I have a city in another world

Chapter 3703 The evil god who applied to join

Chapter 3703 The evil god who applied to join

The news released by the Millers family immediately caused an uproar.

A big battle is about to start, and there will inevitably be countless casualties. I didn't expect such an accident to happen at such a time.

Even more dramatic than the war.

For those wizards who do not want to fight and try to avoid this war, this news is definitely a blessing from heaven.

Let them be in a dilemma, and there is a brand new choice.

It's just that the current Millers family has taken refuge in the Loucheng World and can no longer be a member of the Wizarding World.

If you join it, it is tantamount to leaving the wizarding world.

Many wizards hate the decaying and old wizarding world, but they must become hesitant to let them leave.

They expect the wizarding world to change, even if the hope is slim, they are willing to wait silently.

Even if they could change their destiny immediately by joining the Loucheng World, they would still have a lot of worries.

What's more, the current situation of the Millers family is not safe at all, and the ancestor Xingchen is always monitoring them.

Maybe at any time, it will suffer an extinct blow.

Under such special circumstances, choosing to join the Millers family was indeed not a wise choice.

Because there is a great possibility, this is a dead end.

But if you don't choose to join, you may be swept away by the war, and you will also die at that time.

The wizards are in a dilemma, and they don't know how to make a choice.

This is just the distress of ordinary wizards. For those who understand the world of Loucheng but suffer from no way to join, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Everyone knows that the Millers family has taken refuge in the Loucheng world, and the new owner is still a strong man at the level of a god king.

Joining the Millers family is equivalent to directly joining the Loucheng world.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to join the world of Loucheng, you can't find a way at all.

Because the selection of monks in Loucheng is almost all carried out inside the war zone, and few outside monks are recruited.

If the monks who invaded the world performed well, they could be listed as candidates for recruitment.

The higher the level of the war zone, the more difficult it is for foreign monks to join.

When these beings heard the news, they were first surprised, followed by unspeakable excitement.

For these existences, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be easily missed.

When this news was sent out, the nearest wizards were still hesitating to guess, but some existences had already flown in.

They were so anxious that they raced against the clock one by one, for fear that if they slowed down a little, they would miss this rare opportunity.

There are official wizards and secret wizards, but the most powerful and mysterious existences are not accepted by the wizarding world.

An opportunity came, causing shock in all directions.

The wizards gathered near the Millers family, near the water tower, are still hesitating.

They are still waiting and watching, not wanting to make a decision so quickly, lest they regret later.

Most of the practice organizations of this type have strict rules, and it is definitely not that you can join or quit if you want to.

If they had to make a choice, between the building city world and the wizard world, the secret wizards would prefer the latter.

Although the secret wizards hated the official wizards, if they had a choice, they would join them without hesitation.

After all, in their eyes, the official represents the orthodoxy of the wizarding family.

There are also many secret wizards who are used to being free and undisciplined. Once they join a restricted organization, they will feel very uncomfortable.

So they hesitate, just can't make up their minds.

Until now, the secret wizards believed that the Millers family's recruitment order was aimed at themselves.

But what happened next surprised all the onlookers.

Just a few hours after the recruitment order was issued, there were powerful auras approaching the Millers family one after another.

Both the Wizard Legion and the secret wizards immediately confirmed the identity of these breaths.

Unknown gods are at least at the level of witch gods.

The appearance of these unknown gods immediately caused an uproar. No one knew which camp they belonged to, but they would definitely have an impact on the outcome of the war.

However, before confirming their identities, no one wanted to conflict with the other party, so they all avoided the other party's advance route.

Knowing that the gods are going to pass by, but still blocking them deliberately, this is a kind of disrespect and provocation.

If it is replaced by a god with a tyrannical temperament, severe punishment is likely to be imposed, and it is not uncommon to lose one's life.

The more secret and rare gods are, the more they have etiquette that pays more attention to this aspect. Perhaps this is a kind of strong self-esteem and vanity.

They won't show up easily, but once they do, they have to give face.

Whoever does not give face is the enemy.

Between the enemy and us, a passage was successfully opened, directly reaching the Millers family.

As for those seekers, they had already dodged to a safe area, and they couldn't afford to offend such an existence.

Under the eyes of everyone, these gathered gods appeared one after another at the door of the Milles family.

In the next instant, they turned into real forms again, with strange and terrifying appearances.

Ordinary people only need to take a look at it, and they will completely fall into madness and collapse, and finally die in despair.

Even powerful wizards dare not look directly at such a powerful existence, otherwise it will inevitably take a long time to dissolve the influence of the rule power on the soul.

Not all gods like to use torture methods to show their strength, which will only make people fear and disgust.

The ancestor stars of the wizarding world, they will only release the power of orthodox rules, so that the monks who believe in themselves can get attribute increases.

Even if you see your real body, you will definitely not suffer from negative effects and suffer from all kinds of pain.

The comparison between the two highlights the horror and horror of the heresy of the evil god, which is actually the conspiracy of the ancestor Xingchen.

They can only hide in the abyss of purgatory all day long, or in dark and dark corners, lingering under the pressure of the ancestor stars.

After revealing their figures, these powerful and weird existences began to report themselves one after another.

"Land of Forgotten, Gatekeeper Naruchis, request to join the Millers family!"

"Abyss of Depravity, Hallworth the Whisperer, please join the Millers family!"

"Ghost Village, Inspector Barbeauf, request to join the Millers family!"

One voice after another echoed over the ancestral land, and these strange and low-key existences reported their real names one after another.

This is an expression of sincerity, showing that one is sincerely willing to join, and there is no deceit or falsehood.

Seeing those terrifying figures applying to join the Millers family one after another, the hearts of the onlookers were turbulent.

Originally, they were still thinking about whether they could join the Millers family, and who would choose to join?

At this moment, there is already an answer.

The evil gods and outer gods who condensed their godheads but were not recognized by the wizarding world in front of them were the best candidates for recruitment.

Joining the Millers family and becoming a member of the wizarding world is exactly the opportunity they dreamed of.

As long as you successfully join, you can change your body and exist under the sun in an open and aboveboard manner.

This is of great help to their spiritual growth, and they no longer have to worry about being bullied and suppressed.

Compared with these evil gods and outer gods who have the power of gods but are not well-known, the secret wizards are not worth mentioning at all.

Originally he was still hesitating, guessing what kind of secret wizard the Millers family was, but now he felt extremely ashamed.

Some secret wizards are very proud of themselves and hesitate to join, but compared with these evil gods and outer gods, they find that they are not worth mentioning at all.

It was only at this moment that it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps from the very beginning, secret wizards were not the main recruiting targets.

They have always been self-righteous. In fact, the targets recruited by the Millers family are those evil gods and outer gods who are not recognized by the wizarding world, but possess great strength.

(End of this chapter)

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