I have a city in another world

Chapter 3672 Seeking revenge or invasion?

Chapter 3672 Seeking revenge or invasion?

There is no place that is more realistic than the practice world.

The rules of the jungle are everywhere, and practitioners who seem to do whatever they want cannot escape the restrictions of the rules.

The strong make the rules, the followers enforce the rules, and the weak are subject to the rules.

Rules and principles are the toys of monks.

When strength remains absolutely suppressed, there is no need to pay attention to reason when doing things, and everything can be done as one wants.

When the power is evenly matched, it is often necessary to talk about "reason".

Of course, whether this way is reasonable or not is completely a matter of opinion. In fact, most of the time, it is just to find an excuse.

As long as there is reason, there is also a reason to do it.

Tang Zhen is speaking the truth first, and if he is not satisfied, he will flip the table.

After listening to Tang Zhen's answer, a strange feeling immediately arose in the heart of the ancestor of the underworld snake.

Since when did the wizarding world degenerate to such an extent that it could be provoked with such a poor excuse?

Is the enemy's strength too strong, or the wizard world has not shown its edge for a long time, making competitors forget the wizard's illustrious reputation?
"Loucheng World, is it going to declare war on the Wizarding World?"

When the ancestor of Hades Snake talks, he always likes to point directly to the core, because there is no need to go round and round.

The simplicity of the avenue can always be clearly reflected in these powerful people.

At this moment, all wizards pricked up their ears, and no one wanted to miss the answer.

Regarding the answer to this question, one must be cautious, because it is very likely to set off a plane war.

Under the glazed tree, Tang Zhen was talking with the ancestor of the Hades Snake using Milles as a medium.

In this matter, the ancestor of Hades Snake can ask casually, but Tang Zhen must be cautious in answering.

He is not qualified to represent Loucheng World, not even the Fourth War Zone, otherwise he will have to bear the corresponding consequences.

Tang Zhen can only represent himself, or the Fissure Territory, to seek accountability from the wizarding world.

There must be a perfect account of the affairs of the Millers family, otherwise he will never let it go.

Anyone can see that Tang Zhen's intention is to deliberately trouble the wizarding world, but how to characterize it is very important.

If it was only Tang Zhen's private behavior, then his actions would have nothing to do with Loucheng World. Even if he was killed by Wizard World, Loucheng World would never be held accountable.

This is tantamount to a martial artist coming to kick the gym. If someone is beaten to death as a martial artist, it can only be regarded as what he deserves.

Once things are defined, it will be much easier to operate again.

Admitting that it is a private act is tantamount to blocking the escape route. If Tang Zhen borrows external force, it means that Loucheng World is secretly supporting him.

When that time comes, there will be another story.

I believe that it won't be long before the eyes of these ancestor stars will appear about Tang Zhen and the situation of the fissure territory.

Whether or not Tang Zhen violated the rules can certainly be easily determined.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the eyes of the ancestor of Hades Snake were cold. This was obviously not the answer he wanted.

In the eyes of the ancestor of the Hades snake, Tang Zhen's provocative behavior is clearly a deliberate temptation of Loucheng World.

It was just to prevent the situation from getting worse, so from the very beginning, the matter was characterized as a private dispute.

But this is also good, it means that the situation is easier to control, so that the wizarding world will not be affected too much.

Once there was confusion, they would fall into the tricks of monk Loucheng.

As the ancestor star on duty, the ancestor of Hades snake has the right to make decisions, and his orders will be carried out.

The wizards watching the battle all around were looking at the ancestor of the Hades snake, waiting for his decision.

Through all kinds of scattered information, they already know the cause and effect.

In the Millers family, there was indeed an ancestor Xingchen, but he fell due to an accident.

Including the previous ring master and the patriarch of the Millers family, they were all implicated.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, the ancestor of the Hades snake did not deny his actions, which was beyond the expectations of the wizards.

Turning my head and thinking about it, I felt that it should be taken for granted.

A supreme being like this doesn't even bother to deny what he has done. Even if the matter is known, no one can do anything to them.

Although the wizards were extremely shocked, they still pretended to be calm, knowing that this was definitely not something they could comment on.

Especially at this moment, it cannot be mentioned casually, so as not to be perceived by the ancestor of the Hades snake.

In order to prevent the rebirth of the ancestor of the Milles family, the ancestor of the Hades issued an order that the Milles family must be wiped out.

This is a trivial matter in the eyes of the ancestor of Hades Serpent, as long as the order is issued, those spokespersons will properly execute it.

The new ring master is the vanguard against the Millers family and also the main executor of the order.

The suppressed Millers family quickly withered and disintegrated, and the situation became more and more difficult.

For such a result, the wizards could only sigh, and more enemies secretly rejoiced.

With the escalation of suppression, the destruction of the Millers family is actually only a matter of time.

Just under the desperate situation, the Millers family had secret communication with Loucheng World through the Super Mall.

For their own safety and to preserve the family's blood inheritance, the Millers family joined the Loucheng World.

Now, it is even taking advantage of the Loucheng World to hold the Wizarding World accountable, and wants to seek justice.

After figuring out the cause and effect, the wizards also have their own ideas, some sympathize with the Millers family, but more are angry.

They didn't ask about the injustice suffered by the Millers family. They only knew that the Millers family defected to the Loucheng World, and their current behavior was considered a provocative invasion.

This is a betrayal of the wizarding world and must be punished with the harshest punishment.

Regarding the honor of the wizarding world, there must be no compromise at all, otherwise monks in Loucheng will look down on them.

"Raze the Millers family to the ground!"

Suddenly a wizard shouted loudly, although his strength was low, it immediately attracted countless echoes.

These wizards looked angry, as if their beliefs had been offended, and their faces were distorted like evil spirits.

The weaker the wizard, the more angry he was about this matter, because what happened to the Millers family was equivalent to revealing the cruel truth of the wizarding world.

The awakening of the ideal dream made these young wizards angry, thinking that it was the existence of the Millers family that made all the good things dirty.

As long as the Millers family is removed, the stain will be wiped clean, and the wizarding world in their hearts will be restored to perfection.

This kind of self-deception is actually to avoid the damage of Dao Xin, and even lose the motivation of self-confidence.

In contrast to the powerful wizards, their performance is relatively flat, as if they are outsiders.

There are even some wizards who are ready to watch, no matter who is right or wrong, they just don't want to take this muddy water.

They all looked at the ancestor of Hades, as the highest decision-maker in the wizarding world, his statement will determine the development of the situation.

Under the attention of all the people, the ancestor of Hades Snake snorted coldly.

"Everything about the Millers family is rooted in me. As for whether you can get justice, it depends on whether you have that ability."

The words of the ancestor of the Hades snake are equivalent to judging the nature of this matter.

This was a personal grievance, it did not involve plane invasion, and it was only between him and Tang Zhen.

The advantage of doing this is to leave room for buffering for both parties, otherwise, the wizards must not sit idly by in the face of Tang Zhen's invasion.

With the mobilization of all wizarding worlds, Loucheng World will inevitably respond, which leads to a rapid escalation of the situation.

This kind of uncontrolled chaotic scene and meaningless war is definitely not the result that the top leaders of both sides want to see.

The answer given by the ancestor of the Hades Snake was in line with Tang Zhen's previous conjecture, and it was also the result he wanted.

Millers, who was controlled by Tang Zhen, showed a faint smile at this moment.

"Since this is the case, please give me an explanation, otherwise this matter will never be let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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