I have a city in another world

Chapter 3671 Communication of the strongest

Chapter 3671 Communication of the strongest
"You're wrong!"

The voice of the ancestor of the Hades Snake came from the high and distant starry sky, and it was as cold and ruthless as imagined.

When I am the rule, all living beings are ants.

The icy eyes of the ancestor of Hades Snake seemed to be able to penetrate everything, see through Milles' reality and discover the secrets hidden in him.

"Your family, something is wrong!"

There was another sound, and there was a slight fluctuation.

"The protective circle also has problems."

This time, the voice already had emotions.

The previous two attacks failed to break through the protective circle of the Millers family, which made the ancestor of the Hades snake aware of the abnormality.

He cast more attention from an incomparably far away place, trying to figure out what happened.

The phantom of the giant snake that came before was just a consciousness of the ancestor of the Hades snake, and the two attacks were just routine.

Both attacks failed, which naturally attracted the deity's attention, because this is quite a rare thing.

After a closer look, something is really wrong.

There is obviously a huge problem with the protective circle in front of him, including the members of the Millers family who are sheltered.

There is a great possibility that it has been influenced by external forces.

Such behavior can be mild or serious, and it can be regarded as an intrusion when it is serious.

The ancestor of Hades Snake was full of surprise, he did not expect such a thing to happen in the world of wizards.

As the ancestor stars of the wizarding world, although they monitor the entire world, they do not keep an eye on them all the time.

It's like a king aloft, unable to focus on ordinary things, but has more important things to do.

Maintain the orderly operation, ensure the operation of the rules, and make various corresponding decisions.

As for other matters, there will be people under him to complete the solution.

Even if they need to take action, they must go through layers of checkpoints, and the final executor is just a consciousness.

It is almost impossible for the deity to do it himself.

Unless something different happens and the deity is alarmed, the consciousness will gather and descend on its own initiative.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Hades snake has a more majestic aura, and his eyes have become more agile.

Seeing this scene, the wizard below couldn't understand what happened, and couldn't help but become more and more excited.

Consciousness projection and consciousness descending are two completely different concepts. The former is just a puppet of routine, while the latter really pays attention to it.

One is a worker, and the other is a boss who visits in person, and the emphasis is completely different.

But it also shows that the Millers family has a big problem.

The disappointed wizards rekindled their confidence and maintained high expectations.

Faced with the question from the ancestor of the Hades snake, Milles remained indifferent, not afraid of being seen through.

"What is the relationship between you and Loucheng World?"

The ancestor of Hades Snake spoke again, his tone was cold and indescribably oppressive.

The wizards watching the battle all felt the terrifying pressure and couldn't help shivering.

Millers, who was targeted, should have suffered the greatest impact, and might even have an instant mental breakdown.

But the light of the protective magic circle flickered, blocking the terrifying coercion for Milles, keeping his expression as usual.

"There is indeed a problem."

The ancestor of Hades Snake said again, finally confirming his speculation.

"That Dimo ​​guy can't build a protective circle of this level, especially when he's already dead.

So it can be confirmed that you have taken refuge in Loucheng World.

There is such an operation, which is beyond my expectation, and I don't know if it is the backhand left by that guy..."

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Hades snake, Milles' eyes widened, because the other party had just mentioned the ancestor of the family.

There was no respect in the words, and it even made people feel that the fall of the ancestor had something to do with it.

Millers had such doubts for a long time, and at this moment, his heart was surging, unable to restrain the anger and impulse.

"So it was you who killed the ancestor of our clan, and then used conspiracy and tricks to cut off the possibility of his rebirth!"

Regardless of whether there is a backer behind him or not, when encountering such a thing, Millers will question it.

He must express an attitude to strengthen his confidence.

So what about the ancestor of the Hades snake, as long as he is an enemy, he doesn't need to care about the other party's identity.

The strong identity of the enemy will inevitably increase the difficulty of revenge, but it will definitely not affect Millers' determination to revenge.

Faced with Millers' questioning, the ancestor of Hades snake remained expressionless, as if he heard the barking of wild dogs.

How could an existence like him talk to Millers?

The previous talking to himself was just a habit, and he didn't care whether other people heard it or not.

There is no need to respond, and there is no need to respond at all.

Existences at the level of the ancestor stars will not be influenced by others at all. They only believe in their own judgment and do what they want to do.

But this time, it was obviously an exception.

The ancestor of Hades snake looked at Milles, and actually answered his question.

"It's not necessary to kill him, but to use the opportunity to make it impossible for him to avoid death.

To put it bluntly, he was also greedy, coveting things that shouldn't be touched, and finally killed himself. "

The ancestor of Hades Snake didn't explain too much. It is actually not easy to tell these secrets.

At least let Millers understand that when his ancestor was doing something, something unexpected happened.

The accident had a chance to be resolved, but the ancestor of the Hades snake took the opportunity to cut off all the vitality of the ancestor.

According to this statement, the ancestor of Hades Snake is still an enemy, but his own ancestors are also somewhat to blame.

Even though he was already an ancestor-level existence, he still dared to take such a life-and-death adventure, and was seized by the enemy to plot against him.

The death of Millers' ancestor was not very glorious.

The leader of the Millers family was also implicated in this incident, which started the beginning of the family's decline.

Millers wanted to know more, but the ancestor of Hades Snake didn't bother to answer, or he didn't care about Millers from the beginning to the end.

What really caught his attention was still the existence behind the Millers family.

This is an object that can communicate on an equal footing, and Millers is also qualified to participate because of the existence of the other party.

"So, what result do you want?"

The communication partner of the ancestor of Hades at this moment is the existence behind the scenes of Milles.

Millers also knew that this question was not asked of himself, and he was not qualified to answer it.

Even at this moment, he couldn't even open his mouth, and seemed to have turned into a real stone.

Soon there was a voice coming from Millers' mouth, which seemed calm and indifferent.

The wizards around watching the battle suddenly held their breath and concentrated.

They all know that the voice does not belong to Millers, but the real mastermind behind the scenes.

This kind of top-level communication is not so fancy, and it has always been straight to the point.

"It's just for the monks of Loucheng to seek justice."

Hearing the answer given by Milles, the ancestor of Hades snake's eyes became colder and colder, smelling the hidden hostility behind him.

"What Loucheng monk, could it be this wizard?"

The eyes of the ancestor of the Hades snake once again fell on Milles, and compared with the previous indifference, now he has a little more scrutiny.

It seems that they did not expect that such an insignificant existence as Millers could cause such a huge wave.

It's not that Millers is so special, it's just that he meets the conditions the most, that's why he was selected as a pawn.

The existence behind the scenes really wants to achieve a certain purpose, even if Millers does not show up, a more suitable substitute can still be found.

(End of this chapter)

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