I have a city in another world

Chapter 3702 Mutations of the Millers Family

Chapter 3702 Mutations of the Millers Family
The wizard army of the 27th ring is facing a huge crisis, and a tragic war may break out at any time.

Faced with a huge crisis, many legion wizards have no intention of fighting.

The strong victory of the secret wizard is enough to make the wizards of the legion feel terrified, and the wizard towers that are constantly being pulled down and destroyed make the wizards of the legion completely lose their trust in the government.

Such 27 rings are no longer worth asking them to protect.

Just at the time of the crisis, another rumor emerged.

It is rumored that the previous ring master of the 27th ring, that is, the patriarch of the Millers family, was actually framed to death.

Today's ring masters, including the ancestor of Hades, are actually behind the scenes of the same camp.

They colluded with each other and finally succeeded in their conspiracy, but they plunged the 27th ring into turmoil.

Now that they are needed to turn the tide and resolve this crisis, the culprits have disappeared without a trace.

Including the ancestor of the Hades snake and the newly appointed ring master, there was no movement at all.

The official wizards of the 27th ring were all involved and became the most innocent victims.

The culprit is at large, and he doesn't care about this matter, what he has done is extremely shameless!
After the news spread, it immediately caused a huge turmoil, and the wizards of the legion were extremely angry.

It dawned on them, they felt cheated and cheated, and their hearts were filled with smoldering anger.

When the secret wizard rioted and besieged the wizard tower before, the legion wizards all received a message for help.

But even so, no legion wizard returned to rescue.

It's not that they are afraid of fighting, but that the military order is so high that the wizards of the legion are not allowed to ask for leave at all.

The wizards of the legion were very anxious, always paying attention to the news from the outside world, for fear that the wizard tower they were in would be destroyed.

But such cruel news came one after another, making the legion wizards extremely painful.

They naturally attributed this hatred to the secret wizard, wishing to use the cruelest means to kill these damned enemies.

Today's secret wizards have gathered, and a big battle may break out at any time, and the wizards of the legion are also ready to fight desperately.

They want to kill the secret wizard, and use it to pay homage to the wizard tower they belong to, as well as those fellow teachers and friends who have unfortunately fallen.

The Wizard Legion also took the opportunity to build momentum, constantly inciting hatred, in exchange for greater cohesion.

As a result, at this moment, the secret was exposed, and the morale of the army immediately fluctuated.

Feeling fooled, the wizards of the legion, without any fighting spirit, asked the commander to give an explanation.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the generals of the Wizard Legion also began to panic.

Despite the constant explanations and suppression, the rumors intensified and the situation got worse.

The ancestor of the Hades snake had already admitted that the downfall of the ancestor of the Millers family was related to him, and this matter could not be faked at all.

Today's ring master of the 27th ring, there are also many doubts about his position, and he has been opposed by many wizards.

The 27 rings who suddenly came to the top, never officially showed up, and have been hidden behind the scenes.

Such a ring master is naturally unpopular.

Many legion priests have been dissatisfied with this for a long time, but they have never had the chance to attack.

Now it is a collective request, and the new ring master immediately appeared to explain this matter.

Civil strife happened first before the war started. This is definitely a taboo for military strategists.

The commanders of the legion became more and more worried. If this matter cannot be resolved, why should they confront the wandering wizard?

The change that happened to the wizard army immediately attracted the attention of the secret wizard, and the tendency to attack became more and more obvious.

They wander around and explore all day long, looking for various loopholes, and preparing for the upcoming war.

They didn't do it right away, but they lacked the confidence to win. They were all thinking about winning or losing in a battle.

As time passed, more and more secret wizards arrived on the battlefield, and the confidence to win became stronger.

Some wizards work alone, but most of them form a team. Because they have been fighting on the battlefield all the time, they are all murderous.

The rewards given by the Super Mall made them look for opportunities to attack like hungry wolves.

Just when the two sides were facing each other, those wizards who were far away from the war and had been practicing practice were now caught in a dilemma.

They wanted to avoid war, but found it inevitable.

As long as they are in this area, they will inevitably be affected by the war, but they are very reluctant to leave this place.

What's more, in the current state, you can't leave if you want to. You have to go through the blockade of the wizard legion, and then you have to face those crazy secret wizards.

No matter which side of the forces, they are all soldiers now, and they must not be easily contacted and provoked.

Otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, life may be lost.

Among this group of seekers, there are both official wizards and secret wizards, who come from various rings in the wizarding world.

They have no intention of participating in the war, but only to pursue the Dao, but they are still involved in this wave.

Although my heart was full of grief and indignation, there was nothing I could do.

Seeing that the war was approaching, seekers began to gather together out of self-preservation.

They know that their own strength is weak and they cannot fight against the two camps at all, so they can only find ways to unite to protect themselves.

As pure seekers, they don't have a black and white concept, and they don't judge by identification.

So in this area, secret wizards and official wizards can coexist peacefully, and even sit and talk about it.

It's just the trend of the times, so they have to make a choice.

Either join their respective camps, or be forced to choose to cooperate and become a neutral organization mixed between the two camps.

After all, apart from this, there is no third way to go.

Just when the seekers were panicked and didn't know what to do, a sudden change occurred in the Millers family.

The so-called indestructible protective circle that originally covered the family's ancestral land unexpectedly chose to close without warning.

The ancestral land of the Millers family is displayed in front of the world without any cover, and anyone can enter and exit freely.

The sudden change immediately attracted the attention of the outside world, and they couldn't figure out what happened.

The God-King War that happened last time was enough to deter all enemies, and they dared not provoke the Millers family easily.

Including the legion wizards, they just besieged and did not attack, so as not to suffer another fatal blow.

During this period of silence, the outside world gradually ignored this wizard family that once shocked the world, but suddenly became extremely low-key.

Now that the two sides are about to start a war, the Millers family suddenly withdraws the protective circle, which is absolutely abnormal.

The wizards' first feeling was that the Millers family was trying to make trouble.

With a god-king strongman sitting in the town, and even defeated an ancestor Xingchen, the ancestral land of the Millers family can be called the most dangerous place on the 27th ring.

Even the eyes of the entire wizarding world are paying attention to this area. If there is any disturbance, it will attract the attention of those ancestor stars.

I'm afraid that the commotion here will have an impact on the wizarding world.

Even the two opposing camps have turned their attention to the Millers family.

They all want to know, at this critical moment, what is the purpose of the Millers family's operations?
Not long after, members of the Millers family appeared and announced a message to the outside world.

From now on, the Millers family will recruit unlimited wizards, and anyone who joins the ancestral land will be able to receive the protection of the god king.

(End of this chapter)

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