The current situation is still not optimistic, and it can be said that it is imperative to improve the strength of the avatar.

A chess piece was slowly dropped, and the avatar showed a smile. He had a premonition that he was about to win.

The chess game between gods and gods is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface. During the period, it involves the operation of the rules. A chess piece in hand definitely does not land where it wants to land.

The same is true for the chessboard of the game, which is by no means as simple as ordinary people think, but a world evolved from one side by divine power.

The world is a chess game, and all living beings are chess pieces. As for the high gods, they are naturally the players who control the chessboard.

Sometimes it takes hundreds of thousands of years for a game of chess to reach the final outcome.

This kind of chess game is very mysterious, but it is also very simple.

As long as you are a god, you are qualified to play chess, and there is no difference between a god king and a god general.

After all, in this kind of game, the competition is only about the mind and the layout of the rules, and has little to do with the realm of strength.

In the process of the battle game, it is not surprising that the god will defeat the king of the gods.

Of course, the vast majority of god generals have no chance to compete with the god king at all. After all, there is too much difference in level between the two.

For a god general, playing chess with a god king is actually a kind of coveted practice, which can benefit him a lot.

After winning the chess game, you can also get rewards. In addition to the bet agreed by the two parties, you can also get the evolved chess world of this side.

After some evolution, the chess game world is close to perfection, and it can be regarded as a very high-level artifact.

It can act as a secret realm and produce a large number of servants of the gods. In short, it has various wonderful functions.

Such a special prize still has a certain attraction even for the king of gods.

There are even some shocking chess games, in which many gods will participate, each showing their own abilities, just to win the final victory.

Such a chess game of heaven and earth is truly wonderful, in which the creatures of all races participate and fight each other non-stop.

Seeing the gradually clear chess game, Tang Zhen chuckled, and then played another chess piece.

This chess piece landed silently, seemingly ordinary, but the clone's expression changed slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he smiled and shook his head.

"Sure enough, it's still a short move."

Although it is far from the end, the deduction ability of the gods is extremely terrifying, and the avatar has already vaguely calculated the next change.

The seemingly insignificant layout is very likely to reverse the overall situation and eventually lead to unexpected results.

Simply put, it is a failure.

Hearing the avatar's exclamation, Tang Zhen shook his head, not agreeing with his assertion.

"Until the last move is reached, one cannot take the victory lightly. This little chess piece seems to be able to reverse the overall situation, but in fact it cannot withstand much wind and rain at all.

It's okay if you don't pay attention to it, there is a little room for growth, and there is also the possibility of becoming a talent.

But if it is discovered, will it still be allowed to grow and eventually become a serious problem? "

Although they come from the same source, there are also differences between the main body and the clone, which can be seen through the judgment of the chess game.

The clone shook his head, he obviously knew this truth, but he also had his own ideas.

"Even if it is discovered, the operation of this chess game is ever-changing, and chess players also need to follow the rules.

There are many times, even if you know the disadvantages exist, you can only let them exist and develop.

By the time it is time to remedy the leak, it is likely to be too late, and even more accidents will be involved.

One wrong step, one step at a time loses, and in the end the whole game is lost.

The chess games played by mortals, as well as the manipulation and evolution of the gods, are actually essentially the same. "

The game between the two sides is back and forth, and each other will not give in to each other, and this game of chess is far from over.

"It's almost time. Why don't you put this game on hold for now?"

While the avatar was speaking, he had already stood up.

Tang Zhen also got up, and said to the clone: ​​"When you go to the Yuanji Realm this time, you must beware of the secret tricks in those territories. They are likely to launch a sudden attack in the Yuanji Realm while I am launching an offensive against the wizard world.

For the enemy, this is an excellent opportunity to act and will never be easily missed. "

When Tang Zhen mentioned this matter, his expression was very solemn, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

"From the beginning to the end, these guys have been hostile to the Fissure Territory. Even though I am now promoted to the God King, I still have the evil heart.

Since the other party doesn't know how to live or die, let's keep playing with them. The more fun you have today, the worse you will lose in the future! "

The avatar nodded to express his understanding. In fact, his main task was to guard the giant city in the original polar world.

With the avatar sitting in the town, plus a few servants sent by Tang Zhen, it shouldn't be a problem to guard the giant city.

Regardless of Heiwu or King Kong, the two servants of the gods are truly superpowers, enough to shock one side in the original polar world.

In addition to Tang Zhen's previous deployments, if the enemy launches an attack, it is very likely that they will suffer heavy losses.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the king of the gods will not make a move.

Once the God King is involved, it is almost impossible to defend the giant city.

Such a situation is very difficult to happen. Once the god king participates in the war, it is tantamount to completely tearing his face.

As long as the identity of the other party is confirmed, Tang Zhen doesn't need to talk nonsense at all, and can directly start a war in the Loucheng World.

Although the giant city is far away in the original polar world, it is also an overseas territory of the Rift Territory, and it must not be allowed to be easily offended.

As fellow Loucheng monks, they should not add insult to injury overseas, as that is a violation of the law.

If he really dared to do so, it would be tantamount to declaring war publicly. Tang Zhen had every reason to start the war.

This also made Tang Zhen sure that even if the giant city was in danger, it must be within an acceptable range.

If it is really a fatal crisis, Tang Zhen would rather give up the overseas territory of Jucheng, and he will definitely not let the clone go to take risks.

During the conversation between the two sides, the layout of the wizarding world was mentioned.

It can be said that it is the best choice to use the Wizarding World as the target to reverse the bad situation of the Rift Territory.

If the operation is successful, it will be able to avenge the invasion of the war zone and deal a serious blow to the wizarding world.

If the action fails, there is also nothing to lose.

With Loucheng World as a backer, there is no need to worry about retreating, and you can run away if you can't beat it.

The two extremely powerful plane worlds will definitely not provoke a war with an unknown outcome because of this friction.

Cornerstone Platform is also very supportive of Tang Zhen, trying to determine the true strength of the wizarding world through this confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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