I have a city in another world

Chapter 3670 Unbreakable Barrier

Chapter 3670 Unbreakable Barrier

When the terrifying attack came, it was another earth-shattering shock, which made people feel indescribable palpitations and panic.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, the stars are reversed, and everything returns to chaos.

The long practice career seems to be coming to an end, and there will be no future.

Many wizards thought that they would surely die at this moment, so they couldn't help screaming.

The roar was full of unwillingness, and at the same time, there was a strong resentment.

Roaring and roaring, I found something was wrong.

The imaginary extinction did not come, but he was fascinated. In fact, everything in the real world is as usual.

His desperate roar was echoing non-stop, the scene was simply embarrassing.

After a little thought, you will understand the cause and effect.

Obviously, the attack of the ancestor of the Hades snake disturbed the rules and aroused the fear in the hearts of the wizards, which led to various hallucinations.

Immersed in hallucinations, almost unable to extricate myself.

It's just that on the battlefield at this moment, no one paid any attention to those wizards who were in a state of confusion, but stared blankly at the center of the battlefield.

The second attack of the ancestor of the Hades snake has come with a bang, and the scale is far greater than the first one.

But the protective magic circle remained unmoved.

The great formation covering the ancestral land of the Millers family is constantly turbulent and surging, as if there are thousands of zhang waves in the flat lake.

It felt like it was about to collapse, but after wobbling, it returned to normal again.

Like a breeze blowing across the water, waves were set off, but no trace was left behind.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing the safe and sound protective circle, many wizards looked confused, and their beliefs were severely hit.

The ancestor star is invincible in their hearts, and no one can fight against it.

But only today, they realize that they are too short-sighted, and there is no absolute thing in the world of practice.

The extremely powerful ancestor of the Hades snake launched two consecutive attacks, but failed to break through a protective circle.

Even the creator of the protective circle is also an ancestor star, but he has already fallen.

The star in the sky is now dimmed, and the followers' prayers have not been answered.

Although there is no official announcement, the wizards have already guessed that there is obviously a great change.

There is a great possibility that the rumors of the fall are true.

There is no way to break through the legacy of a fallen ancestor. Is the opponent too strong, or the ancestor of the Hades snake is too weak?
No one dared to ask more questions, nor did they dare to think too much, for fear that their thoughts would be sensed by the ancestor of the Hades snake and be smashed into pieces by the terrifying divine punishment.

Don't think that the protective circle cannot be broken. If you want to kill the wizards of the legion, you will definitely not do anything.

At this moment, the world returned to tranquility, and the surrounding fields were silent.

No one dared to speak out, and they all deliberately lowered their own sense of existence to avoid disasters affecting themselves.

In the ancestral land of the Millers family, a figure slowly lifted into the air, and looked at each other with the mountain-like three-headed giant snake.

Compared with the terrifying Hades snake, this figure is indeed very small, but no one dares to underestimate it.


Looking at the figure in front of him, a wizard muttered to himself, but his eyes were full of doubts.

As the elite of the Milles family, a well-known figure in the 27th ring area, many wizards have seen Millers.

As for his form information, it can be said that it is very clear.

But seeing each other again today, there is always a strange feeling, as if Millers has undergone a complete transformation.

What has changed is not the appearance, but the aura it possesses.

Although he is only a demigod, he has no fear at all in the face of the ancestor-level incarnation.

This performance alone is enough to make the opponent secretly praise.

No matter how difficult and dangerous they are, they never change their faces. It is a simple thing to say, but it is extremely difficult to do it.

Millers seemed to turn a blind eye to the gazes projected from all around him, and just looked at the ancestor of the Hades snake in front of him.

In the past, if he had the opportunity to see such a supreme existence, Milles might be trembling with excitement.

But today, looking at the terrifying and majestic ancestor of the Hades snake, he has unspeakable anger in his heart.

Millers had a guess in his heart that perhaps what happened to his family was related to this ancestor Xingchen.

It is very likely that the ancestor Xingchen is the behind-the-scenes supporter of the new Ring Lord, and he will spare no effort to kill the Millers family.

Millers couldn't help wondering whether the purpose of the other party's extermination was to prevent the rebirth of the family's ancestor?
When Millers thought of this, his eyes grew colder.

If this is the case, the extremely powerful ancestor Xingchen in front of him will be the life and death enemy of his family.

An ancestor-level enemy makes people tremble, but it also raises unspeakable excitement.

In Milles' heart, a strong fighting spirit rose up. He didn't care about the identity of the opponent, he only knew that he would go all out.

Maybe the current self is not the opponent of the ancestor of the Hades snake, but it doesn't matter.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and the ancestor of the Hades snake should have a long enough lifespan to wait for him to take revenge.

May the ancestor of the Millers family bless him, so that he can overcome obstacles all the way and have the ability to kill enemies as soon as possible.

It would be even better if the first ancestor could be reborn, but the Millers family also has greater hope of making a comeback.

As for whether he could fight against the ancestor of the Hades snake and save his own life, Milles didn't have any worries.

Before the two attacks of the ancestor of the Hades snake, Milles might still be worried, for fear that he would be blasted to pieces.

However, the protective magic circle left by the ancestor forcibly withstood the attack of the ancestor of the Hades snake, so that Milles was not affected in the slightest.

At the beginning, Millers was still shocked by the strength of the ancestor.

Although the ancestor has fallen, but the remaining prestige still exists, the protective magic circle designed and built can forcibly withstand the attack of the ancestor of the underworld snake!

However, after careful observation, Millers unexpectedly discovered that the facts were by no means what he had imagined.

Although the ancestor of the family was powerful, he would not be so outrageously strong, especially when he had already fallen.

Resisting an attack from the ancestor of the Hades snake surprised Millers, which can be attributed to the strength of the ancestor.

But when the second attack came, and it was the ancestor of the Hades snake who launched it with all his strength, the protective magic circle still easily resisted and dissolved it.

At this moment, Millers finally had doubts in his heart.

The protective magic circle left by his master ancestor is a bit too strong, which makes him feel very unreal.

In fact, Millers had already had similar doubts.

He felt that something was wrong before, how could the protective magic circle left by the ancestor of the family leave such a big loophole, and he could enter and exit freely only by holding the family token?

If it's fine at ordinary times, but once something happens, wouldn't it just let the enemy drive straight in?

As a result, after checking, it turned out that there was indeed such a setting, but the patriarch could temporarily close the passage.

It's just that the patriarch of the Millers family fell, and the authority was not passed down at all, which led to the existence of loopholes.

The enemy seized the opportunity and quickly launched an attack.

But the facts proved that the loophole was just a deliberately exposed trap, which cost the Wizard Legion a heavy price.

Combined with the previous anomalies, Millers came up with an astonishing guess that perhaps quietly, the family's protective circle had been secretly altered.

To be able to do this must also be at the ancestor level, otherwise there is no qualification for modification at all.

Millers, who discovered the truth, immediately became full of confidence. Even facing a strong man like the ancestor of the Hades snake, he still didn't have the slightest fear.

Because he knew very well that the powerful existence hidden behind the scenes would never let him die easily.

(End of this chapter)

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