I have a city in another world

Chapter 3770 Little Wizard's Dream

Chapter 3770 Little Wizard's Dream
In the borderlands, darkness and light confront each other.

In order to facilitate management, some exits were set up in Spirit Bone City to facilitate the entry and exit of monks and wizards in Loucheng.

In addition to other places, a powerful rune circle is arranged, and it is absolutely not allowed to enter and leave casually.

If you dare to break through, you have to be prepared to lose your life.

Confronting monk Loucheng is definitely the most enjoyable way to kill. You can see how many dead souls have been killed under the sword by looking at the substantive murderous aura.

If you follow the rules, there will never be monks in Loucheng who make things difficult for you, but if you want to engage in crooked ways, you must be prepared to lose your head.

Killed enough wizards, definitely not missing one or two, if it is really necessary, what about massacring the city and destroying the country?
Having seen the methods of monks in Loucheng, few wizards dare to break the rules, and all of them are terribly well-behaved.

If you can't beat it, you still dare to pretend to be aggressive. If you don't destroy it, who will you destroy?
Now all the exits are bustling with excitement.

Many wizards teamed up and entered the dark place together, just to have a care for each other.

When someone is injured, if someone can pull him up, there is a possibility of survival.

Partners sometimes mean the protection of life.

And the wizard has just returned, his face is full of joy of harvest.

Exploration has just begun, as long as you enter the dark place, you will definitely have a rich harvest.

There are also groups of Loucheng monks gathered in front of the passage, preparing to enter the dark place.

Spectacular teleportation arrays glowed from time to time, and then the sombre wizards and Loucheng monks teleported out, with weak and frightened expressions on their faces.

Judging from their state, one can tell that the area shrouded in boundless darkness is indeed extremely dangerous.


Seeing the friar who was teleported back in a bad state, Leiter felt a little nervous.

Turning his head to look into the boundless darkness, he vaguely saw a big face slowly appearing from the darkness.

This face is extremely ferocious, greedily looking at the wizard of the power of light, as if to devour all living beings.

If at this moment, a ray of light appeared, it would directly penetrate the terrifying head.

With a howl, everything became calm.

Leiter has seen scenes like this many times, and he is no longer as frightened as he was at the beginning.

He is a secret wizard, but he has never entered the wizard tower, but was accepted as a disciple by a secret wizard.

Although the time was not long, he had a vivid understanding of the difficulties of the secret wizard.

After less than three years of practice, he encountered a plane invasion, and Leiter joined the invader camp under the leadership of his master.

In the days that followed, he fought and fought every day, but he was able to obtain rich cultivation resources.

For monks, this is the biggest motivation.

As a rookie, Leiter followed his master and brothers to perform tasks and attacked wizard towers one after another.

I followed the soy sauce all the way, and I didn't suffer much damage, and I also got a lot of benefits along the way.

Compared with other ring areas, the wizards of the 27th ring are indeed lucky.

Following a group of fallen gods, unknown evil gods and outer gods, and unknown god kings and strongmen, the official wizards were put into a state of distress.

Even the ring master was killed, and the sky lantern was lit in the secret place.

Among the more than 300 rings in the wizarding world, only the official wizards of the 27th ring suffered the most severe losses.

There is not a single official wizard tower left, [-]% of the official wizards have been wiped out, and the rest are either forced to surrender or try to hide.

During a certain war, Lei Te was separated from his master and brothers, and then he never got in touch with him again.

This made Lei Te very worried, wondering if there is still a possibility of meeting in this chaotic environment?

Fortunately, after a period of tempering, Leiter has grown up and knows how to survive.

In the first period of time, Lei Te picked up bones around Spirit Bone City, and then sent them to Spirit Bone City in exchange for points.

During that time, Leiter opened his eyes and had a goal to strive for.

He wants to join Spirit Bone City and become a Loucheng monk.

The goal is very clear, but it must be extremely difficult to achieve it.

Leiter was unwilling to give up and began to work hard for his dream.He always kept in mind the teacher's teachings, and when setting goals for himself, he must set them as high as possible.

In Leiter's view at this time, becoming a Loucheng monk is a very lofty goal.

Because of his lofty goals, Leiter worked harder when working and practicing, and was very active in picking up bones.

However, it didn't take long for the surrounding bones to be picked up, and Rhett could only be forced to go further afield.

But soon he found that even in the distance, he couldn't pick up the bones, and there were more and more competitors.

This made Lei Te very worried. If it develops according to this situation, God knows how long it will take to accumulate enough combat points to join Loucheng?
Fortunately, it didn't take long before new news came, which gave the confused Leiter hope.

In the land shrouded in darkness, there are precious bones all over the place. Driven by the mysterious power, they crawled from the depths of the earth to the ground one after another.

As long as you kill them, it is a huge income.

There are also countless treasures scattered in the darkness, waiting for those who are destined to pick them up.

In addition to bones and natural treasures, being able to escort the aborigines out of the dark area can also get rich rewards.

In a word, as long as you have enough skills, you can earn enough wealth in the dark land.

Stimulated by various rumors, Leiter finally made up his mind that he must go to the dark land for a while.

If you miss this opportunity, you will definitely regret it.

After selling the last batch of bones, Leiter went straight to the teleportation array, and came to the place where light and darkness meet thousands of miles away.

According to the information he obtained, Leiter bought a teleportation talisman, and his original savings were running low.

But Rhett was not in a hurry to act, he was going to wait for a while and inquire about more news about the Dark Land.

A team composed of many wizards chose to follow the monks of Loucheng, so as to obtain a higher chance of safety.

With the monks of Loucheng clearing the way ahead, the fierce monsters were basically wiped out, and the wizards only needed to follow behind to pick up the leaks.

Although it won't get much benefit, it can guarantee the safety of life.

Although encountering a fatal threat, you can teleport back to the Land of Light, but you need to pay a huge price.

Perhaps the gains from the entire expedition are not enough to cover the cost of one healing.

Wizards all know that they dare to talk about making money if they can come back alive.

It's just that most of the areas that the monks of Loucheng went to were extremely dangerous. If they kept following them, it was very likely that they would lose their lives.

Moreover, the speed of the monks in Loucheng is also disorderly, and there is a possibility of being thrown off at any time.

But even so, there are still many wizards who choose to follow the monks of Loucheng, just to get more security.

For a low-level monk like Leiter who wants to enter the dark place, it is an excellent choice to follow the monk Loucheng.

Just following the monk Loucheng also said that you must not follow indiscriminately.

A team that is too strong must not follow, that would be courting death.

This kind of expedition team specially chooses dangerous routes to travel, and the speed is extremely fast, and they will be lost if they are not careful.

The strength is neither strong nor weak, and the team with similar strength is the best choice for wizards.

It's just that the monks in Loucheng are too strong, and those who enter the dark place are all masters, basically they don't meet Leiter's requirements.

After a few days of delay, no action was taken.

Just when Leiter was about to give up and was about to follow any team, the light of the teleportation array lit up again.

Crowds of young monks, all fully armed, appeared in front of Leiter one after another.

Looking at their equipment and posture, one knew that they were definitely going to enter the dark place for training.

Lake and the other wizards who were waiting immediately became excited, their eyes sparkling.

Because they know that this is the opportunity they have been waiting for.

Not long after refining the teleportation talisman, the young monks entered the dark place.

The secret wizard who had been waiting for a long time also followed closely behind the team, turning the expedition team into a long dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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